#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Using colorama.Fore/Back/Style members # pylint: disable=no-member import argparse import collections import json import logging import os import pipes import posixpath import random import re import shlex import shutil import sys import tempfile import textwrap import devil_chromium from devil import devil_env from devil.android import apk_helper from devil.android import device_errors from devil.android import device_utils from devil.android import flag_changer from devil.android.sdk import adb_wrapper from devil.android.sdk import intent from devil.android.sdk import version_codes from devil.utils import run_tests_helper with devil_env.SysPath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'third_party', 'colorama', 'src')): import colorama from incremental_install import installer from pylib import constants from pylib.symbols import deobfuscator from pylib.utils import simpleperf from pylib.utils import app_bundle_utils with devil_env.SysPath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'build', 'android', 'gyp')): import bundletool # Matches messages only on pre-L (Dalvik) that are spammy and unimportant. _DALVIK_IGNORE_PATTERN = re.compile('|'.join([ r'^Added shared lib', r'^Could not find ', r'^DexOpt:', r'^GC_', r'^Late-enabling CheckJNI', r'^Link of class', r'^No JNI_OnLoad found in', r'^Trying to load lib', r'^Unable to resolve superclass', r'^VFY:', r'^WAIT_', ])) BASE_MODULE = 'base' def _Colorize(text, style=''): return (style + text + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL) def _InstallApk(devices, apk, install_dict): def install(device): if install_dict: installer.Install(device, install_dict, apk=apk) else: device.Install(apk, allow_downgrade=True, reinstall=True) logging.info('Installing %sincremental apk.', '' if install_dict else 'non-') device_utils.DeviceUtils.parallel(devices).pMap(install) # A named tuple containing the information needed to convert a bundle into # an installable .apks archive. # Fields: # bundle_path: Path to input bundle file. # bundle_apk_path: Path to output bundle .apks archive file. # aapt2_path: Path to aapt2 tool. # keystore_path: Path to keystore file. # keystore_password: Password for the keystore file. # keystore_alias: Signing key name alias within the keystore file. # system_image_locales: List of Chromium locales to include in system .apks. BundleGenerationInfo = collections.namedtuple( 'BundleGenerationInfo', 'bundle_path,bundle_apks_path,aapt2_path,keystore_path,keystore_password,' 'keystore_alias,system_image_locales') def _GenerateBundleApks(info, output_path, minimal=False, minimal_sdk_version=None, mode=None): """Generate an .apks archive from a bundle on demand. Args: info: A BundleGenerationInfo instance. output_path: Path of output .apks archive. minimal: Create the minimal set of apks possible (english-only). minimal_sdk_version: When minimal=True, use this sdkVersion. mode: Build mode, either None, or one of app_bundle_utils.BUILD_APKS_MODES. """ app_bundle_utils.GenerateBundleApks( info.bundle_path, output_path, info.aapt2_path, info.keystore_path, info.keystore_password, info.keystore_alias, system_image_locales=info.system_image_locales, mode=mode, minimal=minimal, minimal_sdk_version=minimal_sdk_version) def _InstallBundle(devices, bundle_apks, package_name, command_line_flags_file, modules, fake_modules): # Path to push fake modules for Chrome to pick up. MODULES_SRC_DIRECTORY_PATH = '/data/local/tmp/modules' # Path Chrome creates after validating fake modules. This needs to be cleared # for pushed fake modules to be picked up. SPLITCOMPAT_PATH = '/data/data/' + package_name + '/files/splitcompat' # Chrome command line flag needed for fake modules to work. FAKE_FEATURE_MODULE_INSTALL = '--fake-feature-module-install' def ShouldWarnFakeFeatureModuleInstallFlag(device): if command_line_flags_file: changer = flag_changer.FlagChanger(device, command_line_flags_file) return FAKE_FEATURE_MODULE_INSTALL not in changer.GetCurrentFlags() return False def ClearFakeModules(device): if device.PathExists(SPLITCOMPAT_PATH, as_root=True): device.RemovePath( SPLITCOMPAT_PATH, force=True, recursive=True, as_root=True) logging.info('Removed %s', SPLITCOMPAT_PATH) else: logging.info('Skipped removing nonexistent %s', SPLITCOMPAT_PATH) def InstallFakeModules(device): try: temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() if not fake_modules: # Push empty temp_path to clear folder on device and update the cache. device.PushChangedFiles([(temp_path, MODULES_SRC_DIRECTORY_PATH)], delete_device_stale=True) return # Device-spec JSON is needed, so create that first. device_spec_filename = os.path.join(temp_path, 'device_spec.json') get_device_spec_cmd_args = [ 'get-device-spec', '--adb=' + adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper.GetAdbPath(), '--device-id=' + device.serial, '--output=' + device_spec_filename ] bundletool.RunBundleTool(get_device_spec_cmd_args) # Extract fake modules to temp directory. For now, installation # requires running 'bundletool extract-apks'. Unfortunately, this leads # to unneeded compression of module files. extract_apks_cmd_args = [ 'extract-apks', '--apks=' + bundle_apks, '--device-spec=' + device_spec_filename, '--modules=' + ','.join(fake_modules), '--output-dir=' + temp_path ] bundletool.RunBundleTool(extract_apks_cmd_args) # Push fake modules, with renames. fake_module_apks = set() for fake_module in fake_modules: found_master = False for filename in os.listdir(temp_path): # If file matches expected format, rename it to follow conventions # required by splitcompatting. match = re.match(r'%s-([a-z_0-9]+)\.apk' % fake_module, filename) local_path = os.path.join(temp_path, filename) if not match: continue module_suffix = match.group(1) remote = os.path.join( temp_path, '%s.config.