#!/usr/bin/env bash # To promote and sign a release that has been prepared by the build slaves, use: # release.sh # To _only_ sign an existing release, use: # release.sh -s vx.y.z set -e webhost=direct.nodejs.org webuser=dist promotablecmd=dist-promotable promotecmd=dist-promote signcmd=dist-sign customsshkey="" # let ssh and scp use default key signversion="" while getopts ":i:s:" option; do case "${option}" in i) customsshkey="-i ${OPTARG}" ;; s) signversion="${OPTARG}" ;; \?) echo "Invalid option -$OPTARG." exit 1 ;; :) echo "Option -$OPTARG takes a parameter." exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) ################################################################################ ## Select a GPG key to use echo "# Selecting GPG key ..." gpgkey=$(gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format SHORT | awk -F'( +|/)' '/^(sec|ssb)/{print $3}') keycount=$(echo $gpgkey | wc -w) if [ $keycount -eq 0 ]; then echo 'Need at least one GPG key, please make one with `gpg --gen-key`' echo 'You will also need to submit your key to a public keyserver, e.g.' echo ' https://sks-keyservers.net/i/#submit' exit 1 elif [ $keycount -ne 1 ]; then echo -e 'You have multiple GPG keys:\n' gpg --list-secret-keys while true; do echo $gpgkey | awk '{ for(i = 1; i <= NF; i++) { print i ") " $i; } }' echo -n 'Select a key: ' read keynum if $(test "$keynum" -eq "$keynum" > /dev/null 2>&1); then _gpgkey=$(echo $gpgkey | awk '{ print $'${keynum}'}') keycount=$(echo $_gpgkey | wc -w) if [ $keycount -eq 1 ]; then echo "" gpgkey=$_gpgkey break fi fi done fi gpgfing=$(gpg --keyid-format 0xLONG --fingerprint $gpgkey | grep 'Key fingerprint =' | awk -F' = ' '{print $2}' | tr -d ' ') if ! test "$(grep $gpgfing README.md)"; then echo 'Error: this GPG key fingerprint is not listed in ./README.md' exit 1 fi echo "Using GPG key: $gpgkey" echo " Fingerprint: $gpgfing" function checktag { local version=$1 if ! git tag -v $version 2>&1 | grep "${gpgkey}" | grep key > /dev/null; then echo "Could not find signed tag for \"${version}\" or GPG key is not yours" exit 1 fi } ################################################################################ ## Create and sign checksums file for a given version function sign { echo -e "\n# Creating SHASUMS256.txt ..." local version=$1 ghtaggedversion=$(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nodejs/node/${version}/src/node_version.h \ | awk '/define NODE_(MAJOR|MINOR|PATCH)_VERSION/{ v = v "." $3 } END{ v = "v" substr(v, 2); print v }') if [ "${version}" != "${ghtaggedversion}" ]; then echo "Could not find tagged version on github.com/nodejs/node, did you push your tag?" exit 1 fi shapath=$(ssh ${customsshkey} ${webuser}@${webhost} $signcmd nodejs $version) if ! [[ ${shapath} =~ ^/.+/SHASUMS256.txt$ ]]; then echo 'Error: No SHASUMS file returned by sign!' exit 1 fi echo -e "\n# Signing SHASUMS for ${version}..." shafile=$(basename $shapath) shadir=$(dirname $shapath) tmpdir="/tmp/_node_release.$$" mkdir -p $tmpdir scp ${customsshkey} ${webuser}@${webhost}:${shapath} ${tmpdir}/${shafile} gpg --default-key $gpgkey --clearsign --digest-algo SHA256 ${tmpdir}/${shafile} gpg --default-key $gpgkey --detach-sign --digest-algo SHA256 ${tmpdir}/${shafile} echo "Wrote to ${tmpdir}/" echo -e "Your signed ${shafile}.asc:\n" cat ${tmpdir}/${shafile}.asc echo "" while true; do echo -n "Upload files? [y/n] " yorn="" read yorn if [ "X${yorn}" == "Xn" ]; then break fi if [ "X${yorn}" == "Xy" ]; then scp ${customsshkey} ${tmpdir}/${shafile} ${tmpdir}/${shafile}.asc ${tmpdir}/${shafile}.sig ${webuser}@${webhost}:${shadir}/ break fi done rm -rf $tmpdir } if [ -n "${signversion}" ]; then checktag $signversion sign $signversion exit 0 fi # else: do a normal release & promote ################################################################################ ## Look for releases to promote echo -e "\n# Checking for releases ..." promotable=$(ssh ${customsshkey} ${webuser}@${webhost} $promotablecmd nodejs) if [ "X${promotable}" == "X" ]; then echo "No releases to promote!" exit 0 fi echo -e "Found the following releases / builds ready to promote:\n" echo "$promotable" | sed 's/^/ * /' echo "" versions=$(echo "$promotable" | cut -d: -f1) ################################################################################ ## Promote releases for version in $versions; do while true; do files=$(echo "$promotable" | grep "^${version}" | sed 's/^'${version}': //') echo -n "Promote ${version} files (${files})? [y/n] " yorn="" read yorn if [ "X${yorn}" == "Xn" ]; then break fi if [ "X${yorn}" != "Xy" ]; then continue fi checktag $version echo -e "\n# Promoting ${version}..." ssh ${customsshkey} ${webuser}@${webhost} $promotecmd nodejs $version if [ $? -eq 0 ];then sign $version fi break done done