#!/usr/bin/env sh set -e if ! [ -d "/etc/anastasis" ]; then echo -e " \x1b[0;31;1mFATAL\x1b[0m Anastasis-Docker needs /etc/anastasis mounted. If you're calling docker directly, pass '-v ./anastasis-config:/etc/anastasis' to docker run If you're using a docker compose, add the below to the service: volumes: - ./anastasis-config:/etc/anastasis:rw" 1>&2; exit 1; fi; if ! [ -f "/etc/anastasis/anastasis.conf" ]; then echo -e "\x1b[0;33;1mWARN\x1b[0m Anastasis-Docker needs /etc/anastasis/anastasis.conf. If you're seeing this for the first time after setting up a volume binding, simply continue by modifying your config. A config was just created for you! :) Otherwise, see below for information on adding a volume binding: If you're calling docker directly, pass '-v ./anastasis-config:/etc/anastasis' to docker run If you're using a docker compose, add the below to the service: volumes: - ./anastasis-config:/etc/anastasis:rw" 1>&2; echo '[anastasis] SERVE = tcp PORT = 9977 [stasis-postgres] CONFIG = postgres://user:pass@ ' > fi; anastasis-dbinit -c /etc/anastasis/anastasis.conf anastasis-httpd -c /etc/anastasis/anastasis.conf $@