'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const { readKey } = require('../common/fixtures'); if (!common.hasCrypto) common.skip('missing crypto'); const assert = require('assert'); const https = require('https'); const { OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER, SSL_OP_NO_TICKET } = require('crypto').constants; const options = { key: readKey('agent1-key.pem'), cert: readKey('agent1-cert.pem'), secureOptions: SSL_OP_NO_TICKET }; // Create TLS1.2 server https.createServer(options, function(req, res) { res.end('ohai'); }).listen(0, function() { first(this); }); // Do request and let agent cache the session function first(server) { const port = server.address().port; const req = https.request({ port: port, rejectUnauthorized: false }, function(res) { res.resume(); server.close(function() { faultyServer(port); }); }); req.end(); } // Create TLS1 server function faultyServer(port) { options.secureProtocol = 'TLSv1_method'; https.createServer(options, function(req, res) { res.end('hello faulty'); }).listen(port, function() { second(this); }); } // Attempt to request using cached session function second(server, session) { const req = https.request({ port: server.address().port, rejectUnauthorized: false }, function(res) { res.resume(); }); if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000) { // Although we have a TLS 1.2 session to offer to the TLS 1.0 server, // connection to the TLS 1.0 server should work. req.on('response', common.mustCall(function(res) { // The test is now complete for OpenSSL 1.1.0. server.close(); })); } else { // OpenSSL 1.0.x mistakenly locked versions based on the session it was // offering. This causes this sequent request to fail. Let it fail, but // test that this is mitigated on the next try by invalidating the session. req.on('error', common.mustCall(function(err) { assert(/wrong version number/.test(err.message)); req.on('close', function() { third(server); }); })); } req.end(); } // Try one more time - session should be evicted! function third(server) { const req = https.request({ port: server.address().port, rejectUnauthorized: false }, function(res) { res.resume(); assert(!req.socket.isSessionReused()); server.close(); }); req.on('error', common.mustNotCall()); req.end(); }