'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const qs = require('querystring'); assert.deepStrictEqual(qs.escape(5), '5'); assert.deepStrictEqual(qs.escape('test'), 'test'); assert.deepStrictEqual(qs.escape({}), '%5Bobject%20Object%5D'); assert.deepStrictEqual(qs.escape([5, 10]), '5%2C10'); assert.deepStrictEqual(qs.escape('Ŋōđĕ'), '%C5%8A%C5%8D%C4%91%C4%95'); assert.deepStrictEqual(qs.escape('testŊōđĕ'), 'test%C5%8A%C5%8D%C4%91%C4%95'); assert.deepStrictEqual(qs.escape(`${String.fromCharCode(0xD800 + 1)}test`), '%F0%90%91%B4est'); common.expectsError( () => qs.escape(String.fromCharCode(0xD800 + 1)), { code: 'ERR_INVALID_URI', type: URIError, message: 'URI malformed' } ); // Using toString for objects assert.strictEqual( qs.escape({ test: 5, toString: () => 'test', valueOf: () => 10 }), 'test' ); // `toString` is not callable, must throw an error. // Error message will vary between different JavaScript engines, so only check // that it is a `TypeError`. assert.throws(() => qs.escape({ toString: 5 }), TypeError); // Should use valueOf instead of non-callable toString. assert.strictEqual(qs.escape({ toString: 5, valueOf: () => 'test' }), 'test'); // Error message will vary between different JavaScript engines, so only check // that it is a `TypeError`. assert.throws(() => qs.escape(Symbol('test')), TypeError);