'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); if (common.isWindows) common.skip('On Windows named pipes live in their own ' + 'filesystem and don\'t have a ~100 byte limit'); if (!common.isMainThread) common.skip('process.chdir is not available in Workers'); const assert = require('assert'); const cluster = require('cluster'); const fs = require('fs'); const net = require('net'); const path = require('path'); const tmpdir = require('../common/tmpdir'); // Choose a socket name such that the absolute path would exceed 100 bytes. const socketDir = './unix-socket-dir'; const socketName = 'A'.repeat(100 - socketDir.length - 1); // Make sure we're not in a weird environment. assert.ok(path.resolve(socketDir, socketName).length > 100, 'absolute socket path should be longer than 100 bytes'); if (cluster.isMaster) { // Ensure that the worker exits peacefully. tmpdir.refresh(); process.chdir(tmpdir.path); fs.mkdirSync(socketDir); cluster.fork().on('exit', common.mustCall((statusCode) => { assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 0); assert.ok(!fs.existsSync(path.join(socketDir, socketName)), 'Socket should be removed when the worker exits'); })); } else { process.chdir(socketDir); const server = net.createServer(common.mustNotCall()); server.listen(socketName, common.mustCall(() => { assert.ok(fs.existsSync(socketName), 'Socket created in CWD'); process.disconnect(); })); }