#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Reports binary size metrics for an APK. More information at //docs/speed/binary_size/metrics.md. """ from __future__ import print_function import argparse import collections from contextlib import contextmanager import json import logging import os import posixpath import re import struct import sys import tempfile import zipfile import zlib from binary_size import apk_downloader import devil_chromium from devil.android.sdk import build_tools from devil.utils import cmd_helper from devil.utils import lazy import method_count from pylib import constants from pylib.constants import host_paths _AAPT_PATH = lazy.WeakConstant(lambda: build_tools.GetPath('aapt')) _BUILD_UTILS_PATH = os.path.join( host_paths.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'build', 'android', 'gyp') _APK_PATCH_SIZE_ESTIMATOR_PATH = os.path.join( host_paths.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'third_party', 'apk-patch-size-estimator') with host_paths.SysPath(host_paths.BUILD_COMMON_PATH): import perf_tests_results_helper # pylint: disable=import-error with host_paths.SysPath(host_paths.TRACING_PATH): from tracing.value import convert_chart_json # pylint: disable=import-error with host_paths.SysPath(_BUILD_UTILS_PATH, 0): from util import build_utils # pylint: disable=import-error with host_paths.SysPath(_APK_PATCH_SIZE_ESTIMATOR_PATH): import apk_patch_size_estimator # pylint: disable=import-error # Python had a bug in zipinfo parsing that triggers on ChromeModern.apk # https://bugs.python.org/issue14315 def _PatchedDecodeExtra(self): # Try to decode the extra field. extra = self.extra unpack = struct.unpack while len(extra) >= 4: tp, ln = unpack('= 24: counts = unpack('\w{10}) [\w\.]+:string/.*?"(?P.+?)"', re.DOTALL) _BASE_CHART = { 'format_version': '0.1', 'benchmark_name': 'resource_sizes', 'benchmark_description': 'APK resource size information.', 'trace_rerun_options': [], 'charts': {} } # Macro definitions look like (something, 123) when # enable_resource_whitelist_generation=true. _RC_HEADER_RE = re.compile(r'^#define (?P\w+).* (?P\d+)\)?$') _RE_NON_LANGUAGE_PAK = re.compile(r'^assets/.*(resources|percent)\.pak$') _READELF_SIZES_METRICS = { 'text': ['.text'], 'data': ['.data', '.rodata', '.data.rel.ro', '.data.rel.ro.local'], 'relocations': ['.rel.dyn', '.rel.plt', '.rela.dyn', '.rela.plt'], 'unwind': [ '.ARM.extab', '.ARM.exidx', '.eh_frame', '.eh_frame_hdr', '.ARM.exidxsentinel_section_after_text' ], 'symbols': [ '.dynsym', '.dynstr', '.dynamic', '.shstrtab', '.got', '.plt', '.got.plt', '.hash', '.gnu.hash' ], 'bss': ['.bss'], 'other': [ '.init_array', '.preinit_array', '.ctors', '.fini_array', '.comment', '.note.gnu.gold-version', '.note.crashpad.info', '.note.android.ident', '.ARM.attributes', '.note.gnu.build-id', '.gnu.version', '.gnu.version_d', '.gnu.version_r', '.interp', '.gcc_except_table' ] } def _PercentageDifference(a, b): if a == 0: return 0 return float(b - a) / a def _RunReadelf(so_path, options, tool_prefix=''): return cmd_helper.GetCmdOutput( [tool_prefix + 'readelf'] + options + [so_path]) def _ExtractLibSectionSizesFromApk(apk_path, lib_path, tool_prefix): with Unzip(apk_path, filename=lib_path) as extracted_lib_path: grouped_section_sizes = collections.defaultdict(int) section_sizes = _CreateSectionNameSizeMap(extracted_lib_path, tool_prefix) for group_name, section_names in _READELF_SIZES_METRICS.iteritems(): for section_name in section_names: if section_name in section_sizes: grouped_section_sizes[group_name] += section_sizes.pop(section_name) # Group any unknown section headers into the "other" group. for section_header, section_size in section_sizes.iteritems(): print('Unknown elf section header: %s' % section_header) grouped_section_sizes['other'] += section_size return grouped_section_sizes def _CreateSectionNameSizeMap(so_path, tool_prefix): stdout = _RunReadelf(so_path, ['-S', '--wide'], tool_prefix) section_sizes = {} # Matches [ 2] .hash HASH 00000000006681f0 0001f0 003154 04 A 3 0 8 for match in re.finditer(r'\[[\s\d]+\] (\..*)$', stdout, re.MULTILINE): items = match.group(1).split() section_sizes[items[0]] = int(items[4], 16) return section_sizes def _ParseManifestAttributes(apk_path): # Check if the manifest specifies whether or not to extract native libs. skip_extract_lib = False output = cmd_helper.GetCmdOutput([ _AAPT_PATH.read(), 'd', 'xmltree', apk_path, 'AndroidManifest.xml']) m = re.search(r'extractNativeLibs\(.