'use strict'; const { Object, SafeWeakMap } = primordials; const { getOptionValue } = require('internal/options'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { ERR_MANIFEST_ASSERT_INTEGRITY } = require('internal/errors').codes; function prepareMainThreadExecution(expandArgv1 = false) { // Patch the process object with legacy properties and normalizations patchProcessObject(expandArgv1); setupTraceCategoryState(); setupInspectorHooks(); setupWarningHandler(); // Resolve the coverage directory to an absolute path, and // overwrite process.env so that the original path gets passed // to child processes even when they switch cwd. if (process.env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE) { process.env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE = setupCoverageHooks(process.env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE); } setupDebugEnv(); // Only main thread receives signals. setupSignalHandlers(); // Process initial diagnostic reporting configuration, if present. initializeReport(); initializeReportSignalHandlers(); // Main-thread-only. initializeHeapSnapshotSignalHandlers(); // If the process is spawned with env NODE_CHANNEL_FD, it's probably // spawned by our child_process module, then initialize IPC. // This attaches some internal event listeners and creates: // process.send(), process.channel, process.connected, // process.disconnect(). setupChildProcessIpcChannel(); // Load policy from disk and parse it. initializePolicy(); // If this is a worker in cluster mode, start up the communication // channel. This needs to be done before any user code gets executed // (including preload modules). initializeClusterIPC(); initializeDeprecations(); initializeCJSLoader(); initializeESMLoader(); loadPreloadModules(); initializeFrozenIntrinsics(); } function patchProcessObject(expandArgv1) { const { patchProcessObject: patchProcessObjectNative } = internalBinding('process_methods'); patchProcessObjectNative(process); Object.defineProperty(process, 'argv0', { enumerable: true, configurable: false, value: process.argv[0] }); process.argv[0] = process.execPath; if (expandArgv1 && process.argv[1] && !process.argv[1].startsWith('-')) { // Expand process.argv[1] into a full path. const path = require('path'); process.argv[1] = path.resolve(process.argv[1]); } // TODO(joyeecheung): most of these should be deprecated and removed, // except some that we need to be able to mutate during run time. addReadOnlyProcessAlias('_eval', '--eval'); addReadOnlyProcessAlias('_print_eval', '--print'); addReadOnlyProcessAlias('_syntax_check_only', '--check'); addReadOnlyProcessAlias('_forceRepl', '--interactive'); addReadOnlyProcessAlias('_preload_modules', '--require'); addReadOnlyProcessAlias('noDeprecation', '--no-deprecation'); addReadOnlyProcessAlias('noProcessWarnings', '--no-warnings'); addReadOnlyProcessAlias('traceProcessWarnings', '--trace-warnings'); addReadOnlyProcessAlias('throwDeprecation', '--throw-deprecation'); addReadOnlyProcessAlias('profProcess', '--prof-process'); addReadOnlyProcessAlias('traceDeprecation', '--trace-deprecation'); addReadOnlyProcessAlias('_breakFirstLine', '--inspect-brk', false); addReadOnlyProcessAlias('_breakNodeFirstLine', '--inspect-brk-node', false); } function addReadOnlyProcessAlias(name, option, enumerable = true) { const value = getOptionValue(option); if (value) { Object.defineProperty(process, name, { writable: false, configurable: true, enumerable, value }); } } function setupWarningHandler() { const { onWarning } = require('internal/process/warning'); if (!getOptionValue('--no-warnings') && process.env.NODE_NO_WARNINGS !== '1') { process.on('warning', onWarning); } } // Setup User-facing NODE_V8_COVERAGE environment variable that writes // ScriptCoverage to a specified file. function setupCoverageHooks(dir) { const cwd = require('internal/process/execution').tryGetCwd(); const { resolve } = require('path'); const coverageDirectory = resolve(cwd, dir); const { sourceMapCacheToObject } = require('internal/source_map'); if (process.features.inspector) { internalBinding('profiler').setCoverageDirectory(coverageDirectory); internalBinding('profiler').setSourceMapCacheGetter(sourceMapCacheToObject); } else { process.emitWarning('The inspector is disabled, ' + 'coverage could not be collected', 'Warning'); return ''; } return coverageDirectory; } function initializeReport() { if (!getOptionValue('--experimental-report')) { return; } const { report } = require('internal/process/report'); const { emitExperimentalWarning } = require('internal/util'); Object.defineProperty(process, 'report', { enumerable: false, configurable: true, get() { emitExperimentalWarning('report'); return report; } }); } function setupDebugEnv() { require('internal/util/debuglog').initializeDebugEnv(process.env.NODE_DEBUG); if (getOptionValue('--expose-internals')) { require('internal/bootstrap/loaders').NativeModule.exposeInternals(); } } function setupSignalHandlers() { const { createSignalHandlers } = require('internal/process/main_thread_only'); const { startListeningIfSignal, stopListeningIfSignal } = createSignalHandlers(); process.on('newListener', startListeningIfSignal); process.on('removeListener', stopListeningIfSignal); } // This has to be called after both initializeReport() and // setupSignalHandlers() are called function initializeReportSignalHandlers() { if (!getOptionValue('--experimental-report')) { return; } const { addSignalHandler } = require('internal/process/report'); addSignalHandler(); } function initializeHeapSnapshotSignalHandlers() { const signal = getOptionValue('--heapsnapshot-signal'); if (!signal) return; require('internal/validators').validateSignalName(signal); const { writeHeapSnapshot } = require('v8'); process.on(signal, () => { writeHeapSnapshot(); }); } function setupTraceCategoryState() { const { isTraceCategoryEnabled } = internalBinding('trace_events'); const { toggleTraceCategoryState } = require('internal/process/per_thread'); toggleTraceCategoryState(isTraceCategoryEnabled('node.async_hooks')); } function setupInspectorHooks() { // If Debugger.setAsyncCallStackDepth is sent during bootstrap, // we cannot immediately call into JS to enable the hooks, which could // interrupt the JS execution of bootstrap. So instead we save the // notification in the inspector agent if it's sent in the middle of // bootstrap, and process the notification later here. if (internalBinding('config').hasInspector) { const { enable, disable } = require('internal/inspector_async_hook'); internalBinding('inspector').registerAsyncHook(enable, disable); } } // In general deprecations are intialized wherever the APIs are implemented, // this is used to deprecate APIs implemented in C++ where the deprecation // utitlities are not easily accessible. function initializeDeprecations() { const { deprecate } = require('internal/util'); const pendingDeprecation = getOptionValue('--pending-deprecation'); // DEP0103: access to `process.binding('util').isX` type checkers // TODO(addaleax): Turn into a full runtime deprecation. const utilBinding = internalBinding('util'); const types = require('internal/util/types'); for (const name of [ 'isArrayBuffer', 'isArrayBufferView', 'isAsyncFunction', 'isDataView', 'isDate', 'isExternal', 'isMap', 'isMapIterator', 'isNativeError', 'isPromise', 'isRegExp', 'isSet', 'isSetIterator', 'isTypedArray', 'isUint8Array', 'isAnyArrayBuffer' ]) { utilBinding[name] = pendingDeprecation ? deprecate(types[name], 'Accessing native typechecking bindings of Node ' + 'directly is deprecated. ' + `Please use \`util.types.${name}\` instead.`, 'DEP0103') : types[name]; } // TODO(joyeecheung): this is a legacy property exposed to process. // Now that we use the config binding to carry this information, remove // it from the process. We may consider exposing it properly in // process.features. const { noBrowserGlobals } = internalBinding('config'); if (noBrowserGlobals) { Object.defineProperty(process, '_noBrowserGlobals', { writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: noBrowserGlobals }); } if (pendingDeprecation) { process.binding = deprecate(process.binding, 'process.binding() is deprecated. ' + 'Please use public APIs instead.', 'DEP0111'); process._tickCallback = deprecate(process._tickCallback, 'process._tickCallback() is deprecated', 'DEP0XXX'); } // Create global.process and global.Buffer as getters so that we have a // deprecation path for these in ES Modules. // See https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/26334. let _process = process; Object.defineProperty(global, 'process', { get() { return _process; }, set(value) { _process = value; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); let _Buffer = Buffer; Object.defineProperty(global, 'Buffer', { get() { return _Buffer; }, set(value) { _Buffer = value; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); } function setupChildProcessIpcChannel() { if (process.env.NODE_CHANNEL_FD) { const assert = require('internal/assert'); const fd = parseInt(process.env.NODE_CHANNEL_FD, 10); assert(fd >= 0); // Make sure it's not accidentally inherited by child processes. delete process.env.NODE_CHANNEL_FD; require('child_process')._forkChild(fd); assert(process.send); } } function initializeClusterIPC() { if (process.argv[1] && process.env.NODE_UNIQUE_ID) { const cluster = require('cluster'); cluster._setupWorker(); // Make sure it's not accidentally inherited by child processes. delete process.env.NODE_UNIQUE_ID; } } function initializePolicy() { const experimentalPolicy = getOptionValue('--experimental-policy'); if (experimentalPolicy) { process.emitWarning('Policies are experimental.', 'ExperimentalWarning'); const { pathToFileURL, URL } = require('url'); // URL here as it is slightly different parsing // no bare specifiers for now let manifestURL; if (require('path').isAbsolute(experimentalPolicy)) { manifestURL = new URL(`file:///${experimentalPolicy}`); } else { const cwdURL = pathToFileURL(process.cwd()); cwdURL.pathname += '/'; manifestURL = new URL(experimentalPolicy, cwdURL); } const fs = require('fs'); const src = fs.readFileSync(manifestURL, 'utf8'); const experimentalPolicyIntegrity = getOptionValue('--policy-integrity'); if (experimentalPolicyIntegrity) { const SRI = require('internal/policy/sri'); const { createHash, timingSafeEqual } = require('crypto'); const realIntegrities = new Map(); const integrityEntries = SRI.parse(experimentalPolicyIntegrity); let foundMatch = false; for (var i = 0; i < integrityEntries.length; i++) { const { algorithm, value: expected } = integrityEntries[i]; const hash = createHash(algorithm); hash.update(src); const digest = hash.digest(); if (digest.length === expected.length && timingSafeEqual(digest, expected)) { foundMatch = true; break; } realIntegrities.set(algorithm, digest.toString('base64')); } if (!foundMatch) { throw new ERR_MANIFEST_ASSERT_INTEGRITY(manifestURL, realIntegrities); } } require('internal/process/policy') .setup(src, manifestURL.href); } } function initializeCJSLoader() { require('internal/modules/cjs/loader').Module._initPaths(); } function initializeESMLoader() { // Create this WeakMap in js-land because V8 has no C++ API for WeakMap. internalBinding('module_wrap').callbackMap = new SafeWeakMap(); const experimentalModules = getOptionValue('--experimental-modules'); const experimentalVMModules = getOptionValue('--experimental-vm-modules'); if (experimentalModules || experimentalVMModules) { if (experimentalModules) { process.emitWarning( 'The ESM module loader is experimental.', 'ExperimentalWarning', undefined); } const { setImportModuleDynamicallyCallback, setInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback } = internalBinding('module_wrap'); const esm = require('internal/process/esm_loader'); // Setup per-isolate callbacks that locate data or callbacks that we keep // track of for different ESM modules. setInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback(esm.initializeImportMetaObject); setImportModuleDynamicallyCallback(esm.importModuleDynamicallyCallback); const userLoader = getOptionValue('--experimental-loader'); // If --experimental-loader is specified, create a loader with user hooks. // Otherwise create the default loader. if (userLoader) { const { emitExperimentalWarning } = require('internal/util'); emitExperimentalWarning('--experimental-loader'); } esm.initializeLoader(process.cwd(), userLoader); } } function initializeFrozenIntrinsics() { if (getOptionValue('--frozen-intrinsics')) { process.emitWarning('The --frozen-intrinsics flag is experimental', 'ExperimentalWarning'); require('internal/freeze_intrinsics')(); } } function loadPreloadModules() { // For user code, we preload modules if `-r` is passed const preloadModules = getOptionValue('--require'); if (preloadModules && preloadModules.length > 0) { const { Module: { _preloadModules }, } = require('internal/modules/cjs/loader'); _preloadModules(preloadModules); } } module.exports = { patchProcessObject, setupCoverageHooks, setupWarningHandler, setupDebugEnv, prepareMainThreadExecution, initializeDeprecations, initializeESMLoader, initializeFrozenIntrinsics, loadPreloadModules, setupTraceCategoryState, setupInspectorHooks, initializeReport, initializeCJSLoader };