%s.apk' % (fake_module, module_suffix)) # Check if filename matches a master apk. if 'master' in module_suffix: if found_master: raise Exception('Expect 1 master apk file for %s' % fake_module) found_master = True remote = os.path.join(temp_path, '%s.apk' % fake_module) os.rename(local_path, remote) fake_module_apks.add(os.path.basename(remote)) # Files that weren't renamed should not be pushed, remove from temp_path. for filename in os.listdir(temp_path): if filename not in fake_module_apks: os.remove(os.path.join(temp_path, filename)) device.PushChangedFiles([(temp_path, MODULES_SRC_DIRECTORY_PATH)], delete_device_stale=True) finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_path, ignore_errors=True) def Install(device): ClearFakeModules(device) if fake_modules: # Print warning if command line is not set up for fake modules. if ShouldWarnFakeFeatureModuleInstallFlag(device): msg = ('Command line has no %s: Fake modules will be ignored.' % FAKE_FEATURE_MODULE_INSTALL) print _Colorize(msg, colorama.Fore.YELLOW + colorama.Style.BRIGHT) InstallFakeModules(device) # NOTE: For now, installation requires running 'bundletool install-apks'. # TODO(digit): Add proper support for bundles to devil instead, then use it. install_cmd_args = [ 'install-apks', '--apks=' + bundle_apks, '--adb=' + adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper.GetAdbPath(), '--device-id=' + device.serial ] if modules: install_cmd_args += ['--modules=' + ','.join(modules)] bundletool.RunBundleTool(install_cmd_args) # Basic checks for |modules| and |fake_modules|. # * |fake_modules| cannot include 'base'. # * If |fake_modules| is given, ensure |modules| includes 'base'. # * They must be disjoint. modules_set = set(modules) if modules else set() fake_modules_set = set(fake_modules) if fake_modules else set() if BASE_MODULE in fake_modules_set: raise Exception('\'-f {}\' is disallowed.'.format(BASE_MODULE)) if fake_modules_set and BASE_MODULE not in modules_set: raise Exception( '\'-f FAKE\' must be accompanied by \'-m {}\''.format(BASE_MODULE)) if fake_modules_set.intersection(modules_set): raise Exception('\'-m\' and \'-f\' entries must be disjoint.') logging.info('Installing bundle.') device_utils.DeviceUtils.parallel(devices).pMap(Install) def _UninstallApk(devices, install_dict, package_name): def uninstall(device): if install_dict: installer.Uninstall(device, package_name) else: device.Uninstall(package_name) device_utils.DeviceUtils.parallel(devices).pMap(uninstall) def _IsWebViewProvider(apk_helper_instance): meta_data = apk_helper_instance.GetAllMetadata() meta_data_keys = [pair[0] for pair in meta_data] return 'com.android.webview.WebViewLibrary' in meta_data_keys def _SetWebViewProvider(devices, package_name): def switch_provider(device): if device.build_version_sdk < version_codes.NOUGAT: logging.error('No need to switch provider on pre-Nougat devices (%s)', device.serial) else: device.SetWebViewImplementation(package_name) device_utils.DeviceUtils.parallel(devices).pMap(switch_provider) def _NormalizeProcessName(debug_process_name, package_name): if not debug_process_name: debug_process_name = package_name elif debug_process_name.startswith(':'): debug_process_name = package_name + debug_process_name elif '.' not in debug_process_name: debug_process_name = package_name + ':' + debug_process_name return debug_process_name def _LaunchUrl(devices, package_name, argv=None, command_line_flags_file=None, url=None, apk=None, wait_for_java_debugger=False, debug_process_name=None, nokill=None): if argv and command_line_flags_file is None: raise Exception('This apk does not support any flags.') if url: # TODO(agrieve): Launch could be changed to require only package name by # parsing "dumpsys package" rather than relying on the apk. if not apk: raise Exception('Launching with URL is not supported when using ' '--package-name. Use --apk-path instead.') view_activity = apk.GetViewActivityName() if not view_activity: raise Exception('APK does not support launching with URLs.') debug_process_name = _NormalizeProcessName(debug_process_name, package_name) def launch(device): # --persistent is required to have Settings.Global.DEBUG_APP be set, which # we currently use to allow reading of flags. https://crbug.com/784947 if not nokill: cmd = ['am', 'set-debug-app', '--persistent', debug_process_name] if wait_for_java_debugger: cmd[-1:-1] = ['-w'] # Ignore error since it will fail if apk is not debuggable. device.RunShellCommand(cmd, check_return=False) # The flags are first updated with