#include "inspector_agent.h" #include "node.h" #include "env.h" #include "env-inl.h" #include "node_version.h" #include "v8-platform.h" #include "util.h" #include "platform/v8_inspector/public/V8Inspector.h" #include "platform/inspector_protocol/FrontendChannel.h" #include "platform/inspector_protocol/String16.h" #include "platform/inspector_protocol/Values.h" #include "libplatform/libplatform.h" #include // We need pid to use as ID with Chrome #if defined(_MSC_VER) #include #include #define getpid GetCurrentProcessId #else #include // setuid, getuid #endif namespace node { namespace { const char DEVTOOLS_PATH[] = "/node"; void PrintDebuggerReadyMessage(int port) { fprintf(stderr, "Debugger listening on port %d.\n" "To start debugging, open the following URL in Chrome:\n" " chrome-devtools://devtools/remote/serve_file/" "@521e5b7e2b7cc66b4006a8a54cb9c4e57494a5ef/inspector.html?" "experiments=true&v8only=true&ws=localhost:%d/node\n", port, port); } bool AcceptsConnection(inspector_socket_t* socket, const char* path) { return strncmp(DEVTOOLS_PATH, path, sizeof(DEVTOOLS_PATH)) == 0; } void DisposeInspector(inspector_socket_t* socket, int status) { free(socket); } void DisconnectAndDisposeIO(inspector_socket_t* socket) { if (socket) { inspector_close(socket, DisposeInspector); } } void OnBufferAlloc(uv_handle_t* handle, size_t len, uv_buf_t* buf) { if (len > 0) { buf->base = static_cast(malloc(len)); CHECK_NE(buf->base, nullptr); } buf->len = len; } void SendHttpResponse(inspector_socket_t* socket, const char* response, size_t len) { const char HEADERS[] = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\r\n" "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n" "Content-Length: %ld\r\n" "\r\n"; char header[sizeof(HEADERS) + 20]; int header_len = snprintf(header, sizeof(header), HEADERS, len); inspector_write(socket, header, header_len); inspector_write(socket, response, len); } void SendVersionResponse(inspector_socket_t* socket) { const char VERSION_RESPONSE_TEMPLATE[] = "[ {" " \"Browser\": \"node.js/%s\"," " \"Protocol-Version\": \"1.1\"," " \"User-Agent\": \"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36" "(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2446.0 Safari/537.36\"," " \"WebKit-Version\": \"537.36 (@198122)\"" "} ]"; char buffer[sizeof(VERSION_RESPONSE_TEMPLATE) + 128]; size_t len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), VERSION_RESPONSE_TEMPLATE, NODE_VERSION); ASSERT_LT(len, sizeof(buffer)); SendHttpResponse(socket, buffer, len); } void SendTargentsListResponse(inspector_socket_t* socket) { const char LIST_RESPONSE_TEMPLATE[] = "[ {" " \"description\": \"node.js instance\"," " \"devtoolsFrontendUrl\": " "\"https://chrome-devtools-frontend.appspot.com/serve_file/" "@4604d24a75168768584760ba56d175507941852f/inspector.html\"," " \"faviconUrl\": \"https://nodejs.org/static/favicon.ico\"," " \"id\": \"%d\"," " \"title\": \"%s\"," " \"type\": \"node\"," " \"webSocketDebuggerUrl\": \"ws://%s\"" "} ]"; char buffer[sizeof(LIST_RESPONSE_TEMPLATE) + 4096]; char title[2048]; // uv_get_process_title trims the title if too long int err = uv_get_process_title(title, sizeof(title)); ASSERT_EQ(0, err); char* c = title; while (!c) { if (*c < ' ' || *c == '\"') { *c = '_'; } c++; } size_t len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), LIST_RESPONSE_TEMPLATE, getpid(), title, DEVTOOLS_PATH); ASSERT_LT(len, sizeof(buffer)); SendHttpResponse(socket, buffer, len); } bool RespondToGet(inspector_socket_t* socket, const char* path) { const char PATH[] = "/json"; const char PATH_LIST[] = "/json/list"; const char PATH_VERSION[] = "/json/version"; const char PATH_ACTIVATE[] = "/json/activate/"; if (!strncmp(PATH_VERSION, path, sizeof(PATH_VERSION))) { SendVersionResponse(socket); } else if (!strncmp(PATH_LIST, path, sizeof(PATH_LIST)) || !strncmp(PATH, path, sizeof(PATH))) { SendTargentsListResponse(socket); } else if (!strncmp(path, PATH_ACTIVATE, sizeof(PATH_ACTIVATE) - 1) && atoi(path + (sizeof(PATH_ACTIVATE) - 1)) == getpid()) { const char TARGET_ACTIVATED[] = "Target activated"; SendHttpResponse(socket, TARGET_ACTIVATED, sizeof(TARGET_ACTIVATED) - 1); } else { return false; } return true; } } // namespace namespace inspector { using blink::protocol::DictionaryValue; using blink::protocol::String16; void InterruptCallback(v8::Isolate*, void* agent) { static_cast(agent)->PostMessages(); } class