/** * @fileoverview Processes Markdown files for consumption by ESLint. * @author Brandon Mills */ "use strict"; const assign = require("object-assign"); const unified = require("unified"); const remarkParse = require("remark-parse"); const SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES = ["js", "javascript", "node", "jsx"]; const UNSATISFIABLE_RULES = [ "eol-last", // The Markdown parser strips trailing newlines in code fences "unicode-bom" // Code blocks will begin in the middle of Markdown files ]; const SUPPORTS_AUTOFIX = true; const markdown = unified().use(remarkParse); let blocks = []; /** * Performs a depth-first traversal of the Markdown AST. * @param {ASTNode} node A Markdown AST node. * @param {Object} callbacks A map of node types to callbacks. * @param {Object} [parent] The node's parent AST node. * @returns {void} */ function traverse(node, callbacks, parent) { if (callbacks[node.type]) { callbacks[node.type](node, parent); } if (typeof node.children !== "undefined") { for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { traverse(node.children[i], callbacks, node); } } } /** * Converts leading HTML comments to JS block comments. * @param {string} html The text content of an HTML AST node. * @returns {string[]} An array of JS block comments. */ function getComment(html) { const commentStart = ""; const regex = /^(eslint\b|global\s)/; if ( html.slice(0, commentStart.length) !== commentStart || html.slice(-commentEnd.length) !== commentEnd ) { return ""; } const comment = html.slice(commentStart.length, -commentEnd.length); if (!regex.test(comment.trim())) { return ""; } return comment; } // Before a code block, blockquote characters (`>`) are also considered // "whitespace". const leadingWhitespaceRegex = /^[>\s]*/; /** * Gets the offset for the first column of the node's first line in the * original source text. * @param {ASTNode} node A Markdown code block AST node. * @returns {number} The offset for the first column of the node's first line. */ function getBeginningOfLineOffset(node) { return node.position.start.offset - node.position.start.column + 1; } /** * Gets the leading text, typically whitespace with possible blockquote chars, * used to indent a code block. * @param {string} text The text of the file. * @param {ASTNode} node A Markdown code block AST node. * @returns {string} The text from the start of the first line to the opening * fence of the code block. */ function getIndentText(text, node) { return leadingWhitespaceRegex.exec( text.slice(getBeginningOfLineOffset(node)) )[0]; } /** * When applying fixes, the postprocess step needs to know how to map fix ranges * from their location in the linted JS to the original offset in the Markdown. * Configuration comments and indentation trimming both complicate this process. * * Configuration comments appear in the linted JS but not in the Markdown code * block. Fixes to configuration comments would cause undefined behavior and * should be ignored during postprocessing. Fixes to actual code after * configuration comments need to be mapped back to the code block after * removing any offset due to configuration comments. * * Fenced code blocks can be indented by up to three spaces at the opening * fence. Inside of a list, for example, this indent can be in addition to the * indent already required for list item children. Leading whitespace inside * indented code blocks is trimmed up to the level of the opening fence and does * not appear in the linted code. Further, lines can have less leading * whitespace than the opening fence, so not all lines are guaranteed to have * the same column offset as the opening fence. * * The source code of a non-configuration-comment line in the linted JS is a * suffix of the corresponding line in the Markdown code block. There are no * differences within the line, so the mapping need only provide the offset * delta at the beginning of each line. * * @param {string} text The text of the file. * @param {ASTNode} node A Markdown code block AST node. * @param {comments} comments List of configuration comment strings that will be * inserted at the beginning of the code block. * @returns {Object[]} A list of offset-based adjustments, where lookups are * done based on the `js` key, which represents the range in the linted JS, * and the `md` key is the offset delta that, when added to the JS range, * returns the corresponding location in the original Markdown source. */ function getBlockRangeMap(text, node, comments) { /* * The parser sets the fenced code block's start offset to wherever content * should normally begin (typically the first column of the line, but more * inside a list item, for example). The code block's opening fance may be * further indented by up to three characters. If the code block has * additional indenting, the opening fence's first backtick may be up to * three whitespace characters after the start offset. */ const startOffset = getBeginningOfLineOffset(node); /* * Extract the Markdown source to determine the leading whitespace for each * line. */ const code = text.slice(startOffset, node.position.end.offset); const lines = code.split("\n"); /* * The parser trims leading whitespace from each line of code within the * fenced code block up to the opening fence's first