input args. if command_line_flags_file: changer = flag_changer.FlagChanger(device, command_line_flags_file) flags = [] if argv: flags = shlex.split(argv) try: changer.ReplaceFlags(flags) except device_errors.AdbShellCommandFailedError: logging.exception('Failed to set flags') if url is None: # Simulate app icon click if no url is present. cmd = [ 'am', 'start', '-p', package_name, '-c', 'android.intent.category.LAUNCHER', '-a', 'android.intent.action.MAIN' ] device.RunShellCommand(cmd, check_return=True) else: launch_intent = intent.Intent(action='android.intent.action.VIEW', activity=view_activity, data=url, package=package_name) device.StartActivity(launch_intent) device_utils.DeviceUtils.parallel(devices).pMap(launch) if wait_for_java_debugger: print ('Waiting for debugger to attach to process: ' + _Colorize(debug_process_name, colorama.Fore.YELLOW)) def _ChangeFlags(devices, argv, command_line_flags_file): if argv is None: _DisplayArgs(devices, command_line_flags_file) else: flags = shlex.split(argv) def update(device): changer = flag_changer.FlagChanger(device, command_line_flags_file) changer.ReplaceFlags(flags) device_utils.DeviceUtils.parallel(devices).pMap(update) def _TargetCpuToTargetArch(target_cpu): if target_cpu == 'x64': return 'x86_64' if target_cpu == 'mipsel': return 'mips' return target_cpu def _RunGdb(device, package_name, debug_process_name, pid, output_directory, target_cpu, port, ide, verbose): if not pid: debug_process_name = _NormalizeProcessName(debug_process_name, package_name) pid = device.GetApplicationPids(debug_process_name, at_most_one=True) if not pid: # Attaching gdb makes the app run so slow that it takes *minutes* to start # up (as of 2018). Better to just fail than to start & attach. raise Exception('App not running.') gdb_script_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/adb_gdb' cmd = [ gdb_script_path, '--package-name=%s' % package_name, '--output-directory=%s' % output_directory, '--adb=%s' % adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper.GetAdbPath(), '--device=%s' % device.serial, '--pid=%s' % pid, '--port=%d' % port, ] if ide: cmd.append('--ide') # Enable verbose output of adb_gdb if it's set for this script. if verbose: cmd.append('--verbose') if target_cpu: cmd.append('--target-arch=%s' % _TargetCpuToTargetArch(target_cpu)) logging.warning('Running: %s', ' '.join(pipes.quote(x) for x in cmd)) print _Colorize( 'All subsequent output is from adb_gdb script.', colorama.Fore.YELLOW) os.execv(gdb_script_path, cmd) def _PrintPerDeviceOutput(devices, results, single_line=False): for d, result in zip(devices, results): if not single_line and d is not devices[0]: sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.write( _Colorize('{} ({}):'.format(d, d.build_description), colorama.Fore.YELLOW)) sys.stdout.write(' ' if single_line else '\n') yield result def _RunMemUsage(devices, package_name, query_app=False): cmd_args = ['dumpsys', 'meminfo'] if not query_app: cmd_args.append('--local') def mem_usage_helper(d): ret = [] for process in sorted(_GetPackageProcesses(d, package_name)): meminfo = d.RunShellCommand(cmd_args + [str(process.pid)]) ret.append((process.name, '\n'.join(meminfo))) return ret parallel_devices = device_utils.DeviceUtils.parallel(devices) all_results = parallel_devices.pMap(mem_usage_helper).pGet(None) for result in _PrintPerDeviceOutput(devices, all_results): if not result: print 'No processes found.' else: for name, usage in sorted(result): print _Colorize( '==== Output of "dumpsys meminfo %s" ====' % name, colorama.Fore.GREEN) print usage def _DuHelper(device, path_spec, run_as=None): """Runs "du -s -k |path_spec|" on |device| and returns parsed result. Args: device: A DeviceUtils instance. path_spec: The list of paths to run du on. May contain shell expansions (will not be escaped). run_as: Package name to run as, or None to run as shell user. If not None and app is not android:debuggable (run-as fails), then command will be run as root. Returns: A dict of path->size in KiB containing all paths in |path_spec| that exist on device. Paths that do not exist are silently ignored. """ # Example output for: du -s -k /data/data/org.chromium.chrome/{*,.*} # 144 /data/data/org.chromium.chrome/cache # 8 /data/data/org.chromium.chrome/files # # du: .*: No such file or directory # The -d flag works differently across android version, so use -s instead. # Without the explicit 2>&1, stderr and stdout get combined at random :(. cmd_str = 'du -s -k ' + path_spec + ' 2>&1' lines = device.RunShellCommand(cmd_str, run_as=run_as, shell=True, check_return=False) output = '\n'.join(lines) # run-as: Package 'com.android.chrome' is not debuggable if output.startswith('run-as:'): # check_return=False needed for when some paths in path_spec do not exist. lines = device.RunShellCommand(cmd_str, as_root=True, shell=True, check_return=False) ret = {} try: for line in lines: # du: .