#include "node_report.h" #include "ares.h" #include "debug_utils.h" #include "http_parser.h" #include "nghttp2/nghttp2ver.h" #include "node_internals.h" #include "node_metadata.h" #include "zlib.h" #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #else #include // Get the standard printf format macros for C99 stdint types. #ifndef __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #endif #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifndef _MSC_VER #include #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #endif #ifndef _WIN32 extern char** environ; #endif namespace report { using node::arraysize; using node::Environment; using node::Mutex; using node::NativeSymbolDebuggingContext; using node::PerIsolateOptions; using v8::HeapSpaceStatistics; using v8::HeapStatistics; using v8::Isolate; using v8::Local; using v8::Number; using v8::StackTrace; using v8::String; using v8::V8; using v8::Value; // Internal/static function declarations static void WriteNodeReport(Isolate* isolate, Environment* env, const char* message, const char* location, const std::string& filename, std::ostream& out, Local stackstr, TIME_TYPE* time); static void PrintVersionInformation(JSONWriter* writer); static void PrintJavaScriptStack(JSONWriter* writer, Isolate* isolate, Local stackstr, const char* location); static void PrintNativeStack(JSONWriter* writer); #ifndef _WIN32 static void PrintResourceUsage(JSONWriter* writer); #endif static void PrintGCStatistics(JSONWriter* writer, Isolate* isolate); static void PrintSystemInformation(JSONWriter* writer); static void PrintLoadedLibraries(JSONWriter* writer); static void PrintComponentVersions(JSONWriter* writer); static void LocalTime(TIME_TYPE* tm_struct); // Global variables static std::atomic_int seq = {0}; // sequence number for report filenames // External function to trigger a report, writing to file. // The 'name' parameter is in/out: an input filename is used // if supplied, and the actual filename is returned. std::string TriggerNodeReport(Isolate* isolate, Environment* env, const char* message, const char* location, std::string name, Local stackstr) { std::ostringstream oss; std::string filename; std::shared_ptr options; if (env != nullptr) options = env->isolate_data()->options(); // Obtain the current time and the pid (platform dependent) TIME_TYPE tm_struct; LocalTime(&tm_struct); uv_pid_t pid = uv_os_getpid(); // Determine the required report filename. In order of priority: // 1) supplied on API 2) configured on startup 3) default generated if (!name.empty()) { // Filename was specified as API parameter, use that oss << name; } else if (env != nullptr && options->report_filename.length() > 0) { // File name was supplied via start-up option, use that oss << options->report_filename; } else { // Construct the report filename, with timestamp, pid and sequence number oss << "report"; seq++; #ifdef _WIN32 oss << "." << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << tm_struct.wYear; oss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << tm_struct.wMonth; oss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << tm_struct.wDay; oss << "." << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << tm_struct.wHour; oss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << tm_struct.wMinute; oss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << tm_struct.wSecond; oss << "." << pid; oss << "." << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << seq.load(); #else // UNIX, OSX oss << "." << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << tm_struct.tm_year + 1900; oss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << tm_struct.tm_mon + 1; oss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << tm_struct.tm_mday; oss << "." << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << tm_struct.tm_hour; oss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << tm_struct.tm_min; oss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << tm_struct.tm_sec; oss << "." << pid; oss << "." << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << seq.load(); #endif oss << ".json"; } filename = oss.str(); // Open the report file stream for writing. Supports stdout/err, // user-specified or (default) generated name std::ofstream outfile; std::ostream* outstream = &std::cout; if (filename == "stdout") { outstream = &std::cout; } else if (filename == "stderr") { outstream = &std::cerr; } else { // Regular file. Append filename to directory path if one was specified if (env != nullptr && options->report_directory.length() > 0) { std::string pathname = options->report_directory; pathname += PATHSEP; pathname += filename; outfile.open(pathname, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); } else { outfile.open(filename, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); } // Check for errors on the file open if (!outfile.is_open()) { if (env != nullptr && options->report_directory.length() > 0) { std::cerr << std::endl << "Failed to open Node.js report file: " << filename << " directory: " << options->report_directory << " (errno: " << errno << ")" << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << std::endl << "Failed to open Node.js report file: " << filename << " (errno: " << errno << ")" << std::endl; } return ""; } else { std::cerr << std::endl << "Writing Node.js report to file: " << filename << std::endl; } } // Pass our stream about by reference, not by copying it. std::ostream& out = outfile.is_open() ? outfile : *outstream; WriteNodeReport( isolate, env, message, location, filename, out, stackstr, &tm_struct); // Do not close stdout/stderr, only close files we opened. if (outfile.is_open()) { outfile.close(); } std::cerr << "Node.js report completed" << std::endl; if (name.empty()) return filename; return name; } // External function to trigger a report, writing to a supplied stream. void GetNodeReport(Isolate* isolate, Environment* env, const char* message, const char* location, Local stackstr, std::ostream& out) { // Obtain the current time and the pid (platform dependent) TIME_TYPE tm_struct; LocalTime(&tm_struct); std::string str = "NA"; WriteNodeReport( isolate, env, message, location, str, out, stackstr, &tm_struct); } // Internal function to coordinate and write the various // sections of the report to the supplied stream static void WriteNodeReport(Isolate* isolate, Environment* env, const char* message, const char* location, const std::string& filename, std::ostream& out, Local stackstr, TIME_TYPE* tm_struct) { uv_pid_t pid = uv_os_getpid(); // Save formatting for output stream. std::ios old_state(nullptr); old_state.copyfmt(out); // File stream opened OK, now start printing the report content: // the title and header information (event, filename, timestamp and pid) JSONWriter writer(out); writer.json_start(); writer.json_objectstart("header"); writer.json_keyvalue("event", message); writer.json_keyvalue("location", location); if (!filename.empty()) writer.json_keyvalue("filename", filename); else writer.json_keyvalue("filename", "''"); // Report dump event and module load date/time stamps char timebuf[64]; #ifdef _WIN32 snprintf(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", tm_struct->wYear, tm_struct->wMonth, tm_struct->wDay, tm_struct->wHour, tm_struct->wMinute, tm_struct->wSecond); writer.json_keyvalue("dumpEventTime", timebuf); #else // UNIX, OSX snprintf(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", tm_struct->tm_year + 1900, tm_struct->tm_mon + 1, tm_struct->tm_mday, tm_struct->tm_hour, tm_struct->tm_min, tm_struct->tm_sec); writer.json_keyvalue("dumpEventTime", timebuf); struct timeval ts; gettimeofday(&ts, nullptr); writer.json_keyvalue("dumpEventTimeStamp", std::to_string(ts.tv_sec * 1000 + ts.tv_usec / 1000)); #endif // Report native process ID writer.json_keyvalue("processId", pid); // Report out the command line. if (!node::per_process::cli_options->cmdline.empty()) { writer.json_arraystart("commandLine"); for (std::string arg : node::per_process::cli_options->cmdline) { writer.json_element(arg); } writer.json_arrayend(); } // Report Node.js and OS version information PrintVersionInformation(&writer); writer.json_objectend(); // Report summary JavaScript stack backtrace PrintJavaScriptStack(&writer, isolate, stackstr, location); // Report native stack backtrace PrintNativeStack(&writer); // Report V8 Heap and Garbage Collector information PrintGCStatistics(&writer, isolate); // Report OS and current thread resource usage #ifndef _WIN32 PrintResourceUsage(&writer); #endif writer.json_arraystart("libuv"); if (env != nullptr) uv_walk(env->event_loop(), WalkHandle, static_cast(&writer)); writer.json_arrayend(); // Report operating system information PrintSystemInformation(&writer); writer.json_objectend(); // Restore output stream formatting. out.copyfmt(old_state); } // Report