'use strict'; const errors = require('internal/errors'); const async_wrap = process.binding('async_wrap'); const internal_async_hooks = require('internal/async_hooks'); // Get functions // For userland AsyncResources, make sure to emit a destroy event when the // resource gets gced. const { registerDestroyHook } = async_wrap; const { // Private API getHookArrays, enableHooks, disableHooks, // Internal Embedder API newUid, initTriggerId, emitInit, emitBefore, emitAfter, emitDestroy, } = internal_async_hooks; // Get fields const { async_id_fields } = async_wrap; // Get symbols const { init_symbol, before_symbol, after_symbol, destroy_symbol, promise_resolve_symbol } = internal_async_hooks.symbols; const { async_id_symbol, trigger_async_id_symbol } = async_wrap; // Get constants const { kInit, kBefore, kAfter, kDestroy, kTotals, kPromiseResolve, kExecutionAsyncId, kTriggerAsyncId } = async_wrap.constants; // Listener API // class AsyncHook { constructor({ init, before, after, destroy, promiseResolve }) { if (init !== undefined && typeof init !== 'function') throw new errors.TypeError('ERR_ASYNC_CALLBACK', 'init'); if (before !== undefined && typeof before !== 'function') throw new errors.TypeError('ERR_ASYNC_CALLBACK', 'before'); if (after !== undefined && typeof after !== 'function') throw new errors.TypeError('ERR_ASYNC_CALLBACK', 'before'); if (destroy !== undefined && typeof destroy !== 'function') throw new errors.TypeError('ERR_ASYNC_CALLBACK', 'before'); if (promiseResolve !== undefined && typeof promiseResolve !== 'function') throw new errors.TypeError('ERR_ASYNC_CALLBACK', 'promiseResolve'); this[init_symbol] = init; this[before_symbol] = before; this[after_symbol] = after; this[destroy_symbol] = destroy; this[promise_resolve_symbol] = promiseResolve; } enable() { // The set of callbacks for a hook should be the same regardless of whether // enable()/disable() are run during their execution. The following // references are reassigned to the tmp arrays if a hook is currently being // processed. const [hooks_array, hook_fields] = getHookArrays(); // Each hook is only allowed to be added once. if (hooks_array.includes(this)) return this; const prev_kTotals = hook_fields[kTotals]; hook_fields[kTotals] = 0; // createHook() has already enforced that the callbacks are all functions, // so here simply increment the count of whether each callbacks exists or // not. hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kInit] += +!!this[init_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kBefore] += +!!this[before_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kAfter] += +!!this[after_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kDestroy] += +!!this[destroy_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kPromiseResolve] += +!!this[promise_resolve_symbol]; hooks_array.push(this); if (prev_kTotals === 0 && hook_fields[kTotals] > 0) { enableHooks(); } return this; } disable() { const [hooks_array, hook_fields] = getHookArrays(); const index = hooks_array.indexOf(this); if (index === -1) return this; const prev_kTotals = hook_fields[kTotals]; hook_fields[kTotals] = 0; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kInit] -= +!!this[init_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kBefore] -= +!!this[before_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kAfter] -= +!!this[after_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kDestroy] -= +!!this[destroy_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kPromiseResolve] -= +!!this[promise_resolve_symbol]; hooks_array.splice(index, 1); if (prev_kTotals > 0 && hook_fields[kTotals] === 0) { disableHooks(); } return this; } } function createHook(fns) { return new AsyncHook(fns); } function executionAsyncId() { return async_id_fields[kExecutionAsyncId]; } function triggerAsyncId() { return async_id_fields[kTriggerAsyncId]; } // Embedder API // const destroyedSymbol = Symbol('destroyed'); class AsyncResource { constructor(type, opts = {}) { if (typeof type !== 'string') throw new errors.TypeError('ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', 'type', 'string'); if (typeof opts === 'number') { opts = { triggerAsyncId: opts, requireManualDestroy: false }; } else if (opts.triggerAsyncId === undefined) { opts.triggerAsyncId = initTriggerId(); } // Unlike emitInitScript, AsyncResource doesn't supports null as the // triggerAsyncId. const triggerAsyncId = opts.triggerAsyncId; if (!Number.isSafeInteger(triggerAsyncId) || triggerAsyncId < -1) { throw new errors.RangeError('ERR_INVALID_ASYNC_ID', 'triggerAsyncId', triggerAsyncId); } this[async_id_symbol] = newUid(); this[trigger_async_id_symbol] = triggerAsyncId; // this prop name (destroyed) has to be synchronized with C++ this[destroyedSymbol] = { destroyed: false }; emitInit( this[async_id_symbol], type, this[trigger_async_id_symbol], this ); if (!opts.requireManualDestroy) { registerDestroyHook(this, this[async_id_symbol], this[destroyedSymbol]); } } emitBefore() { emitBefore(this[async_id_symbol], this[trigger_async_id_symbol]); return this; } emitAfter() { emitAfter(this[async_id_symbol]); return this; } emitDestroy() { this[destroyedSymbol].destroyed = true; emitDestroy(this[async_id_symbol]); return this; } asyncId() { return this[async_id_symbol]; } triggerAsyncId() { return this[trigger_async_id_symbol]; } } // Placing all exports down here because the exported classes won't export // otherwise. module.exports = { // Public API createHook, executionAsyncId, triggerAsyncId, // Embedder API AsyncResource, };