## # This file is part of TALER # (C) 2017 Taler Systems SA # # TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 3, or (at your option) any later version. # # TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty # of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, # see # # @author Florian Dold # @brief Extends the Jinja2 API with custom functions. import os import math import json from urllib.parse import urlparse from django.urls import reverse, get_script_prefix from django.conf import settings from jinja2 import Environment ## # Check if a URL is absolute or not. # # @param urloc the URL to check. # @return True if the URL is absolute, False otherwise. def is_absolute(urloc): return bool(urlparse(urloc).netloc) ## # Join URL components held in a list, taking care # of not having double slashes in the result. # # @param parts list of URL components. # @return the string made of the joined components def join_urlparts(*parts): ret = "" part = 0 while part < len(parts): buf = parts[part] part += 1 if ret.endswith("/"): buf = buf.lstrip("/") elif ret and not buf.startswith("/"): buf = "/" + buf ret += buf return ret ## # Prefixes the argument with the location for static content. # # @param urloc the URL portion that should be prefixed; in # other words, this will be in final position in the # produced result. # @return the URL that picks @a urloc from the location for # static content. def static(urloc): if is_absolute(urloc): return urloc return join_urlparts(get_script_prefix(), settings.STATIC_URL, urloc) ## # Helper function that fetches a value from the settings. # # @param name the name to lookup in the settings. # @return @a name's value as defined in the settings, or # a empty string otherwise. def settings_value(name): return getattr(settings, name, "") ## # Fetch the URL given its "name". # # @param url_name URL's name as defined in urlargs.py # @param kwargs key-value list that will be appended # to the URL as the parameter=value pairs. def url(url_name, *args, **kwargs): # strangely, Django's 'reverse' function # takes a named parameter 'kwargs' instead # of real kwargs. return reverse(url_name, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) ## # Helper function that reads a value from the environment. # # @param name env value to read # @return the value, or None if not found. def env_get(name, default=None): return os.environ.get(name, default) ## # Jinja2 specific function used to activate the definitions # of this module. # # @param options opaque argument (?) given from the caller. # @return Jinja2-specific object that contains the new definitions. def is_valid_amount(amount): if math.isnan(amount.value): return False return True def tojson(x): """Convert object to json""" return json.dumps(x) ## # Stringifies amount. # # @param amount amount object. # @return amount pretty string. def amount_stringify(amount): return amount.stringify(settings.TALER_DIGITS, pretty=True) def environment(**options): env = Environment(**options) env.globals.update( { "static": static, "url": url, "settings_value": settings_value, "env": env_get, "is_valid_amount": is_valid_amount, "amount_stringify": amount_stringify, "tojson": tojson, } ) return env