Node.js version, OS version and machine information. static void PrintVersionInformation(JSONWriter* writer) { std::ostringstream buf; // Report Node version buf << "v" << NODE_VERSION_STRING; writer->json_keyvalue("nodejsVersion", buf.str()); buf.str(""); #ifdef __GLIBC__ buf << __GLIBC__ << "." << __GLIBC_MINOR__; writer->json_keyvalue("glibcVersion", buf.str()); buf.str(""); #endif // Report Process word size writer->json_keyvalue("wordSize", sizeof(void*) * 8); // Report deps component versions PrintComponentVersions(writer); // Report operating system and machine information (Windows) #ifdef _WIN32 { // Level 101 to obtain the server name, type, and associated details. // ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/ // api/lmserver/nf-lmserver-netservergetinfo const DWORD level = 101; LPSERVER_INFO_101 os_info = nullptr; NET_API_STATUS nStatus = NetServerGetInfo(nullptr, level, reinterpret_cast(&os_info)); if (nStatus == NERR_Success) { LPSTR os_name = "Windows"; const DWORD major = os_info->sv101_version_major & MAJOR_VERSION_MASK; const DWORD type = os_info->sv101_type; const bool isServer = (type & SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_CTRL) || (type & SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_BAKCTRL) || (type & SV_TYPE_SERVER_NT); switch (major) { case 5: switch (os_info->sv101_version_minor) { case 0: os_name = "Windows 2000"; break; default: os_name = (isServer ? "Windows Server 2003" : "Windows XP"); } break; case 6: switch (os_info->sv101_version_minor) { case 0: os_name = (isServer ? "Windows Server 2008" : "Windows Vista"); break; case 1: os_name = (isServer ? "Windows Server 2008 R2" : "Windows 7"); break; case 2: os_name = (isServer ? "Windows Server 2012" : "Windows 8"); break; case 3: os_name = (isServer ? "Windows Server 2012 R2" : "Windows 8.1"); break; default: os_name = (isServer ? "Windows Server" : "Windows Client"); } break; case 10: os_name = (isServer ? "Windows Server 2016" : "Windows 10"); break; default: os_name = (isServer ? "Windows Server" : "Windows Client"); } writer->json_keyvalue("osVersion", os_name); // Convert and report the machine name and comment fields // (these are LPWSTR types) size_t count; char name_buf[256]; wcstombs_s( &count, name_buf, sizeof(name_buf), os_info->sv101_name, _TRUNCATE); if (os_info->sv101_comment != nullptr) { char comment_buf[256]; wcstombs_s(&count, comment_buf, sizeof(comment_buf), os_info->sv101_comment, _TRUNCATE); buf << name_buf << " " << comment_buf; writer->json_keyvalue("machine", buf.str()); buf.flush(); } else { writer->json_keyvalue("machine", name_buf); } if (os_info != nullptr) { NetApiBufferFree(os_info); } } else { // NetServerGetInfo() failed, fallback to use GetComputerName() instead TCHAR machine_name[256]; DWORD machine_name_size = 256; writer->json_keyvalue("osVersion", "Windows"); if (GetComputerName(machine_name, &machine_name_size)) { writer->json_keyvalue("machine", machine_name); } } } #else // Report operating system and machine information (Unix/OSX) struct utsname os_info; if (uname(&os_info) >= 0) { #ifdef _AIX buf << os_info.sysname << " " << os_info.version << "." << os_info.release; #else buf << os_info.sysname << " " << os_info.release << " " << os_info.version; #endif /* _AIX */ writer->json_keyvalue("osVersion", buf.str()); buf.str(""); buf << os_info.nodename << " " << os_info.machine; writer->json_keyvalue("machine", buf.str()); const char* (*libc_version)(); *(reinterpret_cast(&libc_version)) = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "gnu_get_libc_version"); if (libc_version != nullptr) { writer->json_keyvalue("glibc", (*libc_version)()); } } #endif } // Report the JavaScript stack. static void PrintJavaScriptStack(JSONWriter* writer, Isolate* isolate, Local stackstr, const char* location) { writer->json_objectstart("javascriptStack"); std::string ss; if ((!strcmp(location, "OnFatalError")) || (!strcmp(location, "OnUserSignal"))) { ss = "No stack.\nUnavailable.