*\)=\(.*\)(\w)', output) if m: skip_extract_lib = not bool(int(m.group(1))) # Dex decompression overhead varies by Android version. m = re.search(r'android:minSdkVersion\(\w+\)=\(type \w+\)(\w+)', output) sdk_version = int(m.group(1), 16) return sdk_version, skip_extract_lib def _NormalizeLanguagePaks(translations, factor): english_pak = translations.FindByPattern(r'.*/en[-_][Uu][Ss]\.l?pak') num_translations = translations.GetNumEntries() ret = 0 if english_pak: ret -= translations.ComputeZippedSize() ret += int(english_pak.compress_size * num_translations * factor) return ret def _NormalizeResourcesArsc(apk_path, num_arsc_files, num_translations, out_dir): """Estimates the expected overhead of untranslated strings in resources.arsc. See http://crbug.com/677966 for why this is necessary. """ # If there are multiple .arsc files, use the resource packaged APK instead. if num_arsc_files > 1: if not out_dir: print('Skipping resources.arsc normalization (output directory required)') return 0 ap_name = os.path.basename(apk_path).replace('.apk', '.intermediate.ap_') ap_path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'arsc/apks', ap_name) if not os.path.exists(ap_path): raise Exception('Missing expected file: %s, try rebuilding.' % ap_path) apk_path = ap_path aapt_output = _RunAaptDumpResources(apk_path) # en-rUS is in the default config and may be cluttered with non-translatable # strings, so en-rGB is a better baseline for finding missing translations. en_strings = _CreateResourceIdValueMap(aapt_output, 'en-rGB') fr_strings = _CreateResourceIdValueMap(aapt_output, 'fr') # en-US and en-GB will never be translated. config_count = num_translations - 2 size = 0 for res_id, string_val in en_strings.iteritems(): if string_val == fr_strings[res_id]: string_size = len(string_val) # 7 bytes is the per-entry overhead (not specific to any string). See # https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base.git/+/android-4.2.2_r1/tools/aapt/StringPool.cpp#414. # The 1.5 factor was determined experimentally and is meant to account for # other languages generally having longer strings than english. size += config_count * (7 + string_size * 1.5) return size def _CreateResourceIdValueMap(aapt_output, lang): """Return a map of resource ids to string values for the given |lang|.""" config_re = _AAPT_CONFIG_PATTERN % lang return {entry.group('id'): entry.group('val') for config_section in re.finditer(config_re, aapt_output, re.DOTALL) for entry in re.finditer(_AAPT_ENTRY_RE, config_section.group(0))} def _RunAaptDumpResources(apk_path): cmd = [_AAPT_PATH.read(), 'dump', '--values', 'resources', apk_path] status, output = cmd_helper.GetCmdStatusAndOutput(cmd) if status != 0: raise Exception('Failed running aapt command: "%s" with output "%s".' % (' '.join(cmd), output)) return output class _FileGroup(object): """Represents a category that apk files can fall into.""" def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self._zip_infos = [] self._extracted_multipliers = [] def AddZipInfo(self, zip_info, extracted_multiplier=0): self._zip_infos.append(zip_info) self._extracted_multipliers.append(extracted_multiplier) def AllEntries(self): return iter(self._zip_infos) def GetNumEntries(self): return len(self._zip_infos) def FindByPattern(self, pattern): return next((i for i in self._zip_infos if re.match(pattern, i.filename)), None) def FindLargest(self): if not self._zip_infos: return None return max(self._zip_infos, key=lambda i: i.file_size) def ComputeZippedSize(self): return sum(i.compress_size for i in self._zip_infos) def ComputeUncompressedSize(self): return sum(i.file_size for i in self._zip_infos) def ComputeExtractedSize(self): ret = 0 for zi, multiplier in zip(self._zip_infos, self._extracted_multipliers): ret += zi.file_size * multiplier return ret def ComputeInstallSize(self): return self.ComputeExtractedSize() + self.ComputeZippedSize() def _DoApkAnalysis(apk_filename, apks_path, tool_prefix, out_dir, report_func): """Analyse APK to determine size contributions of different file classes.""" file_groups = [] def make_group(name): group = _FileGroup(name) file_groups.append(group) return group native_code = make_group('Native code') java_code = make_group('Java code') native_resources_no_translations = make_group('Native resources (no l10n)') translations = make_group('Native resources (l10n)') stored_translations = make_group('Native resources stored (l10n)') icu_data = make_group('ICU (i18n library) data') v8_snapshots = make_group('V8 Snapshots') png_drawables = make_group('PNG drawables') res_directory = make_group('Non-compiled Android resources') arsc = make_group('Compiled Android resources') metadata = make_group('Package metadata') unknown = make_group('Unknown files') notices = make_group('licenses.notice file') unwind_cfi = make_group('unwind_cfi (dev and canary only)') with zipfile.ZipFile(apk_filename, 'r') as apk: apk_contents = apk.infolist() sdk_version, skip_extract_lib = _ParseManifestAttributes(apk_filename) # Pre-L: Dalvik - .odex file is simply decompressed/optimized dex file (~1x). # L, M: ART - .odex file is compiled version of the dex file (~4x). # N: ART - Uses Dalvik-like JIT for normal apps (~1x), full compilation for # shared apps (~4x). # Actual multipliers calculated using "apk_operations.py disk-usage". # Will need to update multipliers once apk obfuscation is enabled. # E.g. with obfuscation, the 4.04 changes to 4.46. speed_profile_dex_multiplier = 1.17 orig_filename = apks_path or apk_filename is_monochrome = 'Monochrome' in orig_filename is_webview = 'WebView' in orig_filename is_shared_apk = sdk_version >= 24 and (is_monochrome or is_webview) if sdk_version < 21: # JellyBean & KitKat dex_multiplier = 1.16 elif sdk_version < 24: # Lollipop & Marshmallow dex_multiplier = 4.04 elif is_shared_apk: # Oreo and above, compilation_filter=speed dex_multiplier = 4.04 else: # Oreo and above, compilation_filter=speed-profile dex_multiplier = speed_profile_dex_multiplier total_apk_size = os.path.getsize(apk_filename) for member in apk_contents: filename = member.filename if filename.endswith('/'): continue if filename.endswith('.so'): basename = posixpath.basename(filename) should_extract_lib = not skip_extract_lib and basename.startswith('lib') native_code.AddZipInfo( member, extracted_multiplier=int(should_extract_lib)) elif filename.endswith('.dex'): java_code.AddZipInfo(member, extracted_multiplier=dex_multiplier) elif re.search(_RE_NON_LANGUAGE_PAK, filename): native_resources_no_translations.AddZipInfo(member) elif filename.endswith('.pak') or filename.endswith('.lpak'): compressed = member.compress_type != zipfile.ZIP_STORED bucket = translations if compressed else stored_translations extracted_multiplier = 0 if compressed: extracted_multiplier = int('en_' in filename or 'en-' in filename) bucket.AddZipInfo(member, extracted_multiplier=extracted_multiplier) elif filename == 'assets/icudtl.dat': icu_data.AddZipInfo(member) elif filename.endswith('.bin'): v8_snapshots.AddZipInfo(member) elif filename.endswith('.png') or filename.endswith('.webp'): png_drawables.AddZipInfo(member) elif filename.startswith('res/'): res_directory.AddZipInfo(member) elif filename.endswith('.arsc'): arsc.AddZipInfo(member) elif filename.startswith('META-INF') or filename == 'AndroidManifest.xml': metadata.AddZipInfo(member) elif filename.endswith('.notice'): notices.AddZipInfo(member) elif filename.startswith('assets/unwind_cfi'): unwind_cfi.AddZipInfo(member) else: unknown.AddZipInfo(member) if apks_path: # We're mostly focused on size of Chrome for non-English locales, so assume # Hindi (arbitrarily chosen) locale split is installed. with zipfile.ZipFile(apks_path) as z: hindi_apk_info = z.getinfo('splits/base-hi.apk') total_apk_size += hindi_apk_info.file_size total_install_size = total_apk_size total_install_size_android_go = total_apk_size zip_overhead = total_apk_size for group in file_groups: actual_size = group.ComputeZippedSize() install_size = group.ComputeInstallSize() uncompressed_size = group.ComputeUncompressedSize() extracted_size = group.ComputeExtractedSize() total_install_size += extracted_size zip_overhead -= actual_size report_func('Breakdown', group.name + ' size', actual_size, 'bytes') report_func('InstallBreakdown', group.name + ' size', int(install_size), 'bytes') # Only a few metrics are compressed in the first place. # To avoid over-reporting, track uncompressed size only for compressed # entries. if uncompressed_size != actual_size: report_func('Uncompressed', group.name + ' size', uncompressed_size, 'bytes') if group is java_code and is_shared_apk: # Updates are compiled using quicken, but system image uses speed-profile. extracted_size = int(uncompressed_size * speed_profile_dex_multiplier) total_install_size_android_go += extracted_size report_func('InstallBreakdownGo', group.name + ' size', actual_size + extracted_size, 'bytes') elif group is translations and apks_path: # Assume Hindi rather than English (accounted for above in total_apk_size) total_install_size_android_go += actual_size else: total_install_size_android_go += extracted_size # Per-file zip overhead is caused by: # * 30 byte entry header + len(file name) # * 46 byte central directory entry + len(file name) # * 0-3 bytes for zipalign. report_func('Breakdown', 'Zip Overhead', zip_overhead, 'bytes') report_func('InstallSize', 'APK size', total_apk_size, 'bytes') report_func('InstallSize', 'Estimated installed size', int(total_install_size), 'bytes') if is_shared_apk: report_func('InstallSize', 'Estimated installed size (Android Go)', int(total_install_size_android_go), 'bytes') transfer_size = _CalculateCompressedSize(apk_filename) report_func('TransferSize', 'Transfer size (deflate)', transfer_size, 'bytes') # Size of main dex vs remaining. main_dex_info = java_code.FindByPattern('classes.dex') if main_dex_info: main_dex_size = main_dex_info.file_size report_func('Specifics', 'main dex size', main_dex_size, 'bytes') secondary_size = java_code.ComputeUncompressedSize() - main_dex_size report_func('Specifics', 'secondary dex size', secondary_size, 'bytes') main_lib_info = native_code.FindLargest() native_code_unaligned_size = 0 for lib_info in native_code.AllEntries(): section_sizes = _ExtractLibSectionSizesFromApk( apk_filename, lib_info.filename, tool_prefix) native_code_unaligned_size += sum( v for k, v in section_sizes.iteritems() if k != 'bss') # Size of main .so vs remaining. if lib_info == main_lib_info: main_lib_size = lib_info.file_size report_func('Specifics', 'main lib size', main_lib_size, 'bytes') secondary_size = native_code.ComputeUncompressedSize() - main_lib_size report_func('Specifics', 'other lib size', secondary_size, 'bytes') for metric_name, size in section_sizes.iteritems(): report_func('MainLibInfo', metric_name, size, 'bytes') # Main metric that we want to monitor for jumps. normalized_apk_size = total_apk_size # unwind_cfi exists only in dev, canary, and non-channel builds. normalized_apk_size -= unwind_cfi.ComputeZippedSize() # Sections within .so files get 4kb aligned, so use section sizes rather than # file size. Also gets rid of compression. normalized_apk_size -= native_code.ComputeZippedSize() normalized_apk_size += native_code_unaligned_size # Unaligned size should be ~= uncompressed size or something is wrong. # As of now, padding_fraction ~= .007 padding_fraction = -_PercentageDifference( native_code.ComputeUncompressedSize(), native_code_unaligned_size) assert 0 <= padding_fraction < .02, 'Padding was: {}'.format(padding_fraction) # Normalized dex size: size within the zip + size on disk for Android Go # devices (which ~= uncompressed dex size). normalized_apk_size += java_code.ComputeUncompressedSize() if apks_path: # Locale normalization not needed when measuring only one locale. # E.g. a change that adds 300 chars of unstranslated strings would cause the # metric to be off by only 390 bytes (assuming a multiplier of 2.3 for # Hindi). pass else: # Avoid noise caused when strings change and translations haven't yet been # updated. num_translations = translations.GetNumEntries() num_stored_translations = stored_translations.GetNumEntries() if num_translations > 1: # Multipliers found by looking at MonochromePublic.apk and seeing how much # smaller en-US.pak is relative to the average locale.pak. normalized_apk_size += _NormalizeLanguagePaks(translations, 1.17) if num_stored_translations > 1: normalized_apk_size += _NormalizeLanguagePaks(stored_translations, 1.43) if num_translations + num_stored_translations > 1: if num_translations == 0: # WebView stores all locale paks uncompressed. num_arsc_translations = num_stored_translations else: # Monochrome has more configurations than Chrome since it includes # WebView (which supports more locales), but these should mostly be # empty so ignore them here. num_arsc_translations = num_translations