server { listen 443 ssl; listen [::]:443 ssl; ## listen for ipv4; this line is default and implied # listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; ## listen for ipv6 # Temporary, as this is doesn't do i18n root /home/docbuilder/landing/docs/; # Make site accessible from http://localhost/ server_name; include conf.d/talerssl; location / { autoindex off; ssi off; # ssi_last_modified on; } location /code/exchange { alias /home/docbuilder/build/exchange/doxygen; } location /code/merchant { alias /home/docbuilder/build/merchant-backend/doxygen; } location /onboarding { alias /home/docbuilder/build/onboarding/; } location /bank { alias /home/docbuilder/build/bank/manual; } location /exchange { alias /home/docbuilder/build/exchange/manual; } location /merchant/backend { alias /home/docbuilder/build/merchant-backend/manual; } location /merchant/frontend { alias /home/docbuilder/build/merchant-frontend/; } location /api { autoindex off; alias /home/docbuilder/build/api/html; } # Associated to /api route. location /_static { alias /home/docbuilder/api/html/_static; } location /current/merchant-backend { root /var/www/merchant/doc/; rewrite (/current/merchant-backend)/(.*) /$2 break; } location /current/merchant-shop/php { root /var/www/merchant-frontend-examples/php/doc/; rewrite (/current/merchant-shop/php)/(.*) /$2 break; } location /current/merchant-shop/python { root /var/www/merchant-frontend-examples/python/doc/; rewrite (/current/merchant-shop/python)/(.*) /$2 break; } include conf.d/favicon_robots; }