\n"; } else { String::Utf8Value sv(isolate, stackstr); ss = std::string(*sv, sv.length()); } int line = ss.find("\n"); if (line == -1) { writer->json_keyvalue("message", ss); writer->json_objectend(); } else { std::string l = ss.substr(0, line); writer->json_keyvalue("message", l); writer->json_arraystart("stack"); ss = ss.substr(line + 1); line = ss.find("\n"); while (line != -1) { l = ss.substr(0, line); l.erase(l.begin(), std::find_if(l.begin(), l.end(), [](int ch) { return !std::iswspace(ch); })); writer->json_element(l); ss = ss.substr(line + 1); line = ss.find("\n"); } } writer->json_arrayend(); writer->json_objectend(); } // Report a native stack backtrace static void PrintNativeStack(JSONWriter* writer) { auto sym_ctx = NativeSymbolDebuggingContext::New(); void* frames[256]; const int size = sym_ctx->GetStackTrace(frames, arraysize(frames)); writer->json_arraystart("nativeStack"); int i; std::ostringstream buf; for (i = 1; i < size; i++) { void* frame = frames[i]; buf.str(""); buf << " [pc=" << frame << "] "; buf << sym_ctx->LookupSymbol(frame).Display().c_str(); writer->json_element(buf.str()); } writer->json_arrayend(); } // Report V8 JavaScript heap information. // This uses the existing V8 HeapStatistics and HeapSpaceStatistics APIs. // The isolate->GetGCStatistics(&heap_stats) internal V8 API could potentially // provide some more useful information - the GC history and the handle counts static void PrintGCStatistics(JSONWriter* writer, Isolate* isolate) { HeapStatistics v8_heap_stats; isolate->GetHeapStatistics(&v8_heap_stats); HeapSpaceStatistics v8_heap_space_stats; writer->json_objectstart("javascriptHeap"); writer->json_keyvalue("totalMemory", v8_heap_stats.total_heap_size()); writer->json_keyvalue("totalCommittedMemory", v8_heap_stats.total_physical_size()); writer->json_keyvalue("usedMemory", v8_heap_stats.used_heap_size()); writer->json_keyvalue("availableMemory", v8_heap_stats.total_available_size()); writer->json_keyvalue("memoryLimit", v8_heap_stats.heap_size_limit()); writer->json_objectstart("heapSpaces"); // Loop through heap spaces size_t i; for (i = 0; i < isolate->NumberOfHeapSpaces() - 1; i++) { isolate->GetHeapSpaceStatistics(&v8_heap_space_stats, i); writer->json_objectstart(v8_heap_space_stats.space_name()); writer->json_keyvalue("memorySize", v8_heap_space_stats.space_size()); writer->json_keyvalue( "committedMemory", v8_heap_space_stats.physical_space_size()); writer->json_keyvalue( "capacity", v8_heap_space_stats.space_used_size() + v8_heap_space_stats.space_available_size()); writer->json_keyvalue("used", v8_heap_space_stats.space_used_size()); writer->json_keyvalue( "available", v8_heap_space_stats.space_available_size()); writer->json_objectend(); } isolate->GetHeapSpaceStatistics(&v8_heap_space_stats, i); writer->json_objectstart(v8_heap_space_stats.space_name()); writer->json_keyvalue("memorySize", v8_heap_space_stats.space_size()); writer->json_keyvalue( "committedMemory", v8_heap_space_stats.physical_space_size()); writer->json_keyvalue( "capacity", v8_heap_space_stats.space_used_size() + v8_heap_space_stats.space_available_size()); writer->json_keyvalue("used", v8_heap_space_stats.space_used_size()); writer->json_keyvalue( "available", v8_heap_space_stats.space_available_size()); writer->json_objectend(); writer->json_objectend(); writer->json_objectend(); } #ifndef _WIN32 // Report resource usage (Linux/OSX only). static void PrintResourceUsage(JSONWriter* writer) { time_t current_time; // current time absolute time(¤t_time); size_t boot_time = static_cast(node::per_process::prog_start_time / (1000 * 1000 * 1000)); auto uptime = difftime(current_time, boot_time); if (uptime == 0) uptime = 1; // avoid division by zero. // Process and current thread usage statistics struct rusage stats; writer->json_objectstart("resourceUsage"); if (getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &stats) == 0) { double user_cpu = stats.ru_utime.tv_sec + 0.000001 * stats.ru_utime.tv_usec; double kernel_cpu = stats.ru_utime.tv_sec + 0.000001 * stats.ru_utime.tv_usec; writer->json_keyvalue("userCpuSeconds", user_cpu); writer->json_keyvalue("kernelCpuSeconds", kernel_cpu); double cpu_abs = user_cpu + kernel_cpu; double cpu_percentage = (cpu_abs / uptime) * 100.0; writer->json_keyvalue("cpuConsumptionPercent", cpu_percentage); writer->json_keyvalue("maxRss", stats.ru_maxrss * 1024); writer->json_objectstart("pageFaults"); writer->json_keyvalue("IORequired", stats.ru_majflt); writer->json_keyvalue("IONotRequired", stats.ru_minflt); writer->json_objectend(); writer->json_objectstart("fsActivity"); writer->json_keyvalue("reads", stats.ru_inblock); writer->json_keyvalue("writes", stats.ru_oublock); writer->json_objectend(); } writer->json_objectend(); #ifdef RUSAGE_THREAD if (getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, &stats) == 