'use strict'; const { expectsError, mustCall } = require('../common'); // Test that the request socket is destroyed if the `'clientError'` event is // emitted and there is no listener for it. const assert = require('assert'); const { createServer } = require('http'); const { createConnection } = require('net'); const server = createServer(); server.on('connection', mustCall((socket) => { socket.on('error', expectsError({ type: Error, message: 'Parse Error', code: 'HPE_INVALID_METHOD', bytesParsed: 0, rawPacket: Buffer.from('FOO /\r\n') })); })); server.listen(0, () => { const chunks = []; const socket = createConnection({ allowHalfOpen: true, port: server.address().port }); socket.on('connect', mustCall(() => { socket.write('FOO /\r\n'); })); socket.on('data', (chunk) => { chunks.push(chunk); }); socket.on('end', mustCall(() => { const expected = Buffer.from('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n'); assert(Buffer.concat(chunks).equals(expected)); server.close(); })); });