*: No such file or directory if line.startswith('du:'): continue size, subpath = line.split(None, 1) ret[subpath] = int(size) return ret except ValueError: logging.error('du command was: %s', cmd_str) logging.error('Failed to parse du output:\n%s', output) raise def _RunDiskUsage(devices, package_name): # Measuring dex size is a bit complicated: # https://source.android.com/devices/tech/dalvik/jit-compiler # # For KitKat and below: # dumpsys package contains: # dataDir=/data/data/org.chromium.chrome # codePath=/data/app/org.chromium.chrome-1.apk # resourcePath=/data/app/org.chromium.chrome-1.apk # nativeLibraryPath=/data/app-lib/org.chromium.chrome-1 # To measure odex: # ls -l /data/dalvik-cache/data@app@org.chromium.chrome-1.apk@classes.dex # # For Android L and M (and maybe for N+ system apps): # dumpsys package contains: # codePath=/data/app/org.chromium.chrome-1 # resourcePath=/data/app/org.chromium.chrome-1 # legacyNativeLibraryDir=/data/app/org.chromium.chrome-1/lib # To measure odex: # # Option 1: # /data/dalvik-cache/arm/data@app@org.chromium.chrome-1@base.apk@classes.dex # /data/dalvik-cache/arm/data@app@org.chromium.chrome-1@base.apk@classes.vdex # ls -l /data/dalvik-cache/profiles/org.chromium.chrome # (these profiles all appear to be 0 bytes) # # Option 2: # ls -l /data/app/org.chromium.chrome-1/oat/arm/base.odex # # For Android N+: # dumpsys package contains: # dataDir=/data/user/0/org.chromium.chrome # codePath=/data/app/org.chromium.chrome-UuCZ71IE-i5sZgHAkU49_w== # resourcePath=/data/app/org.chromium.chrome-UuCZ71IE-i5sZgHAkU49_w== # legacyNativeLibraryDir=/data/app/org.chromium.chrome-GUID/lib # Instruction Set: arm # path: /data/app/org.chromium.chrome-UuCZ71IE-i5sZgHAkU49_w==/base.apk # status: /data/.../oat/arm/base.odex[status=kOatUpToDate, compilation_f # ilter=quicken] # Instruction Set: arm64 # path: /data/app/org.chromium.chrome-UuCZ71IE-i5sZgHAkU49_w==/base.apk # status: /data/.../oat/arm64/base.odex[status=..., compilation_filter=q # uicken] # To measure odex: # ls -l /data/app/.../oat/arm/base.odex # ls -l /data/app/.../oat/arm/base.vdex (optional) # To measure the correct odex size: # cmd package compile -m speed org.chromium.chrome # For webview # cmd package compile -m speed-profile org.chromium.chrome # For others def disk_usage_helper(d): package_output = '\n'.join(d.RunShellCommand( ['dumpsys', 'package', package_name], check_return=True)) # Does not return error when apk is not installed. if not package_output or 'Unable to find package:' in package_output: return None # Ignore system apks that have updates installed. package_output = re.sub(r'Hidden system packages:.*?^\b', '', package_output, flags=re.S | re.M) try: data_dir = re.search(r'dataDir=(.*)', package_output).group(1) code_path = re.search(r'codePath=(.*)', package_output).group(1) lib_path = re.search(r'(?:legacyN|n)ativeLibrary(?:Dir|Path)=(.*)', package_output).group(1) except AttributeError: raise Exception('Error parsing dumpsys output: ' + package_output) if code_path.startswith('/system'): logging.warning('Measurement of system image apks can be innacurate') compilation_filters = set() # Match "compilation_filter=value", where a line break can occur at any spot # (refer to examples above). awful_wrapping = r'\s*'.join('compilation_filter=') for m in re.finditer(awful_wrapping + r'([\s\S]+?)[\],]', package_output): compilation_filters.add(re.sub(r'\s+', '', m.group(1))) compilation_filter = ','.join(sorted(compilation_filters)) data_dir_sizes = _DuHelper(d, '%s/{*,.*}' % data_dir, run_as=package_name) # Measure code_cache separately since it can be large. code_cache_sizes = {} code_cache_dir = next( (k for k in data_dir_sizes if k.endswith('/code_cache')), None) if code_cache_dir: data_dir_sizes.pop(code_cache_dir) code_cache_sizes = _DuHelper(d, '%s/{*,.*}' % code_cache_dir, run_as=package_name) apk_path_spec = code_path if not apk_path_spec.endswith('.apk'): apk_path_spec += '/*.apk' apk_sizes = _DuHelper(d, apk_path_spec) if lib_path.endswith('/lib'): # Shows architecture subdirectory. lib_sizes = _DuHelper(d, '%s/{*,.*}' % lib_path) else: lib_sizes = _DuHelper(d, lib_path) # Look at all possible locations for odex files. odex_paths = [] for apk_path in apk_sizes: mangled_apk_path = apk_path[1:].replace('/', '@') apk_basename = posixpath.basename(apk_path)[:-4] for ext in ('dex', 'odex', 'vdex', 'art'): # Easier to check all architectures than to determine active ones. for arch in ('arm', 'arm64', 'x86', 'x86_64', 'mips', 'mips64'): odex_paths.append( '%s/oat/%s/%s.%s' % (code_path, arch, apk_basename, ext)) # No app could possibly have more than 6 dex files. for suffix in ('', '2', '3', '4', '5'): odex_paths.append('/data/dalvik-cache/%s/%s@classes%s.