// Flags: --expose-internals 'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const dgram = require('dgram'); const { inspect } = require('util'); const { SystemError } = require('internal/errors'); const { internalBinding } = require('internal/test/binding'); const { UV_EBADF, UV_EINVAL, UV_ENOTSOCK } = internalBinding('uv'); function getExpectedError(type) { const code = common.isWindows ? 'ENOTSOCK' : 'EBADF'; const message = common.isWindows ? 'socket operation on non-socket' : 'bad file descriptor'; const errno = common.isWindows ? UV_ENOTSOCK : UV_EBADF; const syscall = `uv_${type}_buffer_size`; const suffix = common.isWindows ? 'ENOTSOCK (socket operation on non-socket)' : 'EBADF (bad file descriptor)'; const error = { code: 'ERR_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE', name: 'SystemError', message: `Could not get or set buffer size: ${syscall} returned ${suffix}`, info: { code, message, errno, syscall } }; return error; } { // Should throw error if the socket is never bound. const errorObj = getExpectedError('send'); const socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4'); assert.throws(() => { socket.setSendBufferSize(8192); }, (err) => { assert.strictEqual( inspect(err).replace(/^ +at .*\n/gm, ''), `SystemError [ERR_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE]: ${errorObj.message}\n` + " code: 'ERR_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE',\n" + ' info: {\n' + ` errno: ${errorObj.info.errno},\n` + ` code: '${errorObj.info.code}',\n` + ` message: '${errorObj.info.message}',\n` + ` syscall: '${errorObj.info.syscall}'\n` + ' },\n' + ` errno: [Getter/Setter: ${errorObj.info.errno}],\n` + ` syscall: [Getter/Setter: '${errorObj.info.syscall}']\n` + '}' ); return true; }); common.expectsError(() => { socket.getSendBufferSize(); }, errorObj); } { const socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4'); // Should throw error if the socket is never bound. const errorObj = getExpectedError('recv'); common.expectsError(() => { socket.setRecvBufferSize(8192); }, errorObj); common.expectsError(() => { socket.getRecvBufferSize(); }, errorObj); } { // Should throw error if invalid buffer size is specified const errorObj = { code: 'ERR_SOCKET_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE', type: TypeError, message: /^Buffer size must be a positive integer$/ }; const badBufferSizes = [-1, Infinity, 'Doh!']; const socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4'); socket.bind(common.mustCall(() => { badBufferSizes.forEach((badBufferSize) => { common.expectsError(() => { socket.setRecvBufferSize(badBufferSize); }, errorObj); common.expectsError(() => { socket.setSendBufferSize(badBufferSize); }, errorObj); }); socket.close(); })); } { // Can set and get buffer sizes after binding the socket. const socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4'); socket.bind(common.mustCall(() => { socket.setRecvBufferSize(10000); socket.setSendBufferSize(10000); // note: linux will double the buffer size const expectedBufferSize = common.isLinux ? 20000 : 10000; assert.strictEqual(socket.getRecvBufferSize(), expectedBufferSize); assert.strictEqual(socket.getSendBufferSize(), expectedBufferSize); socket.close(); })); } { const info = { code: 'EINVAL', message: 'invalid argument', errno: UV_EINVAL, syscall: 'uv_recv_buffer_size' }; const errorObj = { code: 'ERR_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE', type: SystemError, message: 'Could not get or set buffer size: uv_recv_buffer_size ' + 'returned EINVAL (invalid argument)', info }; const socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4'); socket.bind(common.mustCall(() => { common.expectsError(() => { socket.setRecvBufferSize(2147483648); }, errorObj); socket.close(); })); } { const info = { code: 'EINVAL', message: 'invalid argument', errno: UV_EINVAL, syscall: 'uv_send_buffer_size' }; const errorObj = { code: 'ERR_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE', type: SystemError, message: 'Could not get or set buffer size: uv_send_buffer_size ' + 'returned EINVAL (invalid argument)', info }; const socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4'); socket.bind(common.mustCall(() => { common.expectsError(() => { socket.setSendBufferSize(2147483648); }, errorObj); socket.close(); })); }