'use strict'; // Verify that non-ASCII hostnames are handled correctly as IDNA 2008. // // * Tests will fail with NXDOMAIN when UTF-8 leaks through to a getaddrinfo() // that doesn't support IDNA at all. // // * "straße.de" will resolve to the wrong address when the resolver supports // only IDNA 2003 (e.g., glibc until 2.28) because it encodes it wrong. const { mustCall } = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const dns = require('dns'); const [host, expectedAddress] = ['straße.de', '']; dns.lookup(host, mustCall((err, address) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(address, expectedAddress); })); dns.promises.lookup(host).then(mustCall(({ address }) => { assert.strictEqual(address, expectedAddress); })); dns.resolve4(host, mustCall((err, addresses) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepStrictEqual(addresses, [expectedAddress]); })); new dns.promises.Resolver().resolve4(host).then(mustCall((addresses) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(addresses, [expectedAddress]); }));