#!/bin/bash set -e # always change the working directory to the project's root directory cd $(dirname $0)/.. # pass a $NODE environment variable from something like Makefile # it should point to either ./node or ./node.exe, depending on the platform if [ -z $NODE ]; then echo "No node executable provided. Bailing." >&2 exit 0 fi rm -rf test-npm # make a copy of deps/npm to run the tests on cp -r deps/npm test-npm cd test-npm # do a rm first just in case deps/npm contained these rm -rf npm-cache npm-tmp npm-prefix mkdir npm-cache npm-tmp npm-prefix # set some npm env variables to point to our new temporary folders export npm_config_cache="$(pwd)/npm-cache" export npm_config_prefix="$(pwd)/npm-prefix" export npm_config_tmp="$(pwd)/npm-tmp" # ensure npm always uses the local node export PATH="$(../$NODE -p 'require("path").resolve("..")'):$PATH" unset NODE # make sure the binaries from the non-dev-deps are available node bin/npm-cli.js rebuild # install npm devDependencies and run npm's tests node bin/npm-cli.js install --ignore-scripts --no-save # run the tests node bin/npm-cli.js run-script test-node # clean up everything one single shot cd .. && rm -rf test-npm