'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures'); if (!common.hasCrypto) common.skip('missing crypto'); const assert = require('assert'); const https = require('https'); function toArrayBuffer(buf) { const ab = new ArrayBuffer(buf.length); const view = new Uint8Array(ab); return buf.map((b, i) => view[i] = b); } function toDataView(buf) { const ab = new ArrayBuffer(buf.length); const view = new DataView(ab); return buf.map((b, i) => view[i] = b); } const keyBuff = fixtures.readKey('agent1-key.pem'); const certBuff = fixtures.readKey('agent1-cert.pem'); const keyBuff2 = fixtures.readKey('ec-key.pem'); const certBuff2 = fixtures.readKey('ec-cert.pem'); const caCert = fixtures.readKey('ca1-cert.pem'); const caCert2 = fixtures.readKey('ca2-cert.pem'); const keyStr = keyBuff.toString(); const certStr = certBuff.toString(); const keyStr2 = keyBuff2.toString(); const certStr2 = certBuff2.toString(); const caCertStr = caCert.toString(); const caCertStr2 = caCert2.toString(); const keyArrBuff = toArrayBuffer(keyBuff); const certArrBuff = toArrayBuffer(certBuff); const caArrBuff = toArrayBuffer(caCert); const keyDataView = toDataView(keyBuff); const certDataView = toDataView(certBuff); const caArrDataView = toDataView(caCert); // Checks to ensure https.createServer doesn't throw an error // Format ['key', 'cert'] [ [keyBuff, certBuff], [false, certBuff], [keyBuff, false], [keyStr, certStr], [false, certStr], [keyStr, false], [false, false], [keyArrBuff, certArrBuff], [keyArrBuff, false], [false, certArrBuff], [keyDataView, certDataView], [keyDataView, false], [false, certDataView], [[keyBuff, keyBuff2], [certBuff, certBuff2]], [[keyStr, keyStr2], [certStr, certStr2]], [[keyStr, keyStr2], false], [false, [certStr, certStr2]], [[{ pem: keyBuff }], false], [[{ pem: keyBuff }, { pem: keyBuff }], false] ].forEach(([key, cert]) => { https.createServer({ key, cert }); }); // Checks to ensure https.createServer predictably throws an error // Format ['key', 'cert', 'expected message'] [ [true, certBuff], [true, certStr], [true, certArrBuff], [true, certDataView], [true, false], [true, false], [{ pem: keyBuff }, false, 'pem'], [1, false], [[keyBuff, true], [certBuff, certBuff2], 1], [[true, keyStr2], [certStr, certStr2], 0], [[true, false], [certBuff, certBuff2], 0], [true, [certBuff, certBuff2]] ].forEach(([key, cert, index]) => { const type = typeof (index === undefined ? key : key[index]); assert.throws(() => { https.createServer({ key, cert }); }, { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', name: 'TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]', message: 'The "options.key" property must be one of type string, Buffer, ' + `TypedArray, or DataView. Received type ${type}` }); }); [ [keyBuff, true], [keyStr, true], [keyArrBuff, true], [keyDataView, true], [true, true], [false, true], [false, { pem: keyBuff }, 'pem'], [false, 1], [[keyBuff, keyBuff2], [true, certBuff2], 0], [[keyStr, keyStr2], [certStr, true], 1], [[keyStr, keyStr2], [true, false], 0], [[keyStr, keyStr2], true], ].forEach(([key, cert, index]) => { const type = typeof (index === undefined ? cert : cert[index]); assert.throws(() => { https.createServer({ key, cert }); }, { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', name: 'TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]', message: 'The "options.cert" property must be one of type string, Buffer,' + ` TypedArray, or DataView. Received type ${type}` }); }); // Checks to ensure https.createServer works with the CA parameter // Format ['key', 'cert', 'ca'] [ [keyBuff, certBuff, caCert], [keyBuff, certBuff, [caCert, caCert2]], [keyBuff, certBuff, caCertStr], [keyBuff, certBuff, [caCertStr, caCertStr2]], [keyBuff, certBuff, caArrBuff], [keyBuff, certBuff, caArrDataView], [keyBuff, certBuff, false], ].forEach(([key, cert, ca]) => { https.createServer({ key, cert, ca }); }); // Checks to ensure https.createServer throws an error for CA assignment // Format ['key', 'cert', 'ca'] [ [keyBuff, certBuff, true], [keyBuff, certBuff, {}], [keyBuff, certBuff, 1], [keyBuff, certBuff, true], [keyBuff, certBuff, [caCert, true], 1] ].forEach(([key, cert, ca, index]) => { const type = typeof (index ? ca[index] : ca); assert.throws(() => { https.createServer({ key, cert, ca }); }, { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', name: 'TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]', message: 'The "options.ca" property must be one of type string, Buffer, ' + `TypedArray, or DataView. Received type ${type}` }); });