'use strict'; const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer; const { writeBuffer } = internalBinding('fs'); const errors = require('internal/errors'); // IPv4 Segment const v4Seg = '(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])'; const v4Str = `(${v4Seg}[.]){3}${v4Seg}`; const IPv4Reg = new RegExp(`^${v4Str}$`); // IPv6 Segment const v6Seg = '(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4})'; const IPv6Reg = new RegExp('^(' + `(?:${v6Seg}:){7}(?:${v6Seg}|:)|` + `(?:${v6Seg}:){6}(?:${v4Str}|:${v6Seg}|:)|` + `(?:${v6Seg}:){5}(?::${v4Str}|(:${v6Seg}){1,2}|:)|` + `(?:${v6Seg}:){4}(?:(:${v6Seg}){0,1}:${v4Str}|(:${v6Seg}){1,3}|:)|` + `(?:${v6Seg}:){3}(?:(:${v6Seg}){0,2}:${v4Str}|(:${v6Seg}){1,4}|:)|` + `(?:${v6Seg}:){2}(?:(:${v6Seg}){0,3}:${v4Str}|(:${v6Seg}){1,5}|:)|` + `(?:${v6Seg}:){1}(?:(:${v6Seg}){0,4}:${v4Str}|(:${v6Seg}){1,6}|:)|` + `(?::((?::${v6Seg}){0,5}:${v4Str}|(?::${v6Seg}){1,7}|:))` + ')(%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,})?$'); function isIPv4(s) { return IPv4Reg.test(s); } function isIPv6(s) { return IPv6Reg.test(s); } function isIP(s) { if (isIPv4(s)) return 4; if (isIPv6(s)) return 6; return 0; } // Check that the port number is not NaN when coerced to a number, // is an integer and that it falls within the legal range of port numbers. function isLegalPort(port) { if ((typeof port !== 'number' && typeof port !== 'string') || (typeof port === 'string' && port.trim().length === 0)) return false; return +port === (+port >>> 0) && port <= 0xFFFF; } function makeSyncWrite(fd) { return function(chunk, enc, cb) { if (enc !== 'buffer') chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, enc); this._handle.bytesWritten += chunk.length; const ctx = {}; writeBuffer(fd, chunk, 0, chunk.length, null, undefined, ctx); if (ctx.errno !== undefined) { const ex = errors.uvException(ctx); // Legacy: net writes have .code === .errno, whereas writeBuffer gives the // raw errno number in .errno. ex.errno = ex.code; return cb(ex); } cb(); }; } module.exports = { isIP, isIPv4, isIPv6, isLegalPort, makeSyncWrite, normalizedArgsSymbol: Symbol('normalizedArgs') };