diff options
authorms <>2021-09-18 10:12:03 +0200
committerms <>2021-09-18 10:12:03 +0200
commit5cad11a7af440119ddc9d74b31856bf54a6b0a2a (patch)
parent737f6f1190d58686e1cea24eaf1b8c36648d5f26 (diff)
deploy with payto://sepa
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/taler-deployment-config-instances-iban b/bin/taler-deployment-config-instances-iban
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8363221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/taler-deployment-config-instances-iban
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+This script makes sure that the merchant backend instances used by the
+test/demo environment are created.
+We assume that the merchant backend is running, and that the "~/activate"
+file has been sourced to provide the right environment variables.
+import requests
+from os import environ, system
+from sys import exit
+from urllib.parse import urljoin
+from subprocess import Popen
+from time import sleep
+import psutil
+from getpass import getuser
+ibans = dict(
+ default = "FR1420041010050500013M02678",
+ # Must match the IBAN given in the prepare script, called IBAN_MERCHANT.
+ blog = "FR1420041010050500013M02606",
+def expect_env(name):
+ val = environ.get(name)
+ if not val:
+ print(f"{name} not defined. Please source the ~/activate file.")
+ exit(1)
+ return val
+def wait_merchant_up():
+ # Check it started correctly and it is ready to serve requests.
+ checks = 10
+ url = urljoin(MERCHANT_BACKEND_BASE_URL, "/config")
+ print("Check URL: {}".format(url))
+ while checks > 0:
+ try:
+ resp = requests.get(url, timeout=5)
+ except Exception:
+ print("Merchant unreachable")
+ sleep(1)
+ checks -= 1
+ continue
+ if resp.status_code != 200:
+ sleep(1)
+ checks -= 1
+ continue
+ # Ready.
+ print("Merchant is up and running")
+ return True
+ if checks == 0:
+ print("Merchant is not correctly serving requests.")
+ return False
+authorization_header = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {TALER_ENV_FRONTENDS_APITOKEN}"}
+# Unused at the moment.
+def ensure_instance(instance_id, name, payto_uris, auth):
+ resp = requests.get(
+ urljoin(MERCHANT_BACKEND_BASE_URL, f"management/instances/{instance_id}"),
+ headers = authorization_header
+ )
+ # Instance exists, we PATCH the auth just in case it changed.
+ if resp.status_code == 200:
+ if instance_id != "Tutorial":
+ print(f"Patching (auth of) instance '{instance_id}'")
+ patch_resp =
+ f"management/instances/{instance_id}/auth"),
+ json=auth,
+ headers = authorization_header
+ )
+ if patch_resp.status_code < 200 or patch_resp.status_code >= 300:
+ print(f"Failed to update auth of '{instance_id}', backend responds: {patch_resp.status_code}/{patch_resp.text}")
+ exit(1)
+ return
+ print(f"Instance '{instance_id}' not found, trying to create it.")
+ req = dict(
+ id=instance_id,
+ name=name,
+ payto_uris=payto_uris,
+ address=dict(),
+ jurisdiction=dict(),
+ default_max_wire_fee=f"{TALER_CONFIG_CURRENCY}:1",
+ default_wire_fee_amortization=3,
+ default_max_deposit_fee=f"{TALER_CONFIG_CURRENCY}:1",
+ default_wire_transfer_delay=dict(d_ms="forever"),
+ default_pay_delay=dict(d_ms="forever"),
+ auth=auth,
+ )
+ create_resp =
+ urljoin(MERCHANT_BACKEND_BASE_URL, "management/instances"),
+ json=req,
+ headers = authorization_header
+ )
+ if create_resp.status_code < 200 or create_resp.status_code >= 300:
+ print(f"Could not create instance '{instance_id}', backend responds: {create_resp.status_code}/{create_resp.text}")
+ exit(1)
+def is_merchant_running():
+ for proc in psutil.process_iter():
+ if == "taler-merchant-httpd" and proc.username() == getuser():
+ return True
+ return False
+def ensure_default_instance():
+ # Assumed is managed by ARM
+ merchant_was_running = is_merchant_running()
+ if merchant_was_running:
+ print("Found running merchant, assuming is managed by ARM. Terminating it")
+ system("taler-deployment-arm -k taler-merchant")
+ checks = 10
+ while checks > 0:
+ if is_merchant_running():
+ sleep(1)
+ checks -= 1
+ continue
+ break
+ if checks == 0:
+ print("Could not stop the running merchant.")
+ exit(1)
+ print("Successfully terminating the merchant.")
+ # ARM is _not_ running the merchant at this point.
+ env_with_token = environ.copy()
+ print("Starting the merchant outside ARM, passing the token into the environment.")
+ # Start the merchant natively.
+ merchant = Popen(["taler-merchant-httpd"], env=env_with_token)
+ if not wait_merchant_up():
+ merchant.terminate()
+ merchant.wait()
+ exit(1)
+ print("Merchant started successfully, creating the default instance now.")
+ ensure_instance(
+ "default",
+ "default",
+ payto_uris=[f"payto://sepa/bank.{TALER_ENV_NAME}{ibans.get('default')}"],
+ auth=dict(method="token", token=TALER_ENV_FRONTENDS_APITOKEN)
+ )
+ # Native process can be terminated now.
+ merchant.terminate()
+ merchant.wait()
+ print("Merchant terminated, restarting it via ARM now.")
+ # Restarting the official ARM merchant.
+ if merchant_was_running:
+ system("taler-deployment-arm -i taler-merchant")
+# Needs to wait here since the merchant got lastly restarted via ARM,
+# in the previous operation.
+if not wait_merchant_up():
+ system("taler-deployment-arm -k taler-merchant")
+ exit(1)
+ "blog",
+ name="Blog",
+ payto_uris=[f"payto://x-taler-bank/bank.{TALER_ENV_NAME}{ibans.get('blog')}"],
+ auth=dict(method="token", token=TALER_ENV_FRONTENDS_APITOKEN),