'use strict'; const { guessHandleType } = internalBinding('util'); exports.getMainThreadStdio = getMainThreadStdio; function dummyDestroy(err, cb) { cb(err); // We need to emit 'close' anyway so that the closing // of the stream is observable. We just make sure we // are not going to do it twice. // The 'close' event is needed so that finished and // pipeline work correctly. if (!this._writableState.emitClose) { process.nextTick(() => { this.emit('close'); }); } } function getMainThreadStdio() { let stdin; let stdout; let stderr; function getStdout() { if (stdout) return stdout; stdout = createWritableStdioStream(1); stdout.destroySoon = stdout.destroy; // Override _destroy so that the fd is never actually closed. stdout._destroy = dummyDestroy; if (stdout.isTTY) { process.on('SIGWINCH', () => stdout._refreshSize()); } return stdout; } function getStderr() { if (stderr) return stderr; stderr = createWritableStdioStream(2); stderr.destroySoon = stderr.destroy; // Override _destroy so that the fd is never actually closed. stderr._destroy = dummyDestroy; if (stderr.isTTY) { process.on('SIGWINCH', () => stderr._refreshSize()); } return stderr; } function getStdin() { if (stdin) return stdin; const fd = 0; switch (guessHandleType(fd)) { case 'TTY': const tty = require('tty'); stdin = new tty.ReadStream(fd, { highWaterMark: 0, readable: true, writable: false }); break; case 'FILE': const fs = require('fs'); stdin = new fs.ReadStream(null, { fd: fd, autoClose: false }); break; case 'PIPE': case 'TCP': const net = require('net'); // It could be that process has been started with an IPC channel // sitting on fd=0, in such case the pipe for this fd is already // present and creating a new one will lead to the assertion failure // in libuv. if (process.channel && process.channel.fd === fd) { stdin = new net.Socket({ handle: process.channel, readable: true, writable: false, manualStart: true }); } else { stdin = new net.Socket({ fd: fd, readable: true, writable: false, manualStart: true }); } // Make sure the stdin can't be `.end()`-ed stdin._writableState.ended = true; break; default: // Provide a dummy contentless input for e.g. non-console // Windows applications. const { Readable } = require('stream'); stdin = new Readable({ read() {} }); stdin.push(null); } // For supporting legacy API we put the FD here. stdin.fd = fd; // `stdin` starts out life in a paused state, but node doesn't // know yet. Explicitly to readStop() it to put it in the // not-reading state. if (stdin._handle && stdin._handle.readStop) { stdin._handle.reading = false; stdin._readableState.reading = false; stdin._handle.readStop(); } // If the user calls stdin.pause(), then we need to stop reading // once the stream implementation does so (one nextTick later), // so that the process can close down. stdin.on('pause', () => { process.nextTick(onpause); }); function onpause() { if (!stdin._handle) return; if (stdin._handle.reading && !stdin.readableFlowing) { stdin._readableState.reading = false; stdin._handle.reading = false; stdin._handle.readStop(); } } return stdin; } exports.resetStdioForTesting = function() { stdin = undefined; stdout = undefined; stderr = undefined; }; return { getStdout, getStderr, getStdin }; } function createWritableStdioStream(fd) { let stream; // Note stream._type is used for test-module-load-list.js switch (guessHandleType(fd)) { case 'TTY': const tty = require('tty'); stream = new tty.WriteStream(fd); stream._type = 'tty'; break; case 'FILE': const SyncWriteStream = require('internal/fs/sync_write_stream'); stream = new SyncWriteStream(fd, { autoClose: false }); stream._type = 'fs'; break; case 'PIPE': case 'TCP': const net = require('net'); // If fd is already being used for the IPC channel, libuv will return // an error when trying to use it again. In that case, create the socket // using the existing handle instead of the fd. if (process.channel && process.channel.fd === fd) { stream = new net.Socket({ handle: process.channel, readable: false, writable: true }); } else { stream = new net.Socket({ fd, readable: false, writable: true }); } stream._type = 'pipe'; break; default: // Provide a dummy black-hole output for e.g. non-console // Windows applications. const { Writable } = require('stream'); stream = new Writable({ write(buf, enc, cb) { cb(); } }); } // For supporting legacy API we put the FD here. stream.fd = fd; stream._isStdio = true; return stream; }