'use strict'; const escapeStringRegexp = require('escape-string-regexp'); const {platform} = process; const main = { tick: '✔', cross: '✖', star: '★', square: '▇', squareSmall: '◻', squareSmallFilled: '◼', play: '▶', circle: '◯', circleFilled: '◉', circleDotted: '◌', circleDouble: '◎', circleCircle: 'ⓞ', circleCross: 'ⓧ', circlePipe: 'Ⓘ', circleQuestionMark: '?⃝', bullet: '●', dot: '․', line: '─', ellipsis: '…', pointer: '❯', pointerSmall: '›', info: 'ℹ', warning: '⚠', hamburger: '☰', smiley: '㋡', mustache: '෴', heart: '♥', nodejs: '⬢', arrowUp: '↑', arrowDown: '↓', arrowLeft: '←', arrowRight: '→', radioOn: '◉', radioOff: '◯', checkboxOn: '☒', checkboxOff: '☐', checkboxCircleOn: 'ⓧ', checkboxCircleOff: 'Ⓘ', questionMarkPrefix: '?⃝', oneHalf: '½', oneThird: '⅓', oneQuarter: '¼', oneFifth: '⅕', oneSixth: '⅙', oneSeventh: '⅐', oneEighth: '⅛', oneNinth: '⅑', oneTenth: '⅒', twoThirds: '⅔', twoFifths: '⅖', threeQuarters: '¾', threeFifths: '⅗', threeEighths: '⅜', fourFifths: '⅘', fiveSixths: '⅚', fiveEighths: '⅝', sevenEighths: '⅞' }; const windows = { tick: '√', cross: '×', star: '*', square: '█', squareSmall: '[ ]', squareSmallFilled: '[█]', play: '►', circle: '( )', circleFilled: '(*)', circleDotted: '( )', circleDouble: '( )', circleCircle: '(○)', circleCross: '(×)', circlePipe: '(│)', circleQuestionMark: '(?)', bullet: '*', dot: '.', line: '─', ellipsis: '...', pointer: '>', pointerSmall: '»', info: 'i', warning: '‼', hamburger: '≡', smiley: '☺', mustache: '┌─┐', heart: main.heart, nodejs: '♦', arrowUp: main.arrowUp, arrowDown: main.arrowDown, arrowLeft: main.arrowLeft, arrowRight: main.arrowRight, radioOn: '(*)', radioOff: '( )', checkboxOn: '[×]', checkboxOff: '[ ]', checkboxCircleOn: '(×)', checkboxCircleOff: '( )', questionMarkPrefix: '?', oneHalf: '1/2', oneThird: '1/3', oneQuarter: '1/4', oneFifth: '1/5', oneSixth: '1/6', oneSeventh: '1/7', oneEighth: '1/8', oneNinth: '1/9', oneTenth: '1/10', twoThirds: '2/3', twoFifths: '2/5', threeQuarters: '3/4', threeFifths: '3/5', threeEighths: '3/8', fourFifths: '4/5', fiveSixths: '5/6', fiveEighths: '5/8', sevenEighths: '7/8' }; if (platform === 'linux') { // The main one doesn't look that good on Ubuntu main.questionMarkPrefix = '?'; } const figures = platform === 'win32' ? windows : main; const fn = string => { if (figures === main) { return string; } for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(main)) { if (value === figures[key]) { continue; } string = string.replace(new RegExp(escapeStringRegexp(value), 'g'), figures[key]); } return string; }; module.exports = Object.assign(fn, figures);