normalized_apk_size += int( _NormalizeResourcesArsc(apk_filename, arsc.GetNumEntries(), num_arsc_translations, out_dir)) report_func('Specifics', 'normalized apk size', normalized_apk_size, 'bytes') # The "file count" metric cannot be grouped with any other metrics when the # end result is going to be uploaded to the perf dashboard in the HistogramSet # format due to mixed units (bytes vs. zip entries) causing malformed # summaries to be generated. # TODO(https://crbug.com/903970): Remove this workaround if unit mixing is # ever supported. report_func('FileCount', 'file count', len(apk_contents), 'zip entries') for info in unknown.AllEntries(): sys.stderr.write( 'Unknown entry: %s %d\n' % (info.filename, info.compress_size)) def _AnnotatePakResources(out_dir): """Returns a pair of maps: id_name_map, id_header_map.""" print('Looking at resources in: %s' % out_dir) grit_headers = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(out_dir): if root.endswith('grit'): grit_headers += [os.path.join(root, f) for f in files if f.endswith('.h')] assert grit_headers, 'Failed to find grit headers in %s' % out_dir id_name_map = {} id_header_map = {} for header in grit_headers: with open(header, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): m = _RC_HEADER_RE.match(line.strip()) if m: i = int(m.group('id')) name = m.group('name') if i in id_name_map and name != id_name_map[i]: print('WARNING: Resource ID conflict %s (%s vs %s)' % ( i, id_name_map[i], name)) id_name_map[i] = name id_header_map[i] = os.path.relpath(header, out_dir) return id_name_map, id_header_map def _CalculateCompressedSize(file_path): CHUNK_SIZE = 256 * 1024 compressor = zlib.compressobj() total_size = 0 with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(CHUNK_SIZE), ''): total_size += len(compressor.compress(chunk)) total_size += len(compressor.flush()) return total_size def _DoDexAnalysis(apk_filename, report_func): sizes, total_size = method_count.ExtractSizesFromZip(apk_filename) dex_metrics = method_count.CONTRIBUTORS_TO_DEX_CACHE cumulative_sizes = collections.defaultdict(int) for classes_dex_sizes in sizes.values(): for key in dex_metrics: cumulative_sizes[key] += classes_dex_sizes[key] for key, label in dex_metrics.iteritems(): report_func('Dex', label, cumulative_sizes[key], 'entries') report_func('DexCache', 'DexCache', total_size, 'bytes') def _PrintPatchSizeEstimate(new_apk, builder, bucket, report_func): apk_name = os.path.basename(new_apk) # Reference APK paths have spaces replaced by underscores. builder = builder.replace(' ', '_') old_apk = apk_downloader.MaybeDownloadApk( builder, apk_downloader.CURRENT_MILESTONE, apk_name, apk_downloader.DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_PATH, bucket) if old_apk: # Use a temp dir in case patch size functions fail to clean up temp files. with build_utils.TempDir() as tmp: tmp_name = os.path.join(tmp, 'patch.tmp') bsdiff = apk_patch_size_estimator.calculate_bsdiff( old_apk, new_apk, None, tmp_name) report_func('PatchSizeEstimate', 'BSDiff (gzipped)', bsdiff, 'bytes') fbf = apk_patch_size_estimator.calculate_filebyfile( old_apk, new_apk, None, tmp_name) report_func('PatchSizeEstimate', 'FileByFile (gzipped)', fbf, 'bytes') @contextmanager def Unzip(zip_file, filename=None): """Utility for temporary use of a single file in a zip archive.""" with build_utils.TempDir() as unzipped_dir: unzipped_files = build_utils.ExtractAll( zip_file, unzipped_dir, True, pattern=filename) if len(unzipped_files) == 0: raise Exception( '%s not found in %s' % (filename, zip_file)) yield unzipped_files[0] def _ConfigOutDirAndToolsPrefix(out_dir): if out_dir: constants.SetOutputDirectory(out_dir) else: out_dir = constants.GetOutDirectory() if out_dir: build_vars = build_utils.ReadBuildVars( os.path.join(out_dir, "build_vars.txt")) tool_prefix = os.path.join(out_dir, build_vars['android_tool_prefix']) else: tool_prefix = '' return out_dir, tool_prefix def _Analyze(apk_path, chartjson, args): def report_func(*args): # Do not add any new metrics without also documenting them in: # //docs/speed/binary_size/metrics.md. perf_tests_results_helper.ReportPerfResult(chartjson, *args) out_dir, tool_prefix = _ConfigOutDirAndToolsPrefix(args.out_dir) apks_path = args.input if args.input.endswith('.apks') else None _DoApkAnalysis(apk_path, apks_path, tool_prefix, out_dir, report_func) _DoDexAnalysis(apk_path, report_func) if