/* Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. */ #include "BaseErrorListener.h" #include "RecognitionException.h" using namespace antlr4; void BaseErrorListener::syntaxError(Recognizer* /*recognizer*/, Token* /*offendingSymbol*/, size_t /*line*/, size_t /*charPositionInLine*/, const std::string& /*msg*/, std::exception_ptr /*e*/) {} void BaseErrorListener::reportAmbiguity(Parser* /*recognizer*/, const dfa::DFA& /*dfa*/, size_t /*startIndex*/, size_t /*stopIndex*/, bool /*exact*/, const antlrcpp::BitSet& /*ambigAlts*/, atn::ATNConfigSet* /*configs*/) {} void BaseErrorListener::reportAttemptingFullContext( Parser* /*recognizer*/, const dfa::DFA& /*dfa*/, size_t /*startIndex*/, size_t /*stopIndex*/, const antlrcpp::BitSet& /*conflictingAlts*/, atn::ATNConfigSet* /*configs*/) {} void BaseErrorListener::reportContextSensitivity( Parser* /*recognizer*/, const dfa::DFA& /*dfa*/, size_t /*startIndex*/, size_t /*stopIndex*/, size_t /*prediction*/, atn::ATNConfigSet* /*configs*/) {}