%s' % ( arch, mangled_apk_path, suffix, ext)) # This path does not have |arch|, so don't repeat it for every arch. if arch == 'arm': odex_paths.append('/data/dalvik-cache/%s@classes%s.dex' % ( mangled_apk_path, suffix)) odex_sizes = _DuHelper(d, ' '.join(pipes.quote(p) for p in odex_paths)) return (data_dir_sizes, code_cache_sizes, apk_sizes, lib_sizes, odex_sizes, compilation_filter) def print_sizes(desc, sizes): print '%s: %d KiB' % (desc, sum(sizes.itervalues())) for path, size in sorted(sizes.iteritems()): print ' %s: %s KiB' % (path, size) parallel_devices = device_utils.DeviceUtils.parallel(devices) all_results = parallel_devices.pMap(disk_usage_helper).pGet(None) for result in _PrintPerDeviceOutput(devices, all_results): if not result: print 'APK is not installed.' continue (data_dir_sizes, code_cache_sizes, apk_sizes, lib_sizes, odex_sizes, compilation_filter) = result total = sum(sum(sizes.itervalues()) for sizes in result[:-1]) print_sizes('Apk', apk_sizes) print_sizes('App Data (non-code cache)', data_dir_sizes) print_sizes('App Data (code cache)', code_cache_sizes) print_sizes('Native Libs', lib_sizes) show_warning = compilation_filter and 'speed' not in compilation_filter compilation_filter = compilation_filter or 'n/a' print_sizes('odex (compilation_filter=%s)' % compilation_filter, odex_sizes) if show_warning: logging.warning('For a more realistic odex size, run:') logging.warning(' %s compile-dex [speed|speed-profile]', sys.argv[0]) print 'Total: %s KiB (%.1f MiB)' % (total, total / 1024.0) class _LogcatProcessor(object): ParsedLine = collections.namedtuple( 'ParsedLine', ['date', 'invokation_time', 'pid', 'tid', 'priority', 'tag', 'message']) def __init__(self, device, package_name, deobfuscate=None, verbose=False): self._device = device self._package_name = package_name self._verbose = verbose self._deobfuscator = deobfuscate self._primary_pid = None self._my_pids = set() self._seen_pids = set() self._UpdateMyPids() def _UpdateMyPids(self): # We intentionally do not clear self._my_pids to make sure that the # ProcessLine method below also includes lines from processes which may # have already exited. self._primary_pid = None for process in _GetPackageProcesses(self._device, self._package_name): # We take only the first "main" process found in order to account for # possibly forked() processes. if ':' not in process.name and self._primary_pid is None: self._primary_pid = process.pid self._my_pids.add(process.pid) def _GetPidStyle(self, pid, dim=False): if pid == self._primary_pid: return colorama.Fore.WHITE elif pid in self._my_pids: # TODO(wnwen): Use one separate persistent color per process, pop LRU return colorama.Fore.YELLOW elif dim: return colorama.Style.DIM return '' def _GetPriorityStyle(self, priority, dim=False): # pylint:disable=no-self-use if dim: return '' style = '' if priority == 'E' or priority == 'F': style = colorama.Back.RED elif priority == 'W': style = colorama.Back.YELLOW elif priority == 'I': style = colorama.Back.GREEN elif priority == 'D': style = colorama.Back.BLUE return style + colorama.Fore.BLACK def _ParseLine(self, line): tokens = line.split(None, 6) date = tokens[0] invokation_time = tokens[1] pid = int(tokens[2]) tid = int(tokens[3]) priority = tokens[4] tag = tokens[5] if len(tokens) > 6: original_message = tokens[6] else: # Empty log message original_message = '' # Example: # 09-19 06:35:51.113 9060 9154 W GCoreFlp: No location... # 09-19 06:01:26.174 9060 10617 I Auth : [ReflectiveChannelBinder]... # Parsing "GCoreFlp:" vs "Auth :", we only want tag to contain the word, # and we don't want to keep the colon for the message. if tag[-1] == ':': tag = tag[:-1] else: original_message = original_message[2:] return self.ParsedLine( date, invokation_time, pid, tid, priority, tag, original_message) def _PrintParsedLine(self, parsed_line, dim=False): tid_style = '' # Make the main thread bright. if not dim and parsed_line.pid == parsed_line.tid: tid_style = colorama.Style.BRIGHT pid_style = self._GetPidStyle(parsed_line.pid, dim) # We have to pad before adding color as that changes the width of the tag. pid_str = _Colorize('{:5}'.format(parsed_line.pid), pid_style) tid_str = _Colorize('{:5}'.format(parsed_line.tid), tid_style) tag = _Colorize('{:8}'.format(parsed_line.tag), pid_style + ('' if dim else colorama.Style.BRIGHT)) priority = _Colorize(parsed_line.priority, self._GetPriorityStyle(parsed_line.priority)) messages = [parsed_line.message] if self._deobfuscator: messages = self._deobfuscator.TransformLines(messages) for message in messages: message = _Colorize(message, pid_style) sys.stdout.write('{} {} {} {} {} {}: {}\n'.format( parsed_line.date, parsed_line.invokation_time, pid_str, tid_str, priority, tag, message)) def ProcessLine(self, line, fast=False): if not line or line.startswith('------'): return log = self._ParseLine(line) if log.pid not in self._seen_pids: self._seen_pids.add(log.pid) if not fast: self._UpdateMyPids() owned_pid = log.pid in self._my_pids if fast and not owned_pid: return if owned_pid and not self._verbose and log.tag == 'dalvikvm': if _DALVIK_IGNORE_PATTERN.match(log.message): return if owned_pid or self._verbose or ( log.priority == 'F' or # Java crash dump log.tag == 'ActivityManager' or # Android system log.tag == 'DEBUG'): # Native crash dump self._PrintParsedLine(log, not owned_pid) def _RunLogcat(device, package_name, mapping_path, verbose): deobfuscate = None if mapping_path: try: deobfuscate = deobfuscator.Deobfuscator(mapping_path) except OSError: sys.stderr.write('Error executing "bin/java_deobfuscate". ' 'Did you forget to build it?