'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); if (common.isWindows || !common.isMainThread) { if (common.isMainThread) { assert.strictEqual(process.geteuid, undefined); assert.strictEqual(process.getegid, undefined); } assert.strictEqual(process.seteuid, undefined); assert.strictEqual(process.setegid, undefined); return; } assert.throws(() => { process.seteuid({}); }, { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', message: 'The "id" argument must be one of type number or string. ' + 'Received type object' }); assert.throws(() => { process.seteuid('fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveyb'); }, { code: 'ERR_UNKNOWN_CREDENTIAL', message: 'User identifier does not exist: fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveyb' }); // If we're not running as super user... if (process.getuid() !== 0) { // Should not throw. process.getegid(); process.geteuid(); assert.throws(() => { process.setegid('nobody'); }, /(?:EPERM, .+|Group identifier does not exist: nobody)$/); assert.throws(() => { process.seteuid('nobody'); }, /^Error: (?:EPERM, .+|User identifier does not exist: nobody)$/); return; } // If we are running as super user... const oldgid = process.getegid(); try { process.setegid('nobody'); } catch (err) { if (err.message !== 'Group identifier does not exist: nobody') { throw err; } else { process.setegid('nogroup'); } } const newgid = process.getegid(); assert.notStrictEqual(newgid, oldgid); const olduid = process.geteuid(); process.seteuid('nobody'); const newuid = process.geteuid(); assert.notStrictEqual(newuid, olduid);