'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const rootDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..'); const cliMd = path.join(rootDir, 'doc', 'api', 'cli.md'); const cliText = fs.readFileSync(cliMd, { encoding: 'utf8' }); const parseSection = (text, startMarker, endMarker) => { const regExp = new RegExp(`${startMarker}\r?\n([^]*)\r?\n${endMarker}`); const match = text.match(regExp); assert(match, `Unable to locate text between '${startMarker}' and '${endMarker}'.`); return match[1].split(/\r?\n/); }; const nodeOptionsLines = parseSection(cliText, '', ''); const v8OptionsLines = parseSection(cliText, '', ''); // Check the options are documented in alphabetical order. assert.deepStrictEqual(nodeOptionsLines, [...nodeOptionsLines].sort()); assert.deepStrictEqual(v8OptionsLines, [...v8OptionsLines].sort()); const documented = new Set(); for (const line of [...nodeOptionsLines, ...v8OptionsLines]) { for (const match of line.matchAll(/`(-[^`]+)`/g)) { const option = match[1]; assert(!documented.has(option), `Option '${option}' was documented more than once as an ` + `allowed option for NODE_OPTIONS in ${cliMd}.`); documented.add(option); } } // Filter out options that are conditionally present. const conditionalOpts = [ { include: common.hasCrypto, filter: (opt) => { return ['--openssl-config', '--tls-cipher-list', '--use-bundled-ca', '--use-openssl-ca' ].includes(opt); } }, { // We are using openssl_is_fips from the configuration because it could be // the case that OpenSSL is FIPS compatible but fips has not been enabled // (starting node with --enable-fips). If we use common.hasFipsCrypto // that would only tells us if fips has been enabled, but in this case we // want to check options which will be available regardless of whether fips // is enabled at runtime or not. include: process.config.variables.openssl_is_fips, filter: (opt) => opt.includes('-fips') }, { include: common.hasIntl, filter: (opt) => opt === '--icu-data-dir' }, { include: process.features.inspector, filter: (opt) => opt.startsWith('--inspect') || opt === '--debug-port' }, { include: process.config.variables.node_report, filter: (opt) => opt.includes('-report') }, ]; documented.forEach((opt) => { conditionalOpts.forEach(({ include, filter }) => { if (!include && filter(opt)) { documented.delete(opt); } }); }); const difference = (setA, setB) => { return new Set([...setA].filter((x) => !setB.has(x))); }; const overdocumented = difference(documented, process.allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags); assert.strictEqual(overdocumented.size, 0, 'The following options are documented as allowed in ' + `NODE_OPTIONS in ${cliMd}: ` + `${[...overdocumented].join(' ')} ` + 'but are not in process.allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags'); const undocumented = difference(process.allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags, documented); // Remove intentionally undocumented options. assert(undocumented.delete('--debug-arraybuffer-allocations')); assert(undocumented.delete('--es-module-specifier-resolution')); assert(undocumented.delete('--experimental-worker')); assert(undocumented.delete('--no-node-snapshot')); assert(undocumented.delete('--loader')); assert.strictEqual(undocumented.size, 0, 'The following options are not documented as allowed in ' + `NODE_OPTIONS in ${cliMd}: ${[...undocumented].join(' ')}`);