#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import optparse import os import re import sys import shutil import bz2 parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('--icudst', action='store', dest='icudst', default='deps/icu-small', help='path to target ICU directory. Will be deleted.') parser.add_option('--icu-src', action='store', dest='icusrc', default='deps/icu', help='path to source ICU directory.') parser.add_option('--icutmp', action='store', dest='icutmp', default='out/Release/obj/gen/icutmp', help='path to icutmp dir.') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if os.path.isdir(options.icudst): print('Deleting existing icudst %s' % (options.icudst)) shutil.rmtree(options.icudst) if not os.path.isdir(options.icusrc): print('Missing source ICU dir --icusrc=%s' % (options.icusrc)) sys.exit(1) # compression stuff. Keep the suffix and the compression function in sync. compression_suffix = '.bz2' def compress_data(infp, outfp): with open(infp, 'rb') as inf: with bz2.BZ2File(outfp, 'wb') as outf: shutil.copyfileobj(inf, outf) def print_size(fn): size = (os.stat(fn).st_size) / 1024000 print('%dM\t%s' % (size, fn)) ignore_regex = re.compile('^.*\.(vcxproj|filters|nrm|icu|dat|xml|txt|ac|guess|m4|in|sub|py|mak)$') def icu_ignore(dir, files): subdir = dir[len(options.icusrc)+1::] ign = [] if len(subdir) == 0: # remove all files at root level ign = ign + files # except... ign.remove('source') if 'LICENSE' in ign: ign.remove('LICENSE') # license.html will be removed (it's obviated by LICENSE) elif 'license.html' in ign: ign.remove('license.html') elif subdir == 'source': ign = ign + ['layout','samples','test','extra','config','layoutex','allinone','data'] ign = ign + ['runConfigureICU','install-sh','mkinstalldirs','configure'] ign = ign + ['io'] elif subdir == 'source/tools': ign = ign + ['tzcode','ctestfw','gensprep','gennorm2','gendict','icuswap', 'genbrk','gencfu','gencolusb','genren','memcheck','makeconv','gencnval','icuinfo','gentest'] ign = ign + ['.DS_Store', 'Makefile', 'Makefile.in'] for file in files: if ignore_regex.match(file): ign = ign + [file] # print '>%s< [%s]' % (subdir, ign) return ign # copied from configure def icu_info(icu_full_path): uvernum_h = os.path.join(icu_full_path, 'source/common/unicode/uvernum.h') if not os.path.isfile(uvernum_h): print(' Error: could not load %s - is ICU installed?' % uvernum_h) sys.exit(1) icu_ver_major = None matchVerExp = r'^\s*#define\s+U_ICU_VERSION_SHORT\s+"([^"]*)".*' match_version = re.compile(matchVerExp) for line in open(uvernum_h).readlines(): m = match_version.match(line) if m: icu_ver_major = m.group(1) if not icu_ver_major: print(' Could not read U_ICU_VERSION_SHORT version from %s' % uvernum_h) sys.exit(1) icu_endianness = sys.byteorder[0] # TODO(srl295): EBCDIC should be 'e' return (icu_ver_major, icu_endianness) (icu_ver_major, icu_endianness) = icu_info(options.icusrc) print("Data file root: icudt%s%s" % (icu_ver_major, icu_endianness)) dst_datafile = os.path.join(options.icudst, "source","data","in", "icudt%s%s.dat" % (icu_ver_major, icu_endianness)) src_datafile = os.path.join(options.icusrc, "source/data/in/icudt%sl.dat" % (icu_ver_major)) dst_cmp_datafile = "%s%s" % (dst_datafile, compression_suffix) if not os.path.isfile(src_datafile): print("Error: icu data file not found: %s" % src_datafile) exit(1) print("will use datafile %s" % (src_datafile)) print('%s --> %s' % (options.icusrc, options.icudst)) shutil.copytree(options.icusrc, options.icudst, ignore=icu_ignore) # now, make the data dir (since we ignored it) icudst_data = os.path.join(options.icudst, "source", "data") icudst_in = os.path.join(icudst_data, "in") os.mkdir(icudst_data) os.mkdir(icudst_in) print_size(src_datafile) print('%s --compress-> %s' % (src_datafile, dst_cmp_datafile)) compress_data(src_datafile, dst_cmp_datafile) print_size(dst_cmp_datafile) readme_name = os.path.join(options.icudst, "README-FULL-ICU.txt" ) # Now, print a short notice fi = open(readme_name, 'wb') print("ICU sources - auto generated by shrink-icu-src.py", file=fi) print("", file=fi) print("This directory contains the ICU subset used by --with-intl=full-icu", file=fi) print("It is a strict subset of ICU %s source files with the following exception(s):" % (icu_ver_major), file=fi) print("* %s : compressed data file" % (dst_cmp_datafile), file=fi) print("", file=fi) print("", file=fi) print("To rebuild this directory, see ../../tools/icu/README.md", file=fi) print("", file=fi) fi.close()