'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); if (!common.hasCrypto) common.skip('missing crypto'); const assert = require('assert'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const fs = require('fs'); const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures'); let cryptoType; let digest; // Test hashing const a1 = crypto.createHash('sha1').update('Test123').digest('hex'); const a2 = crypto.createHash('sha256').update('Test123').digest('base64'); const a3 = crypto.createHash('sha512').update('Test123').digest(); // buffer const a4 = crypto.createHash('sha1').update('Test123').digest('buffer'); // stream interface let a5 = crypto.createHash('sha512'); a5.end('Test123'); a5 = a5.read(); let a6 = crypto.createHash('sha512'); a6.write('Te'); a6.write('st'); a6.write('123'); a6.end(); a6 = a6.read(); let a7 = crypto.createHash('sha512'); a7.end(); a7 = a7.read(); let a8 = crypto.createHash('sha512'); a8.write(''); a8.end(); a8 = a8.read(); if (!common.hasFipsCrypto) { cryptoType = 'md5'; digest = 'latin1'; const a0 = crypto.createHash(cryptoType).update('Test123').digest(digest); assert.strictEqual( a0, 'h\u00ea\u00cb\u0097\u00d8o\fF!\u00fa+\u000e\u0017\u00ca\u00bd\u008c', `${cryptoType} with ${digest} digest failed to evaluate to expected hash` ); } cryptoType = 'md5'; digest = 'hex'; assert.strictEqual( a1, '8308651804facb7b9af8ffc53a33a22d6a1c8ac2', `${cryptoType} with ${digest} digest failed to evaluate to expected hash`); cryptoType = 'sha256'; digest = 'base64'; assert.strictEqual( a2, '2bX1jws4GYKTlxhloUB09Z66PoJZW+y+hq5R8dnx9l4=', `${cryptoType} with ${digest} digest failed to evaluate to expected hash`); cryptoType = 'sha512'; digest = 'latin1'; assert.deepStrictEqual( a3, Buffer.from( '\u00c1(4\u00f1\u0003\u001fd\u0097!O\'\u00d4C/&Qz\u00d4' + '\u0094\u0015l\u00b8\u008dQ+\u00db\u001d\u00c4\u00b5}\u00b2' + '\u00d6\u0092\u00a3\u00df\u00a2i\u00a1\u009b\n\n*\u000f' + '\u00d7\u00d6\u00a2\u00a8\u0085\u00e3<\u0083\u009c\u0093' + '\u00c2\u0006\u00da0\u00a1\u00879(G\u00ed\'', 'latin1'), `${cryptoType} with ${digest} digest failed to evaluate to expected hash`); cryptoType = 'sha1'; digest = 'hex'; assert.deepStrictEqual( a4, Buffer.from('8308651804facb7b9af8ffc53a33a22d6a1c8ac2', 'hex'), `${cryptoType} with ${digest} digest failed to evaluate to expected hash` ); // stream interface should produce the same result. assert.deepStrictEqual(a5, a3); assert.deepStrictEqual(a6, a3); assert.notStrictEqual(a7, undefined); assert.notStrictEqual(a8, undefined); // Test multiple updates to same hash const h1 = crypto.createHash('sha1').update('Test123').digest('hex'); const h2 = crypto.createHash('sha1').update('Test').update('123').digest('hex'); assert.strictEqual(h1, h2); // Test hashing for binary files const fn = fixtures.path('sample.png'); const sha1Hash = crypto.createHash('sha1'); const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(fn); fileStream.on('data', function(data) { sha1Hash.update(data); }); fileStream.on('close', common.mustCall(function() { // Test SHA1 of sample.png assert.strictEqual(sha1Hash.digest('hex'), '22723e553129a336ad96e10f6aecdf0f45e4149e'); })); // Issue https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/issues/2227: unknown digest // method should throw an error. assert.throws(function() { crypto.createHash('xyzzy'); }, /Digest method not supported/); // Issue https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/9819: throwing encoding used to // segfault. common.expectsError( () => crypto.createHash('sha256').digest({ toString: () => { throw new Error('boom'); }, }), { type: Error, message: 'boom' }); // Default UTF-8 encoding const hutf8 = crypto.createHash('sha512').update('УТФ-8 text').digest('hex'); assert.strictEqual( hutf8, '4b21bbd1a68e690a730ddcb5a8bc94ead9879ffe82580767ad7ec6fa8ba2dea6' + '43a821af66afa9a45b6a78c712fecf0e56dc7f43aef4bcfc8eb5b4d8dca6ea5b'); assert.notStrictEqual( hutf8, crypto.createHash('sha512').update('УТФ-8 text', 'latin1').digest('hex')); const h3 = crypto.createHash('sha256'); h3.digest(); common.expectsError( () => h3.digest(), { code: 'ERR_CRYPTO_HASH_FINALIZED', type: Error }); common.expectsError( () => h3.update('foo'), { code: 'ERR_CRYPTO_HASH_FINALIZED', type: Error }); common.expectsError( () => crypto.createHash('sha256').digest('ucs2'), { code: 'ERR_CRYPTO_HASH_DIGEST_NO_UTF16', type: Error } ); common.expectsError( () => crypto.createHash(), { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', type: TypeError, message: 'The "algorithm" argument must be of type string. ' + 'Received type undefined' } ); { const Hash = crypto.Hash; const instance = crypto.Hash('sha256'); assert(instance instanceof Hash, 'Hash is expected to return a new instance' + ' when called without `new`'); }