/* eslint-disable node-core/required-modules */ 'use strict'; // An HTTP/2 testing tool used to create mock frames for direct testing // of HTTP/2 endpoints. const kFrameData = Symbol('frame-data'); const FLAG_EOS = 0x1; const FLAG_ACK = 0x1; const FLAG_EOH = 0x4; const FLAG_PADDED = 0x8; const PADDING = Buffer.alloc(255); const kClientMagic = Buffer.from('505249202a20485454502f322' + 'e300d0a0d0a534d0d0a0d0a', 'hex'); const kFakeRequestHeaders = Buffer.from('828684410f7777772e65' + '78616d706c652e636f6d', 'hex'); const kFakeResponseHeaders = Buffer.from('4803333032580770726976617465611d' + '4d6f6e2c203231204f63742032303133' + '2032303a31333a323120474d546e1768' + '747470733a2f2f7777772e6578616d70' + '6c652e636f6d', 'hex'); function isUint32(val) { return val >>> 0 === val; } function isUint24(val) { return val >>> 0 === val && val <= 0xFFFFFF; } function isUint8(val) { return val >>> 0 === val && val <= 0xFF; } function write32BE(array, pos, val) { if (!isUint32(val)) throw new RangeError('val is not a 32-bit number'); array[pos++] = (val >> 24) & 0xff; array[pos++] = (val >> 16) & 0xff; array[pos++] = (val >> 8) & 0xff; array[pos++] = val & 0xff; } function write24BE(array, pos, val) { if (!isUint24(val)) throw new RangeError('val is not a 24-bit number'); array[pos++] = (val >> 16) & 0xff; array[pos++] = (val >> 8) & 0xff; array[pos++] = val & 0xff; } function write8(array, pos, val) { if (!isUint8(val)) throw new RangeError('val is not an 8-bit number'); array[pos] = val; } class Frame { constructor(length, type, flags, id) { this[kFrameData] = Buffer.alloc(9); write24BE(this[kFrameData], 0, length); write8(this[kFrameData], 3, type); write8(this[kFrameData], 4, flags); write32BE(this[kFrameData], 5, id); } get data() { return this[kFrameData]; } } class SettingsFrame extends Frame { constructor(ack = false) { let flags = 0; if (ack) flags |= FLAG_ACK; super(0, 4, flags, 0); } } class DataFrame extends Frame { constructor(id, payload, padlen = 0, final = false) { let len = payload.length; let flags = 0; if (final) flags |= FLAG_EOS; const buffers = [payload]; if (padlen > 0) { buffers.unshift(Buffer.from([padlen])); buffers.push(PADDING.slice(0, padlen)); len += padlen + 1; flags |= FLAG_PADDED; } super(len, 0, flags, id); buffers.unshift(this[kFrameData]); this[kFrameData] = Buffer.concat(buffers); } } class HeadersFrame extends Frame { constructor(id, payload, padlen = 0, final = false) { let len = payload.length; let flags = FLAG_EOH; if (final) flags |= FLAG_EOS; const buffers = [payload]; if (padlen > 0) { buffers.unshift(Buffer.from([padlen])); buffers.push(PADDING.slice(0, padlen)); len += padlen + 1; flags |= FLAG_PADDED; } super(len, 1, flags, id); buffers.unshift(this[kFrameData]); this[kFrameData] = Buffer.concat(buffers); } } class PingFrame extends Frame { constructor(ack = false) { const buffers = [Buffer.alloc(8)]; super(8, 6, ack ? 1 : 0, 0); buffers.unshift(this[kFrameData]); this[kFrameData] = Buffer.concat(buffers); } } class AltSvcFrame extends Frame { constructor(size) { const buffers = [Buffer.alloc(size)]; super(size, 10, 0, 0); buffers.unshift(this[kFrameData]); this[kFrameData] = Buffer.concat(buffers); } } module.exports = { Frame, AltSvcFrame, DataFrame, HeadersFrame, SettingsFrame, PingFrame, kFakeRequestHeaders, kFakeResponseHeaders, kClientMagic };