env: es6: true rules: prefer-object-spread: error no-buffer-constructor: error no-mixed-operators: - error - groups: [[ "&&", "||" ]] no-restricted-globals: - error - name: Array message: "Use `const { Array } = primordials;` instead of the global." - name: JSON message: "Use `const { JSON } = primordials;` instead of the global." - name: Math message: "Use `const { Math } = primordials;` instead of the global." - name: Object message: "Use `const { Object } = primordials;` instead of the global." - name: Reflect message: "Use `const { Reflect } = primordials;` instead of the global." no-restricted-syntax: # Config copied from .eslintrc.js - error - selector: "CallExpression[callee.object.name='assert']:not([callee.property.name='ok']):not([callee.property.name='fail']):not([callee.property.name='ifError'])" message: "Please only use simple assertions in ./lib" - selector: "CallExpression[callee.name='setTimeout'][arguments.length<2]" message: "setTimeout() must be invoked with at least two arguments." - selector: "CallExpression[callee.name='setInterval'][arguments.length<2]" message: "setInterval() must be invoked with at least 2 arguments." - selector: "ThrowStatement > CallExpression[callee.name=/Error$/]" message: "Use new keyword when throwing an Error." # Config specific to lib - selector: "NewExpression[callee.name=/Error$/]:not([callee.name=/^(AssertionError|NghttpError)$/])" message: "Use an error exported by the internal/errors module." - selector: "CallExpression[callee.object.name='Error'][callee.property.name='captureStackTrace']" message: "Please use `require('internal/errors').hideStackFrames()` instead." - selector: "AssignmentExpression:matches([left.name='prepareStackTrace'], [left.property.name='prepareStackTrace'])" message: "Use 'overrideStackTrace' from 'lib/internal/errors.js' instead of 'Error.prepareStackTrace'." # Custom rules in tools/eslint-rules node-core/lowercase-name-for-primitive: error node-core/non-ascii-character: error globals: Intl: false # Assertions CHECK: false CHECK_EQ: false CHECK_GE: false CHECK_GT: false CHECK_LE: false CHECK_LT: false CHECK_NE: false DCHECK: false DCHECK_EQ: false DCHECK_GE: false DCHECK_GT: false DCHECK_LE: false DCHECK_LT: false DCHECK_NE: false # Parameters passed to internal modules global: false require: false process: false exports: false module: false internalBinding: false primordials: false