/** * @fileoverview A rule to disallow modifying variables that are declared using `const` * @author Toru Nagashima */ "use strict"; const astUtils = require("../util/ast-utils"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module.exports = { meta: { type: "problem", docs: { description: "disallow reassigning `const` variables", category: "ECMAScript 6", recommended: true, url: "https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-const-assign" }, schema: [], messages: { const: "'{{name}}' is constant." } }, create(context) { /** * Finds and reports references that are non initializer and writable. * @param {Variable} variable - A variable to check. * @returns {void} */ function checkVariable(variable) { astUtils.getModifyingReferences(variable.references).forEach(reference => { context.report({ node: reference.identifier, messageId: "const", data: { name: reference.identifier.name } }); }); } return { VariableDeclaration(node) { if (node.kind === "const") { context.getDeclaredVariables(node).forEach(checkVariable); } } }; } };