0) { writer->json_objectstart("uvthreadResourceUsage"); double user_cpu = stats.ru_utime.tv_sec + 0.000001 * stats.ru_utime.tv_usec; double kernel_cpu = stats.ru_utime.tv_sec + 0.000001 * stats.ru_utime.tv_usec; writer->json_keyvalue("userCpuSeconds", user_cpu); writer->json_keyvalue("kernelCpuSeconds", kernel_cpu); double cpu_abs = user_cpu + kernel_cpu; double cpu_percentage = (cpu_abs / uptime) * 100.0; writer->json_keyvalue("cpuConsumptionPercent", cpu_percentage); writer->json_objectstart("fsActivity"); writer->json_keyvalue("reads", stats.ru_inblock); writer->json_keyvalue("writes", stats.ru_oublock); writer->json_objectend(); writer->json_objectend(); } #endif } #endif // Report operating system information. static void PrintSystemInformation(JSONWriter* writer) { #ifndef _WIN32 static struct { const char* description; int id; } rlimit_strings[] = { {"core_file_size_blocks", RLIMIT_CORE}, {"data_seg_size_kbytes", RLIMIT_DATA}, {"file_size_blocks", RLIMIT_FSIZE}, #if !(defined(_AIX) || defined(__sun)) {"max_locked_memory_bytes", RLIMIT_MEMLOCK}, #endif #ifndef __sun {"max_memory_size_kbytes", RLIMIT_RSS}, #endif {"open_files", RLIMIT_NOFILE}, {"stack_size_bytes", RLIMIT_STACK}, {"cpu_time_seconds", RLIMIT_CPU}, #ifndef __sun {"max_user_processes", RLIMIT_NPROC}, #endif {"virtual_memory_kbytes", RLIMIT_AS} }; #endif // _WIN32 writer->json_objectstart("environmentVariables"); Mutex::ScopedLock lock(node::per_process::env_var_mutex); #ifdef _WIN32 LPWSTR lpszVariable; LPWCH lpvEnv; // Get pointer to the environment block lpvEnv = GetEnvironmentStringsW(); if (lpvEnv != nullptr) { // Variable strings are separated by null bytes, // and the block is terminated by a null byte. lpszVariable = reinterpret_cast(lpvEnv); while (*lpszVariable) { DWORD size = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, lpszVariable, -1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr); char* str = new char[size]; WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, lpszVariable, -1, str, size, nullptr, nullptr); std::string env(str); int sep = env.rfind("="); std::string key = env.substr(0, sep); std::string value = env.substr(sep + 1); writer->json_keyvalue(key, value); lpszVariable += lstrlenW(lpszVariable) + 1; } FreeEnvironmentStringsW(lpvEnv); } writer->json_objectend(); #else std::string pair; for (char** env = environ; *env != nullptr; ++env) { std::string pair(*env); int separator = pair.find('='); std::string key = pair.substr(0, separator); std::string str = pair.substr(separator + 1); writer->json_keyvalue(key, str); } writer->json_objectend(); writer->json_objectstart("userLimits"); struct rlimit limit; std::string soft, hard; for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(rlimit_strings); i++) { if (getrlimit(rlimit_strings[i].id, &limit) == 0) { writer->json_objectstart(rlimit_strings[i].description); if (limit.rlim_cur == RLIM_INFINITY) writer->json_keyvalue("soft", "unlimited"); else writer->json_keyvalue("soft", limit.rlim_cur); if (limit.rlim_max == RLIM_INFINITY) writer->json_keyvalue("hard", "unlimited"); else writer->json_keyvalue("hard", limit.rlim_max); writer->json_objectend(); } } writer->json_objectend(); #endif PrintLoadedLibraries(writer); } // Report a list of loaded native libraries. static void PrintLoadedLibraries(JSONWriter* writer) { writer->json_arraystart("sharedObjects"); std::vector modules = NativeSymbolDebuggingContext::GetLoadedLibraries(); for (auto const& module_name : modules) writer->json_element(module_name); writer->json_arrayend(); } // Obtain and report the node and subcomponent version strings. static void PrintComponentVersions(JSONWriter* writer) { std::stringstream buf; writer->json_objectstart("componentVersions"); #define V(key) \ writer->json_keyvalue(#key, node::per_process::metadata.versions.key); NODE_VERSIONS_KEYS(V) #undef V // Some extra information that is not present in node_metadata. writer->json_keyvalue("arch", NODE_ARCH); writer->json_keyvalue("platform", NODE_PLATFORM); writer->json_keyvalue("release", NODE_RELEASE); if (NODE_VERSION_IS_LTS != 0) writer->json_keyvalue("lts", NODE_VERSION_LTS_CODENAME); writer->json_objectend(); } static void LocalTime(TIME_TYPE* tm_struct) { #ifdef _WIN32 GetLocalTime(tm_struct); #else // UNIX, OSX struct timeval time_val; gettimeofday(&time_val, nullptr); localtime_r(&time_val.tv_sec, tm_struct); #endif } } // namespace report