\n') sys.exit(1) try: logcat_processor = _LogcatProcessor( device, package_name, deobfuscate, verbose) nonce = 'apk_wrappers.py nonce={}'.format(random.random()) device.RunShellCommand(['log', nonce]) fast = True for line in device.adb.Logcat(logcat_format='threadtime'): try: logcat_processor.ProcessLine(line, fast) except: sys.stderr.write('Failed to process line: ' + line) raise if fast and nonce in line: fast = False except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # Don't show stack trace upon Ctrl-C finally: if mapping_path: deobfuscate.Close() def _GetPackageProcesses(device, package_name): return [ p for p in device.ListProcesses(package_name) if p.name == package_name or p.name.startswith(package_name + ':')] def _RunPs(devices, package_name): parallel_devices = device_utils.DeviceUtils.parallel(devices) all_processes = parallel_devices.pMap( lambda d: _GetPackageProcesses(d, package_name)).pGet(None) for processes in _PrintPerDeviceOutput(devices, all_processes): if not processes: print 'No processes found.' else: proc_map = collections.defaultdict(list) for p in processes: proc_map[p.name].append(str(p.pid)) for name, pids in sorted(proc_map.items()): print name, ','.join(pids) def _RunShell(devices, package_name, cmd): if cmd: parallel_devices = device_utils.DeviceUtils.parallel(devices) outputs = parallel_devices.RunShellCommand( cmd, run_as=package_name).pGet(None) for output in _PrintPerDeviceOutput(devices, outputs): for line in output: print line else: adb_path = adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper.GetAdbPath() cmd = [adb_path, '-s', devices[0].serial, 'shell'] # Pre-N devices do not support -t flag. if devices[0].build_version_sdk >= version_codes.NOUGAT: cmd += ['-t', 'run-as', package_name] else: print 'Upon entering the shell, run:' print 'run-as', package_name print os.execv(adb_path, cmd) def _RunCompileDex(devices, package_name, compilation_filter): cmd = ['cmd', 'package', 'compile', '-f', '-m', compilation_filter, package_name] parallel_devices = device_utils.DeviceUtils.parallel(devices) outputs = parallel_devices.RunShellCommand(cmd, timeout=120).pGet(None) for output in _PrintPerDeviceOutput(devices, outputs): for line in output: print line def _RunProfile(device, package_name, host_build_directory, pprof_out_path, process_specifier, thread_specifier, extra_args): simpleperf.PrepareDevice(device) device_simpleperf_path = simpleperf.InstallSimpleperf(device, package_name) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fh: host_simpleperf_out_path = fh.name with simpleperf.RunSimpleperf(device, device_simpleperf_path, package_name, process_specifier, thread_specifier, extra_args, host_simpleperf_out_path): sys.stdout.write('Profiler is running; press Enter to stop...') sys.stdin.read(1) sys.stdout.write('Post-processing data...') sys.stdout.flush() simpleperf.ConvertSimpleperfToPprof(host_simpleperf_out_path, host_build_directory, pprof_out_path) print textwrap.dedent(""" Profile data written to %(s)s. To view profile as a call graph in browser: pprof -web %(s)s To print the hottest methods: pprof -top %(s)s pprof has many useful customization options; `pprof --help` for details. """ % {'s': pprof_out_path}) def _GenerateAvailableDevicesMessage(devices): devices_obj = device_utils.DeviceUtils.parallel(devices) descriptions = devices_obj.pMap(lambda d: d.build_description).pGet(None) msg = 'Available devices:\n' for d, desc in zip(devices, descriptions): msg += ' %s (%s)\n' % (d, desc) return msg # TODO(agrieve):add "--all" in the MultipleDevicesError message and use it here. def _GenerateMissingAllFlagMessage(devices): return ('More than one device available. Use --all to select all devices, ' + 'or use --device to select a device by serial.\n\n' + _GenerateAvailableDevicesMessage(devices)) def _DisplayArgs(devices, command_line_flags_file): def flags_helper(d): changer = flag_changer.FlagChanger(d, command_line_flags_file) return changer.GetCurrentFlags() parallel_devices = device_utils.DeviceUtils.parallel(devices) outputs = parallel_devices.pMap(flags_helper).pGet(None) print 'Existing flags per-device (via /data/local/tmp/{}):'.format( command_line_flags_file) for flags in _PrintPerDeviceOutput(devices, outputs, single_line=True): quoted_flags = ' '.join(pipes.quote(f) for f in flags) print quoted_flags or 'No flags set.' def _DeviceCachePath(device, output_directory): file_name = 'device_cache_%s.json' % device.serial return os.path.join(output_directory, file_name) def _LoadDeviceCaches(devices, output_directory): if not output_directory: return for d in devices: cache_path = _DeviceCachePath(d, output_directory) if os.path.exists(cache_path): logging.debug('Using device cache: %s', cache_path) with open(cache_path) as f: d.LoadCacheData(f.read()) # Delete the cached file so that any exceptions cause it to be cleared. os.unlink(cache_path) else: logging.debug('No cache present for device: %s', d) def _SaveDeviceCaches(devices, output_directory): if not output_directory: return for d in devices: cache_path = _DeviceCachePath(d, output_directory) with open(cache_path, 'w') as f: f.write(d.DumpCacheData()) logging.info('Wrote device cache: %s', cache_path) class _Command(object): name = None description = None long_description = None needs_package_name = False needs_output_directory = False needs_apk_path = False supports_incremental = False accepts_command_line_flags = False accepts_args = False need_device_args = True all_devices_by_default = False calls_exec = False