DispatchOnInspectorBackendTask : public v8::Task { public: explicit DispatchOnInspectorBackendTask(Agent* agent) : agent_(agent) {} void Run() override { agent_->PostMessages(); } private: Agent* agent_; }; class ChannelImpl final : public blink::protocol::FrontendChannel { public: explicit ChannelImpl(Agent* agent): agent_(agent) {} virtual ~ChannelImpl() {} private: virtual void sendProtocolResponse(int sessionId, int callId, std::unique_ptr message) override { sendMessageToFrontend(std::move(message)); } virtual void sendProtocolNotification( std::unique_ptr message) override { sendMessageToFrontend(std::move(message)); } virtual void flush() override { } void sendMessageToFrontend(std::unique_ptr message) { agent_->Write(message->toJSONString().utf8()); } Agent* const agent_; }; class SetConnectedTask : public v8::Task { public: SetConnectedTask(Agent* agent, bool connected) : agent_(agent), connected_(connected) {} void Run() override { agent_->SetConnected(connected_); } private: Agent* agent_; bool connected_; }; class V8NodeInspector : public blink::V8Inspector { public: V8NodeInspector(Agent* agent, node::Environment* env, v8::Platform* platform) : blink::V8Inspector(env->isolate(), env->context()), agent_(agent), isolate_(env->isolate()), platform_(platform), terminated_(false), running_nested_loop_(false) {} void runMessageLoopOnPause(int context_group_id) override { if (running_nested_loop_) return; terminated_ = false; running_nested_loop_ = true; do { uv_mutex_lock(&agent_->pause_lock_); uv_cond_wait(&agent_->pause_cond_, &agent_->pause_lock_); uv_mutex_unlock(&agent_->pause_lock_); while (v8::platform::PumpMessageLoop(platform_, isolate_)) {} } while (!terminated_); terminated_ = false; running_nested_loop_ = false; } void quitMessageLoopOnPause() override { terminated_ = true; } private: Agent* agent_; v8::Isolate* isolate_; v8::Platform* platform_; bool terminated_; bool running_nested_loop_; }; Agent::Agent(Environment* env) : port_(9229), wait_(false), connected_(false), shutting_down_(false), parent_env_(env), client_socket_(nullptr), inspector_(nullptr), platform_(nullptr), dispatching_messages_(false) { int err; err = uv_sem_init(&start_sem_, 0); CHECK_EQ(err, 0); } Agent::~Agent() { if (!inspector_) return; uv_mutex_destroy(&queue_lock_); uv_mutex_destroy(&pause_lock_); uv_cond_destroy(&pause_cond_); uv_close(reinterpret_cast(&data_written_), nullptr); } void Agent::Start(v8::Platform* platform, int port, bool wait) { auto env = parent_env_; inspector_ = new V8NodeInspector(this, env, platform); int err; platform_ = platform; err = uv_loop_init(&child_loop_); CHECK_EQ(err, 0); err = uv_async_init(env->event_loop(), &data_written_, nullptr); CHECK_EQ(err, 0); err = uv_mutex_init(&queue_lock_); CHECK_EQ(err, 0); err = uv_mutex_init(&pause_lock_); CHECK_EQ(err, 0); err = uv_cond_init(&pause_cond_); CHECK_EQ(err, 0); uv_unref(reinterpret_cast(&data_written_)); port_ = port; wait_ = wait; err = uv_thread_create(&thread_, Agent::ThreadCbIO, this); CHECK_EQ(err, 0); uv_sem_wait(&start_sem_); if (wait) { // Flush messages in case of wait to connect, see OnRemoteDataIO on how it // should be fixed. SetConnected(true); PostMessages(); } } void Agent::Stop() { // TODO(repenaxa): hop on the right thread. DisconnectAndDisposeIO(client_socket_); int err = uv_thread_join(&thread_); CHECK_EQ(err, 0); uv_run(&child_loop_, UV_RUN_NOWAIT); err = uv_loop_close(&child_loop_); CHECK_EQ(err, 0); delete inspector_; } bool Agent::IsStarted() { return !!platform_; } void Agent::WaitForDisconnect() { shutting_down_ = true; fprintf(stderr, "Waiting for the debugger to disconnect...\n"); inspector_->runMessageLoopOnPause(0); } // static void Agent::ThreadCbIO(void* agent) { static_cast(agent)->WorkerRunIO(); } // static void Agent::OnSocketConnectionIO(uv_stream_t* server, int status) { if (status == 0) { inspector_socket_t* socket = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(*socket))); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, socket); memset(socket, 0, sizeof(*socket)); socket->data = server->data; if (inspector_accept(server, socket, Agent::OnInspectorHandshakeIO) != 0) { free(socket); } } } // static bool Agent::OnInspectorHandshakeIO(inspector_socket_t* socket, enum inspector_handshake_event state, const char* path) { Agent* agent = static_cast(socket->data); switch (state) { case kInspectorHandshakeHttpGet: return RespondToGet(socket, path); case kInspectorHandshakeUpgrading: return AcceptsConnection(socket, path); case kInspectorHandshakeUpgraded: agent->OnInspectorConnectionIO(socket); return true; case kInspectorHandshakeFailed: return false; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } // static void Agent::OnRemoteDataIO(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t read, const uv_buf_t* b) { inspector_socket_t* socket = static_cast(stream->data); Agent* agent = static_cast(socket->data); if (read > 0) { std::string str(b->base, read); agent->PushPendingMessage(&agent->message_queue_, str); free(b->base); // TODO(pfeldman): Instead of blocking execution while debugger // engages, node should wait for the run callback from the remote client // and initiate its startup. This is a change to node.cc that should be // upstreamed separately. if (agent->wait_ && str.find("\"Runtime.run\"") != std::string::npos) { agent->wait_ = false; uv_sem_post(&agent->start_sem_); } agent->platform_->CallOnForegroundThread(agent->parent_env_->isolate(), new DispatchOnInspectorBackendTask(agent)); agent->parent_env_->isolate() ->RequestInterrupt(InterruptCallback, agent); uv_async_send(&agent->data_written_); } else if (read < 0) { if (agent->client_socket_ == socket) { agent->client_socket_ = nullptr; } DisconnectAndDisposeIO(socket); } else { // EOF if (agent->client_socket_ == socket) { agent->client_socket_ = nullptr; agent->platform_->CallOnForegroundThread(agent->parent_env_->isolate(), new SetConnectedTask(agent, false)); uv_async_send(&agent->data_written_); } } uv_cond_broadcast(&agent->pause_cond_); } void Agent::PushPendingMessage(std::vector* queue, const std::string& message) { uv_mutex_lock(&queue_lock_); queue->push_back(message); uv_mutex_unlock(&queue_lock_); } void Agent::SwapBehindLock(std::vector Agent::*queue, std::vector* output) { uv_mutex_lock(&queue_lock_); (this->*queue).swap(*output); uv_mutex_unlock(&queue_lock_); } // static void Agent::WriteCbIO(uv_async_t* async) { Agent* agent = static_cast(async->data); inspector_socket_t* socket = agent->client_socket_; if (socket) { std::vector outgoing_messages; agent->SwapBehindLock(&Agent::outgoing_message_queue_, &outgoing_messages); for (auto const& message : outgoing_messages) inspector_write(socket, message.c_str(), message.length()); } } void Agent::WorkerRunIO() { sockaddr_in addr; uv_tcp_t server; int err = uv_async_init(&child_loop_, &io_thread_req_, Agent::WriteCbIO); CHECK_EQ(0, err); io_thread_req_.data = this; uv_tcp_init(&child_loop_, &server); uv_ip4_addr("", port_, &addr); server.data = this; err = uv_tcp_bind(&server, reinterpret_cast(&addr), 0); if (err == 0) { err = uv_listen(reinterpret_cast(&server), 1, OnSocketConnectionIO); } if (err == 0) { PrintDebuggerReadyMessage(port_); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open devtools socket: %s\n", uv_strerror(err)); ABORT(); } if (!wait_) { uv_sem_post(&start_sem_); } uv_run(&child_loop_, UV_RUN_DEFAULT); uv_close(reinterpret_cast(&io_thread_req_), nullptr); uv_close(reinterpret_cast(&server), nullptr); uv_run(&child_loop_, UV_RUN_DEFAULT); } void Agent::OnInspectorConnectionIO(inspector_socket_t* socket) { if (client_socket_) { return; } client_socket_ = socket; inspector_read_start(socket, OnBufferAlloc, Agent::OnRemoteDataIO); platform_->CallOnForegroundThread(parent_env_->isolate(), new SetConnectedTask(this, true)); } void Agent::PostMessages() { if (dispatching_messages_) return; dispatching_messages_ = true; std::vector messages; SwapBehindLock(&Agent::message_queue_, &messages); for (auto const& message : messages) inspector_->dispatchMessageFromFrontend( String16::fromUTF8(message.c_str(), message.length())); uv_async_send(&data_written_); dispatching_messages_ = false; } void Agent::SetConnected(bool connected) { if (connected_ == connected) return; connected_ = connected; if (connected) { fprintf(stderr, "Debugger attached.\n"); inspector_->connectFrontend(new ChannelImpl(this)); } else { if (!shutting_down_) PrintDebuggerReadyMessage(port_); inspector_->quitMessageLoopOnPause(); inspector_->disconnectFrontend(); } } void Agent::Write(const std::string& message) { PushPendingMessage(&outgoing_message_queue_, message); ASSERT_EQ(0, uv_async_send(&io_thread_req_)); } } // namespace debugger } // namespace node