'use strict'; const { Readable } = require('stream'); const common = require('../common'); let ticks = 18; let expectedData = 19; const rs = new Readable({ objectMode: true, read: () => { if (ticks-- > 0) return process.nextTick(() => rs.push({})); rs.push({}); rs.push(null); } }); rs.on('end', common.mustCall()); readAndPause(); function readAndPause() { // Does a on(data) -> pause -> wait -> resume -> on(data) ... loop. // Expects on(data) to never fire if the stream is paused. const ondata = common.mustCall((data) => { rs.pause(); expectedData--; if (expectedData <= 0) return; setImmediate(function() { rs.removeListener('data', ondata); readAndPause(); rs.resume(); }); }, 1); // only call ondata once rs.on('data', ondata); }