'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const { Writable } = require('stream'); const assert = require('assert'); { const write = new Writable({ write(chunk, enc, cb) { cb(); } }); write.on('finish', common.mustNotCall()); write.on('close', common.mustCall()); write.destroy(); assert.strictEqual(write.destroyed, true); } { const write = new Writable({ write(chunk, enc, cb) { cb(); } }); const expected = new Error('kaboom'); write.on('finish', common.mustNotCall()); write.on('close', common.mustCall()); write.on('error', common.mustCall((err) => { assert.strictEqual(err, expected); })); write.destroy(expected); assert.strictEqual(write.destroyed, true); } { const write = new Writable({ write(chunk, enc, cb) { cb(); } }); write._destroy = function(err, cb) { assert.strictEqual(err, expected); cb(err); }; const expected = new Error('kaboom'); write.on('finish', common.mustNotCall('no finish event')); write.on('close', common.mustCall()); write.on('error', common.mustCall((err) => { assert.strictEqual(err, expected); })); write.destroy(expected); assert.strictEqual(write.destroyed, true); } { const write = new Writable({ write(chunk, enc, cb) { cb(); }, destroy: common.mustCall(function(err, cb) { assert.strictEqual(err, expected); cb(); }) }); const expected = new Error('kaboom'); write.on('finish', common.mustNotCall('no finish event')); write.on('close', common.mustCall()); // error is swallowed by the custom _destroy write.on('error', common.mustNotCall('no error event')); write.destroy(expected); assert.strictEqual(write.destroyed, true); } { const write = new Writable({ write(chunk, enc, cb) { cb(); } }); write._destroy = common.mustCall(function(err, cb) { assert.strictEqual(err, null); cb(); }); write.destroy(); assert.strictEqual(write.destroyed, true); } { const write = new Writable({ write(chunk, enc, cb) { cb(); } }); write._destroy = common.mustCall(function(err, cb) { assert.strictEqual(err, null); process.nextTick(() => { this.end(); cb(); }); }); const fail = common.mustNotCall('no finish event'); write.on('finish', fail); write.on('close', common.mustCall()); write.destroy(); write.removeListener('finish', fail); write.on('finish', common.mustCall()); assert.strictEqual(write.destroyed, true); } { const write = new Writable({ write(chunk, enc, cb) { cb(); } }); const expected = new Error('kaboom'); write._destroy = common.mustCall(function(err, cb) { assert.strictEqual(err, null); cb(expected); }); write.on('close', common.mustCall()); write.on('finish', common.mustNotCall('no finish event')); write.on('error', common.mustCall((err) => { assert.strictEqual(err, expected); })); write.destroy(); assert.strictEqual(write.destroyed, true); } { // double error case const write = new Writable({ write(chunk, enc, cb) { cb(); } }); write.on('close', common.mustCall()); write.on('error', common.mustCall()); write.destroy(new Error('kaboom 1')); write.destroy(new Error('kaboom 2')); assert.strictEqual(write._writableState.errorEmitted, true); assert.strictEqual(write.destroyed, true); } { const write = new Writable({ write(chunk, enc, cb) { cb(); } }); write.destroyed = true; assert.strictEqual(write.destroyed, true); // The internal destroy() mechanism should not be triggered write.on('close', common.mustNotCall()); write.destroy(); } { function MyWritable() { assert.strictEqual(this.destroyed, false); this.destroyed = false; Writable.call(this); } Object.setPrototypeOf(MyWritable.prototype, Writable.prototype); Object.setPrototypeOf(MyWritable, Writable); new MyWritable(); } { // destroy and destroy callback const write = new Writable({ write(chunk, enc, cb) { cb(); } }); write.destroy(); const expected = new Error('kaboom'); write.destroy(expected, common.mustCall(function(err) { assert.strictEqual(err, expected); })); } { // Checks that `._undestroy()` restores the state so that `final` will be // called again. const write = new Writable({ write: common.mustNotCall(), final: common.mustCall((cb) => cb(), 2) }); write.end(); write.destroy(); write._undestroy(); write.end(); }