'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); if (!common.hasIntl) common.skip('missing Intl'); const assert = require('assert'); const url = require('url'); const URL = url.URL; const myURL = new URL('http://xn--lck1c3crb1723bpq4a.com/a?a=b#c'); assert.strictEqual( url.format(myURL), 'http://xn--lck1c3crb1723bpq4a.com/a?a=b#c' ); assert.strictEqual( url.format(myURL, {}), 'http://xn--lck1c3crb1723bpq4a.com/a?a=b#c' ); { [true, 1, 'test', Infinity].forEach((value) => { assert.throws( () => url.format(myURL, value), { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', name: 'TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]', message: 'The "options" argument must be of type Object. ' + `Received type ${typeof value}` } ); }); } // Any falsy value other than undefined will be treated as false. // Any truthy value will be treated as true. assert.strictEqual( url.format(myURL, { fragment: false }), 'http://xn--lck1c3crb1723bpq4a.com/a?a=b' ); assert.strictEqual( url.format(myURL, { fragment: '' }), 'http://xn--lck1c3crb1723bpq4a.com/a?a=b' ); assert.strictEqual( url.format(myURL, { fragment: 0 }), 'http://xn--lck1c3crb1723bpq4a.com/a?a=b' ); assert.strictEqual( url.format(myURL, { fragment: 1 }), 'http://xn--lck1c3crb1723bpq4a.com/a?a=b#c' ); assert.strictEqual( url.format(myURL, { fragment: {} }), 'http://xn--lck1c3crb1723bpq4a.com/a?a=b#c' ); assert.strictEqual( url.format(myURL, { search: false }), 'http://xn--lck1c3crb1723bpq4a.com/a#c' ); assert.strictEqual( url.format(myURL, { search: '' }), 'http://xn--lck1c3crb1723bpq4a.com/a#c' ); assert.strictEqual( url.format(myURL, { search: 0 }), 'http://xn--lck1c3crb1723bpq4a.com/a#c' ); assert.strictEqual( url.format(myURL, { search: 1 }), 'http://xn--lck1c3crb1723bpq4a.com/a?a=b#c' ); assert.strictEqual( url.format(myURL, { search: {} }), 'http://xn--lck1c3crb1723bpq4a.com/a?a=b#c' ); assert.strictEqual( url.format(myURL, { unicode: true }), 'http://理容ナカムラ.com/a?a=b#c' ); assert.strictEqual( url.format(myURL, { unicode: 1 }), 'http://理容ナカムラ.com/a?a=b#c' ); assert.strictEqual( url.format(myURL, { unicode: {} }), 'http://理容ナカムラ.com/a?a=b#c' ); assert.strictEqual( url.format(myURL, { unicode: false }), 'http://xn--lck1c3crb1723bpq4a.com/a?a=b#c' ); assert.strictEqual( url.format(myURL, { unicode: 0 }), 'http://xn--lck1c3crb1723bpq4a.com/a?a=b#c' ); assert.strictEqual( url.format(new URL('http://xn--0zwm56d.com:8080/path'), { unicode: true }), 'http://测试.com:8080/path' );