'use strict'; // See https://sourcemaps.info/spec.html for SourceMap V3 specification. const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const debug = require('internal/util/debuglog').debuglog('source_map'); const { dirname, resolve } = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const { normalizeReferrerURL, } = require('internal/modules/cjs/helpers'); const { JSON, Object } = primordials; // For cjs, since Module._cache is exposed to users, we use a WeakMap // keyed on module, facilitating garbage collection. const cjsSourceMapCache = new WeakMap(); // The esm cache is not exposed to users, so we can use a Map keyed // on filenames. const esmSourceMapCache = new Map(); const { fileURLToPath, URL } = require('url'); function maybeCacheSourceMap(filename, content, cjsModuleInstance) { if (!process.env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE) return; let basePath; try { filename = normalizeReferrerURL(filename); basePath = dirname(fileURLToPath(filename)); } catch (err) { // This is most likely an [eval]-wrapper, which is currently not // supported. debug(err.stack); return; } const match = content.match(/\/[*/]#\s+sourceMappingURL=(?[^\s]+)/); if (match) { if (cjsModuleInstance) { cjsSourceMapCache.set(cjsModuleInstance, { url: match.groups.sourceMappingURL, data: dataFromUrl(basePath, match.groups.sourceMappingURL) }); } else { // If there is no cjsModuleInstance assume we are in a // "modules/esm" context. esmSourceMapCache.set(filename, { url: match.groups.sourceMappingURL, data: dataFromUrl(basePath, match.groups.sourceMappingURL) }); } } } function dataFromUrl(basePath, sourceMappingURL) { try { const url = new URL(sourceMappingURL); switch (url.protocol) { case 'data:': return sourceMapFromDataUrl(basePath, url.pathname); default: debug(`unknown protocol ${url.protocol}`); return null; } } catch (err) { debug(err.stack); // If no scheme is present, we assume we are dealing with a file path. const sourceMapFile = resolve(basePath, sourceMappingURL); return sourceMapFromFile(sourceMapFile); } } function sourceMapFromFile(sourceMapFile) { try { const content = fs.readFileSync(sourceMapFile, 'utf8'); const data = JSON.parse(content); return sourcesToAbsolute(dirname(sourceMapFile), data); } catch (err) { debug(err.stack); return null; } } // data:[][;base64], see: // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2397#section-2 function sourceMapFromDataUrl(basePath, url) { const [format, data] = url.split(','); const splitFormat = format.split(';'); const contentType = splitFormat[0]; const base64 = splitFormat[splitFormat.length - 1] === 'base64'; if (contentType === 'application/json') { const decodedData = base64 ? Buffer.from(data, 'base64').toString('utf8') : data; try { const parsedData = JSON.parse(decodedData); return sourcesToAbsolute(basePath, parsedData); } catch (err) { debug(err.stack); return null; } } else { debug(`unknown content-type ${contentType}`); return null; } } // If the sources are not absolute URLs after prepending of the "sourceRoot", // the sources are resolved relative to the SourceMap (like resolving script // src in a html document). function sourcesToAbsolute(base, data) { data.sources = data.sources.map((source) => { source = (data.sourceRoot || '') + source; if (!/^[\\/]/.test(source[0])) { source = resolve(base, source); } if (!source.startsWith('file://')) source = `file://${source}`; return source; }); // The sources array is now resolved to absolute URLs, sourceRoot should // be updated to noop. data.sourceRoot = ''; return data; } function sourceMapCacheToObject() { const obj = Object.create(null); for (const [k, v] of esmSourceMapCache) { obj[k] = v; } appendCJSCache(obj); if (Object.keys(obj).length === 0) { return undefined; } else { return obj; } } // Since WeakMap can't be iterated over, we use Module._cache's // keys to facilitate Source Map serialization. function appendCJSCache(obj) { const { Module } = require('internal/modules/cjs/loader'); Object.keys(Module._cache).forEach((key) => { const value = cjsSourceMapCache.get(Module._cache[key]); if (value) { obj[`file://${key}`] = value; } }); } module.exports = { sourceMapCacheToObject, maybeCacheSourceMap };