'use strict'; /* global WebAssembly */ const { JSON, Object, SafeMap, StringPrototype } = primordials; const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { stripBOM, loadNativeModule } = require('internal/modules/cjs/helpers'); const CJSModule = require('internal/modules/cjs/loader').Module; const internalURLModule = require('internal/url'); const createDynamicModule = require( 'internal/modules/esm/create_dynamic_module'); const fs = require('fs'); const { fileURLToPath, URL } = require('url'); const { debuglog } = require('internal/util/debuglog'); const { promisify } = require('internal/util'); const esmLoader = require('internal/process/esm_loader'); const { ERR_INVALID_URL, ERR_INVALID_URL_SCHEME, ERR_UNKNOWN_BUILTIN_MODULE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const readFileAsync = promisify(fs.readFile); const JsonParse = JSON.parse; const { maybeCacheSourceMap } = require('internal/source_map/source_map_cache'); const moduleWrap = internalBinding('module_wrap'); const { ModuleWrap } = moduleWrap; const debug = debuglog('esm'); const translators = new SafeMap(); exports.translators = translators; const DATA_URL_PATTERN = /^[^/]+\/[^,;]+(;base64)?,([\s\S]*)$/; function getSource(url) { const parsed = new URL(url); if (parsed.protocol === 'file:') { return readFileAsync(parsed); } else if (parsed.protocol === 'data:') { const match = DATA_URL_PATTERN.exec(parsed.pathname); if (!match) { throw new ERR_INVALID_URL(url); } const [ , base64, body ] = match; return Buffer.from(body, base64 ? 'base64' : 'utf8'); } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_URL_SCHEME(['file', 'data']); } } function errPath(url) { const parsed = new URL(url); if (parsed.protocol === 'file:') { return fileURLToPath(parsed); } return url; } function initializeImportMeta(meta, { url }) { meta.url = url; } async function importModuleDynamically(specifier, { url }) { const loader = await esmLoader.loaderPromise; return loader.import(specifier, url); } // Strategy for loading a standard JavaScript module translators.set('module', async function moduleStrategy(url) { const source = `${await getSource(url)}`; maybeCacheSourceMap(url, source); debug(`Translating StandardModule ${url}`); const module = new ModuleWrap(source, url); moduleWrap.callbackMap.set(module, { initializeImportMeta, importModuleDynamically, }); return module; }); // Strategy for loading a node-style CommonJS module const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32'; const winSepRegEx = /\//g; translators.set('commonjs', function commonjsStrategy(url, isMain) { debug(`Translating CJSModule ${url}`); const pathname = internalURLModule.fileURLToPath(new URL(url)); const cached = this.cjsCache.get(url); if (cached) { this.cjsCache.delete(url); return cached; } const module = CJSModule._cache[ isWindows ? StringPrototype.replace(pathname, winSepRegEx, '\\') : pathname ]; if (module && module.loaded) { const exports = module.exports; return new ModuleWrap(function() { this.setExport('default', exports); }, ['default'], url); } return new ModuleWrap(function() { debug(`Loading CJSModule ${url}`); // We don't care about the return val of _load here because Module#load // will handle it for us by checking the loader registry and filling the // exports like above CJSModule._load(pathname, undefined, isMain); }, ['default'], url); }); // Strategy for loading a node builtin CommonJS module that isn't // through normal resolution translators.set('builtin', async function builtinStrategy(url) { debug(`Translating BuiltinModule ${url}`); // Slice 'node:' scheme const id = url.slice(5); const module = loadNativeModule(id, url, true); if (!module) { throw new ERR_UNKNOWN_BUILTIN_MODULE(id); } debug(`Loading BuiltinModule ${url}`); return module.getESMFacade(); }); // Strategy for loading a JSON file translators.set('json', async function jsonStrategy(url) { debug(`Translating JSONModule ${url}`); debug(`Loading JSONModule ${url}`); const pathname = url.startsWith('file:') ? fileURLToPath(url) : null; let modulePath; let module; if (pathname) { modulePath = isWindows ? StringPrototype.replace(pathname, winSepRegEx, '\\') : pathname; module = CJSModule._cache[modulePath]; if (module && module.loaded) { const exports = module.exports; return new ModuleWrap(function() { this.setExport('default', exports); }, ['default'], url); } } const content = `${await getSource(url)}`; if (pathname) { // A require call could have been called on the same file during loading and // that resolves synchronously. To make sure we always return the identical // export, we have to check again if the module already exists or not. module = CJSModule._cache[modulePath]; if (module && module.loaded) { const exports = module.exports; return new ModuleWrap(function() { this.setExport('default', exports); }, ['default'], url); } } try { const exports = JsonParse(stripBOM(content)); module = { exports, loaded: true }; } catch (err) { // TODO (BridgeAR): We could add a NodeCore error that wraps the JSON // parse error instead of just manipulating the original error message. // That would allow to add further properties and maybe additional // debugging information. err.message = errPath(url) + ': ' + err.message; throw err; } if (pathname) { CJSModule._cache[modulePath] = module; } return new ModuleWrap(function() { debug(`Parsing JSONModule ${url}`); this.setExport('default', module.exports); }, ['default'], url); }); // Strategy for loading a wasm module translators.set('wasm', async function(url) { const buffer = await getSource(url); debug(`Translating WASMModule ${url}`); let compiled; try { compiled = await WebAssembly.compile(buffer); } catch (err) { err.message = errPath(url) + ': ' + err.message; throw err; } const imports = WebAssembly.Module.imports(compiled).map(({ module }) => module); const exports = WebAssembly.Module.exports(compiled).map(({ name }) => name); return createDynamicModule(imports, exports, url, (reflect) => { const { exports } = new WebAssembly.Instance(compiled, reflect.imports); for (const expt of Object.keys(exports)) reflect.exports[expt].set(exports[expt]); }).module; });