backtick. The first * backtick's column is the AST node's starting column plus any additional * indentation. */ const baseIndent = getIndentText(text, node).length; /* * Track the length of any inserted configuration comments at the beginning * of the linted JS and start the JS offset lookup keys at this index. */ const commentLength = comments.reduce((len, comment) => len + comment.length + 1, 0); /* * In case there are configuration comments, initialize the map so that the * first lookup index is always 0. If there are no configuration comments, * the lookup index will also be 0, and the lookup should always go to the * last range that matches, skipping this initialization entry. */ const rangeMap = [{ js: 0, md: 0 }]; // Start the JS offset after any configuration comments. let jsOffset = commentLength; /* * Start the Markdown offset at the beginning of the block's first line of * actual code. The first line of the block is always the opening fence, so * the code begins on the second line. */ let mdOffset = startOffset + lines[0].length + 1; /* * For each line, determine how much leading whitespace was trimmed due to * indentation. Increase the JS lookup offset by the length of the line * post-trimming and the Markdown offset by the total line length. */ for (let i = 0; i + 1 < lines.length; i++) { const line = lines[i + 1]; const leadingWhitespaceLength = leadingWhitespaceRegex.exec(line)[0].length; // The parser trims leading whitespace up to the level of the opening // fence, so keep any additional indentation beyond that. const trimLength = Math.min(baseIndent, leadingWhitespaceLength); rangeMap.push({ js: jsOffset, // Advance `trimLength` character from the beginning of the Markdown // line to the beginning of the equivalent JS line, then compute the // delta. md: mdOffset + trimLength - jsOffset }); // Accumulate the current line in the offsets, and don't forget the // newline. mdOffset += line.length + 1; jsOffset += line.length - trimLength + 1; } return rangeMap; } /** * Extracts lintable JavaScript code blocks from Markdown text. * @param {string} text The text of the file. * @returns {string[]} Source code strings to lint. */ function preprocess(text) { const ast = markdown.parse(text); blocks = []; traverse(ast, { code(node, parent) { const comments = []; if (node.lang && SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.indexOf(node.lang.split(" ")[0].toLowerCase()) >= 0) { let index = parent.children.indexOf(node) - 1; let previousNode = parent.children[index]; while (previousNode && previousNode.type === "html") { const comment = getComment(previousNode.value); if (!comment) { break; } if (comment.trim() === "eslint-skip") { return; } comments.unshift(`/*${comment}*/`); index--; previousNode = parent.children[index]; } blocks.push(assign({}, node, { baseIndentText: getIndentText(text, node), comments, rangeMap: getBlockRangeMap(text, node, comments) })); } } }); return blocks.map(block => [ ...block.comments, block.value, "" ].join("\n")); } /** * Creates a map function that adjusts messages in a code block. * @param {Block} block A code block. * @returns {Function} A function that adjusts messages in a code block. */ function adjustBlock(block) { const leadingCommentLines = block.comments.reduce((count, comment) => count + comment.split("\n").length, 0); const blockStart = block.position.start.line; /** * Adjusts ESLint messages to point to the correct location in the Markdown. * @param {Message} message A message from ESLint. * @returns {Message} The same message, but adjusted ot the correct location. */ return function adjustMessage(message) { const lineInCode = message.line - leadingCommentLines; const endLine = message.endLine - leadingCommentLines; if (lineInCode < 1) { return null; } const out = { line: lineInCode + blockStart, endLine: endLine ? endLine + blockStart : endLine, column: message.column + block.position.indent[lineInCode - 1] - 1 }; const adjustedFix = {}; if (message.fix) { adjustedFix.fix = { range: message.fix.range.map(range => { // Advance through the block's range map to find the last // matching range by finding the first range too far and // then going back one. let i = 1; while (i < block.rangeMap.length && block.rangeMap[i].js <= range) { i++; } // Apply the mapping delta for this range. return range + block.rangeMap[i - 1].md; }), text: message.fix.text.replace("\n", `\n${block.baseIndentText}`) }; } return assign({}, message, out, adjustedFix); }; } /** * Excludes unsatisfiable rules from the list of messages. * @param {Message} message A message from the linter. * @returns {boolean} True if the message should be included in output. */ function excludeUnsatisfiableRules(message) { return message && UNSATISFIABLE_RULES.indexOf(message.ruleId) < 0; } /** * Transforms generated messages for output. * @param {Array} messages An array containing one array of messages * for each code block returned from `preprocess`. * @returns {Message[]} A flattened array of messages with mapped locations. */ function postprocess(messages) { return [].concat(...messages.map((group, i) => { const adjust = adjustBlock(blocks[i]); return group.map(adjust).filter(excludeUnsatisfiableRules); })); } module.exports = { preprocess, postprocess, supportsAutofix: SUPPORTS_AUTOFIX };