This code implements a bank Web portal that tightly integrates with the GNU Taler payment system. The bank it primarily meant be used as part of a demonstrator for the Taler system. ================== HOW TO INSTALL THE BANK ================= From the repository's top directory, run $ ./configure --destination=local|global ================== HOW TO CONFIGURE THE BANK ================= The bank obeys to the INI syntax for configuration files. When launched, the bank will by default look for a configuration file located at ~/.config/taler.conf. To override this behaviour, give the -c option when launching the bank. In order to properly run, the bank needs the following parts to be configured * Database name: connection string for the database to be used, currently Postgresql. * Debt thresholds * Suggested exchange * Serving: is UWSGI over unix sockets in the example below. # Mandatory section name [bank] UWSGI_SERVE = unix UWSGI_UNIXPATH = /deployment/sockets/bank.uwsgi UWSGI_UNIXPATH_MODE = 660 DATABASE = postgres:///talerlocal # Maximum debt allowed for normal users. MAX_DEBT = KUDOS:60.0 # Maximum debt allowed for the bank itself. MAX_DEBT_BANK = KUDOS:0.0 # Zero means infinite debt allowed! # The following option lets the bank suggest a default exchange # when the customer withdraws Taler coins. SUGGESTED_EXCHANGE = ================== HOW TO LAUNCH THE BANK ================= $ taler-bank-manage serve-uwsgi or the following for HTTP: $ taler-bank-manage serve-http --port $PORT_NUMBER ================== HOW TO RUN YOUR TESTS ================= From the repository's top directory, just issue $ make check ================= HOW TO FORCE MIGRATIONS =================