args.estimate_patch_size: _PrintPatchSizeEstimate(apk_path, args.reference_apk_builder, args.reference_apk_bucket, report_func) def ResourceSizes(args): chartjson = _BASE_CHART.copy() if args.output_format else None if args.input.endswith('.apk'): _Analyze(args.input, chartjson, args) elif args.input.endswith('.apks'): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.apk') as f: with zipfile.ZipFile(args.input) as z: # Currently bundletool is creating two apks when .apks is created # without specifying an sdkVersion. Always measure the one with an # uncompressed shared library. try: info = z.getinfo('splits/base-master_2.apk') except KeyError: info = z.getinfo('splits/base-master.apk') f.write(z.read(info)) f.flush() _Analyze(f.name, chartjson, args) else: raise Exception('Unknown file type: ' + args.input) if chartjson: results_path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'results-chart.json') logging.critical('Dumping chartjson to %s', results_path) with open(results_path, 'w') as json_file: json.dump(chartjson, json_file) # We would ideally generate a histogram set directly instead of generating # chartjson then converting. However, perf_tests_results_helper is in # //build, which doesn't seem to have any precedent for depending on # anything in Catapult. This can probably be fixed, but since this doesn't # need to be super fast or anything, converting is a good enough solution # for the time being. if args.output_format == 'histograms': histogram_result = convert_chart_json.ConvertChartJson(results_path) if histogram_result.returncode != 0: logging.error('chartjson conversion failed with error: %s', histogram_result.stdout) return 1 histogram_path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'perf_results.json') logging.critical('Dumping histograms to %s', histogram_path) with open(histogram_path, 'w') as json_file: json_file.write(histogram_result.stdout) return 0 def main(): argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Print APK size metrics.') argparser.add_argument( '--min-pak-resource-size', type=int, default=20 * 1024, help='Minimum byte size of displayed pak resources.') argparser.add_argument( '--chromium-output-directory', dest='out_dir', type=os.path.realpath, help='Location of the build artifacts.') argparser.add_argument( '--chartjson', action='store_true', help='DEPRECATED. Use --output-format=chartjson ' 'instead.') argparser.add_argument( '--output-format', choices=['chartjson', 'histograms'], help='Output the results to a file in the given ' 'format instead of printing the results.') argparser.add_argument( '--output-dir', default='.', help='Directory to save chartjson to.') argparser.add_argument('--loadable_module', help='Obsolete (ignored).') argparser.add_argument( '--estimate-patch-size', action='store_true', help='Include patch size estimates. Useful for perf ' 'builders where a reference APK is available but adds ' '~3 mins to run time.') argparser.add_argument( '--reference-apk-builder', default=apk_downloader.DEFAULT_BUILDER, help='Builder name to use for reference APK for patch ' 'size estimates.') argparser.add_argument( '--reference-apk-bucket', default=apk_downloader.DEFAULT_BUCKET, help='Storage bucket holding reference APKs.') # Accepted to conform to the isolated script interface, but ignored. argparser.add_argument( '--isolated-script-test-filter', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) argparser.add_argument( '--isolated-script-test-output', type=os.path.realpath, help='File to which results will be written in the ' 'simplified JSON output format.') argparser.add_argument('input', help='Path to .apk or .apks file to measure.') args = argparser.parse_args() devil_chromium.Initialize(output_directory=args.out_dir) # TODO(bsheedy): Remove this once uses of --chartjson have been removed. if args.chartjson: args.output_format = 'chartjson' isolated_script_output = {'valid': False, 'failures': []} try: result = ResourceSizes(args) isolated_script_output = { 'valid': True, 'failures': ['resource_sizes'] if result else [], } finally: if args.isolated_script_test_output: with open(args.isolated_script_test_output, 'w') as output_file: json.dump(isolated_script_output, output_file) return result if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())