'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); common.skipIfInspectorDisabled(); // A test to ensure that preload modules are given a chance to execute before // resolving the main entry point with --inspect-brk active. const assert = require('assert'); const cp = require('child_process'); const path = require('path'); function test(execArgv) { const child = cp.spawn(process.execPath, execArgv); child.stderr.once('data', common.mustCall(function() { child.kill('SIGTERM'); })); child.on('exit', common.mustCall(function(code, signal) { assert.strictEqual(signal, 'SIGTERM'); })); } test([ '--require', path.join(__dirname, '../fixtures/test-resolution-inspect-brk-resolver.js'), '--inspect-brk', '../fixtures/test-resolution-inspect-resolver-main.ext', ]);