'use strict'; const rulesDirs = ['tools/eslint-rules']; const extensions = ['.js', '.md']; // This is the maximum number of files to be linted per worker at any given time const maxWorkload = 40; const cluster = require('cluster'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const totalCPUs = require('os').cpus().length; const CLIEngine = require('eslint').CLIEngine; const glob = require('eslint/node_modules/glob'); const cliOptions = { rulePaths: rulesDirs, extensions: extensions, }; // Check if we should fix errors that are fixable if (process.argv.indexOf('-F') !== -1) cliOptions.fix = true; const cli = new CLIEngine(cliOptions); if (cluster.isMaster) { let numCPUs = 1; const paths = []; let files = null; let totalPaths = 0; let failures = 0; let successes = 0; let lastLineLen = 0; let curPath = 'Starting ...'; let showProgress = true; const globOptions = { nodir: true }; const workerConfig = {}; let startTime; let formatter; let outFn; let fd; let i; // Check if spreading work among all cores/cpus if (process.argv.indexOf('-J') !== -1) numCPUs = totalCPUs; // Check if spreading work among an explicit number of cores/cpus i = process.argv.indexOf('-j'); if (i !== -1) { if (!process.argv[i + 1]) throw new Error('Missing parallel job count'); numCPUs = parseInt(process.argv[i + 1], 10); if (!isFinite(numCPUs) || numCPUs <= 0) throw new Error('Bad parallel job count'); } // Check for custom ESLint report formatter i = process.argv.indexOf('-f'); if (i !== -1) { if (!process.argv[i + 1]) throw new Error('Missing format name'); const format = process.argv[i + 1]; formatter = cli.getFormatter(format); if (!formatter) throw new Error('Invalid format name'); // Automatically disable progress display showProgress = false; // Tell worker to send all results, not just linter errors workerConfig.sendAll = true; } else { // Use default formatter formatter = cli.getFormatter(); } // Check if outputting ESLint report to a file instead of stdout i = process.argv.indexOf('-o'); if (i !== -1) { if (!process.argv[i + 1]) throw new Error('Missing output filename'); const outPath = path.resolve(process.argv[i + 1]); fd = fs.openSync(outPath, 'w'); outFn = function(str) { fs.writeSync(fd, str, 'utf8'); }; process.on('exit', () => { fs.closeSync(fd); }); } else { outFn = function(str) { process.stdout.write(str); }; } // Process the rest of the arguments as paths to lint, ignoring any unknown // flags for (i = 2; i < process.argv.length; ++i) { if (process.argv[i][0] === '-') { switch (process.argv[i]) { case '-f': // Skip format name case '-o': // Skip filename case '-j': // Skip parallel job count number ++i; break; } continue; } paths.push(process.argv[i]); } if (paths.length === 0) return; totalPaths = paths.length; if (showProgress) { // Start the progress display update timer when the first worker is ready cluster.once('online', () => { startTime = process.hrtime(); setInterval(printProgress, 1000).unref(); printProgress(); }); } cluster.on('online', (worker) => { // Configure worker and give it some initial work to do worker.send(workerConfig); sendWork(worker); }); process.on('exit', (code) => { if (showProgress) { curPath = 'Done'; printProgress(); outFn('\r\n'); } if (code === 0) process.exit(failures ? 1 : 0); }); for (i = 0; i < numCPUs; ++i) cluster.fork().on('message', onWorkerMessage).on('exit', onWorkerExit); function onWorkerMessage(results) { if (typeof results !== 'number') { // The worker sent us results that are not all successes if (workerConfig.sendAll) { failures += results.errorCount; results = results.results; } else { failures += results.length; } outFn(`${formatter(results)}\r\n`); printProgress(); } else { successes += results; } // Try to give the worker more work to do sendWork(this); } function onWorkerExit(code, signal) { if (code !== 0 || signal) process.exit(2); } function sendWork(worker) { if (!files || !files.length) { // We either just started or we have no more files to lint for the current // path. Find the next path that has some files to be linted. while (paths.length) { let dir = paths.shift(); curPath = dir; const patterns = cli.resolveFileGlobPatterns([dir]); dir = path.resolve(patterns[0]); files = glob.sync(dir, globOptions); if (files.length) break; } if ((!files || !files.length) && !paths.length) { // We exhausted all input paths and thus have nothing left to do, so end // the worker return worker.disconnect(); } } // Give the worker an equal portion of the work left for the current path, // but not exceeding a maximum file count in order to help keep *all* // workers busy most of the time instead of only a minority doing most of // the work. const sliceLen = Math.min(maxWorkload, Math.ceil(files.length / numCPUs)); let slice; if (sliceLen === files.length) { // Micro-optimization to avoid splicing to an empty array slice = files; files = null; } else { slice = files.splice(0, sliceLen); } worker.send(slice); } function printProgress() { if (!showProgress) return; // Clear line outFn(`\r ${' '.repeat(lastLineLen)}\r`); // Calculate and format the data for displaying const elapsed = process.hrtime(startTime)[0]; const mins = `${Math.floor(elapsed / 60)}`.padStart(2, '0'); const secs = `${elapsed % 60}`.padStart(2, '0'); const passed = `${successes}`.padStart(6); const failed = `${failures}`.padStart(6); let pct = `${Math.ceil(((totalPaths - paths.length) / totalPaths) * 100)}`; pct = pct.padStart(3); let line = `[${mins}:${secs}|%${pct}|+${passed}|-${failed}]: ${curPath}`; // Truncate line like cpplint does in case it gets too long if (line.length > 75) line = `${line.slice(0, 75)}...`; // Store the line length so we know how much to erase the next time around lastLineLen = line.length; outFn(line); } } else { // Worker let config = {}; process.on('message', (files) => { if (files instanceof Array) { // Lint some files const report = cli.executeOnFiles(files); // If we were asked to fix the fixable issues, do so. if (cliOptions.fix) CLIEngine.outputFixes(report); if (config.sendAll) { // Return both success and error results const results = report.results; // Silence warnings for files with no errors while keeping the "ok" // status if (report.warningCount > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) { const result = results[i]; if (result.errorCount === 0 && result.warningCount > 0) { result.warningCount = 0; result.messages = []; } } } process.send({ results: results, errorCount: report.errorCount }); } else if (report.errorCount === 0) { // No errors, return number of successful lint operations process.send(files.length); } else { // One or more errors, return the error results only process.send(CLIEngine.getErrorResults(report.results)); } } else if (typeof files === 'object') { // The master process is actually sending us our configuration and not a // list of files to lint config = files; } }); }