#include #include #include #ifdef _AIX // AIX allows over-allocation, and will SIGKILL when the allocated pages are // used if there is not enough VM. Check for available space until // out-of-memory. Don't allow more then some (large) proportion of it to be // used for the test strings, so Node & V8 have some space for allocations. #include #include static void* Allowed(size_t size) { blkcnt_t allowedBlocks = psdanger(SIGKILL); if (allowedBlocks < 1) { // Already OOM return nullptr; } const size_t BYTES_PER_BLOCK = 512; size_t allowed = (allowedBlocks * BYTES_PER_BLOCK * 4) / 5; if (size < allowed) { return malloc(size); } return nullptr; } #else // Other systems also allow over-allocation, but this malloc-and-free approach // seems to be working for them. static void* Allowed(size_t size) { return malloc(size); } #endif // _AIX void EnsureAllocation(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo &args) { v8::Isolate* isolate = args.GetIsolate(); uintptr_t size = args[0].As()->Value(); v8::Local success; void* buffer = Allowed(size); if (buffer) { success = v8::Boolean::New(isolate, true); free(buffer); } else { success = v8::Boolean::New(isolate, false); } args.GetReturnValue().Set(success); } void init(v8::Local exports) { NODE_SET_METHOD(exports, "ensureAllocation", EnsureAllocation); } NODE_MODULE(NODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME, init)