supports_multiple_devices = True def __init__(self, from_wrapper_script, is_bundle): self._parser = None self._from_wrapper_script = from_wrapper_script self.args = None self.apk_helper = None self.install_dict = None self.devices = None self.is_bundle = is_bundle self.bundle_generation_info = None # Only support incremental install from APK wrapper scripts. if is_bundle or not from_wrapper_script: self.supports_incremental = False def RegisterBundleGenerationInfo(self, bundle_generation_info): self.bundle_generation_info = bundle_generation_info def _RegisterExtraArgs(self, subp): pass def RegisterArgs(self, parser): subp = parser.add_parser( self.name, help=self.description, description=self.long_description or self.description, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) self._parser = subp subp.set_defaults(command=self) if self.need_device_args: subp.add_argument('--all', action='store_true', default=self.all_devices_by_default, help='Operate on all connected devices.',) subp.add_argument('-d', '--device', action='append', default=[], dest='devices', help='Target device for script to work on. Enter ' 'multiple times for multiple devices.') subp.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0, dest='verbose_count', help='Verbose level (multiple times for more)') group = subp.add_argument_group('%s arguments' % self.name) if self.needs_package_name: # Three cases to consider here, since later code assumes # self.args.package_name always exists, even if None: # # - Called from a bundle wrapper script, the package_name is already # set through parser.set_defaults(), so don't call add_argument() # to avoid overriding its value. # # - Called from an apk wrapper script. The --package-name argument # should not appear, but self.args.package_name will be gleaned from # the --apk-path file later. # # - Called directly, then --package-name is required on the command-line. # if not self.is_bundle: group.add_argument( '--package-name', help=argparse.SUPPRESS if self._from_wrapper_script else ( "App's package name.")) if self.needs_apk_path or self.needs_package_name: # Adding this argument to the subparser would override the set_defaults() # value set by on the parent parser (even if None). if not self._from_wrapper_script and not self.is_bundle: group.add_argument('--apk-path', required=self.needs_apk_path, help='Path to .apk') if self.supports_incremental: group.add_argument('--incremental', action='store_true', default=False, help='Always install an incremental apk.') group.add_argument('--non-incremental', action='store_true', default=False, help='Always install a non-incremental apk.') # accepts_command_line_flags and accepts_args are mutually exclusive. # argparse will throw if they are both set. if self.accepts_command_line_flags: group.add_argument( '--args', help='Command-line flags. Use = to assign args.') if self.accepts_args: group.add_argument( '--args', help='Extra arguments. Use = to assign args') if not self._from_wrapper_script and self.accepts_command_line_flags: # Provided by wrapper scripts. group.add_argument( '--command-line-flags-file', help='Name of the command-line flags file') self._RegisterExtraArgs(group) def ProcessArgs(self, args): self.args = args # Ensure these keys always exist. They are set by wrapper scripts, but not # always added when not using wrapper scripts. args.__dict__.setdefault('apk_path', None) args.__dict__.setdefault('incremental_json', None) incremental_apk_path = None if args.incremental_json and not (self.supports_incremental and args.non_incremental): with open(args.incremental_json) as f: install_dict = json.load(f) incremental_apk_path = os.path.join(args.output_directory, install_dict['apk_path']) if not os.path.exists(incremental_apk_path): incremental_apk_path = None if self.supports_incremental: if args.incremental and args.non_incremental: self._parser.error('Must use only one of --incremental and ' '--non-incremental') elif args.non_incremental: if not args.apk_path: self._parser.error('Apk has not been built.') elif args.incremental: if not incremental_apk_path: self._parser.error('Incremental apk has not been built.') args.apk_path = None if args.apk_path and incremental_apk_path: self._parser.error('Both incremental and non-incremental apks exist. ' 'Select using --incremental or --non-incremental') if ((self.needs_apk_path and not self.is_bundle) or args.apk_path or incremental_apk_path): if args.apk_path: self.apk_helper = apk_helper.ToHelper(args.apk_path) elif incremental_apk_path: self.install_dict = install_dict self.apk_helper = apk_helper.ToHelper(incremental_apk_path) else: self._parser.error('Apk is not built.') if self.needs_package_name and not args.package_name: if self.apk_helper: args.package_name = self.apk_helper.GetPackageName() elif self._from_wrapper_script: self._parser.error('Apk is not built.') else: self._parser.error('One of --package-name or --apk-path is required.') self.devices = [] if self.need_device_args: # See https://crbug.com/887964 regarding bundle support in apk_helper. abis = None if not self.is_bundle and self.apk_helper is not None: abis = self.apk_helper.GetAbis() self.devices = device_utils.DeviceUtils.HealthyDevices( device_arg=args.devices, enable_device_files_cache=bool(args.output_directory), default_retries=0, abis=abis) # TODO(agrieve): Device cache should not depend on output directory. # Maybe put int /tmp? _LoadDeviceCaches(self.devices, args.output_directory) try: if len(self.devices) > 1: if not self.supports_multiple_devices: self._parser.error(device_errors.MultipleDevicesError(self.devices)) if not args.all and not args.devices: self._parser.error(_GenerateMissingAllFlagMessage(self.devices)) # Save cache now if command will not get a chance to afterwards. if self.calls_exec: _SaveDeviceCaches(self.devices, args.output_directory) except: _SaveDeviceCaches(self.devices, args.output_directory) raise class _DevicesCommand(_Command): name = 'devices' description = 'Describe attached devices.' all_devices_by_default = True def Run(self): print _GenerateAvailableDevicesMessage(self.devices) class _PackageInfoCommand(_Command): name = 'package-info' # TODO(ntfschr): Support this by figuring out how to construct # self.apk_helper for bundles (http://crbug.com/952443). description = 'Show various attributes of this APK.' need_device_args = False needs_package_name = True needs_apk_path = True def Run(self): # Format all (even ints) as strings, to handle cases where APIs return None print 'Package name: "%s"' % self.args.package_name print 'versionCode: %s' % self.apk_helper.GetVersionCode() print 'versionName: "%s"' % self.apk_helper.GetVersionName() print 'minSdkVersion: %s' % self.apk_helper.GetMinSdkVersion() print 'targetSdkVersion: "%s"' % self.apk_helper.GetTargetSdkVersion() print 'Supported ABIs: %r' % self.apk_helper.GetAbis() class _InstallCommand(_Command): name = 'install' description = 'Installs the APK or bundle to one or more devices.' needs_apk_path = True supports_incremental = True def _RegisterExtraArgs(self, group): if self.is_bundle: group.add_argument( '-m', '--module', action='append', help='Module to install. Can be specified multiple times. ' + 'One of them has to be \'{}\''.format(BASE_MODULE)) group.add_argument( '-f', '--fake', action='append', help='Fake bundle module install. Can be specified multiple times. ' 'Requires \'-m {0}\' to be given, and \'-f {0}\' is illegal.'.format( BASE_MODULE)) def Run(self): if self.is_bundle: # Store .apks file beside the .aab file so that it gets cached. output_path = self.bundle_generation_info.bundle_apks_path _GenerateBundleApks(self.bundle_generation_info, output_path) _InstallBundle(self.devices, output_path, self.args.package_name, self.args.command_line_flags_file, self.args.module, self.args.fake) else: _InstallApk(self.devices, self.apk_helper, self.install_dict) class _UninstallCommand(_Command): name = 'uninstall' description = 'Removes the APK or bundle from one or more devices.' needs_package_name = True def Run(self): _UninstallApk(self.devices, self.install_dict, self.args.package_name) class _SetWebViewProviderCommand(_Command): name = 'set-webview-provider' description = ("Sets the device's WebView provider to this APK's " "package name.") needs_package_name = True def Run(self): if self.is_bundle: # TODO(ntfschr): Support this by figuring out how to construct # self.apk_helper for bundles (http://crbug.com/952443). raise Exception( 'Switching WebView providers not supported for bundles yet!') if not _IsWebViewProvider(self.apk_helper): raise Exception('This package does not have a WebViewLibrary meta-data ' 'tag. Are you sure it contains a WebView implementation?') _SetWebViewProvider(self.devices, self.args.package_name) class _LaunchCommand(_Command): name = 'launch' description = ('Sends a launch intent for the APK or bundle after first ' 'writing the command-line flags file.') needs_package_name = True accepts_command_line_flags = True all_devices_by_default = True def _RegisterExtraArgs(self, group): group.add_argument('-w', '--wait-for-java-debugger', action='store_true', help='Pause execution until debugger attaches. Applies ' 'only to the main process. To have renderers wait, ' 'use --args="--renderer-wait-for-java-debugger"') group.add_argument('--debug-process-name', help='Name of the process to debug. ' 'E.g. "privileged_process0", or "foo.bar:baz"') group.add_argument('--nokill', action='store_true', help='Do not set the debug-app, nor set command-line ' 'flags. Useful to load a URL without having the ' 'app restart.') group.add_argument('url', nargs='?', help='A URL to launch with.') def Run(self): if self.args.url and self.is_bundle: # TODO(digit): Support this, maybe by using 'dumpsys' as described # in the _LaunchUrl() comment. raise Exception('Launching with URL not supported for bundles yet!') _LaunchUrl(self.devices, self.args.package_name, argv=self.args.args, command_line_flags_file=self.args.command_line_flags_file, url=self.args.url, apk=self.apk_helper, wait_for_java_debugger=self.args.wait_for_java_debugger, debug_process_name=self.args.debug_process_name, nokill=self.args.nokill) class _StopCommand(_Command): name = 'stop' description = 'Force-stops the app.' needs_package_name = True all_devices_by_default = True def Run(self): device_utils.DeviceUtils.parallel(self.devices).ForceStop( self.args.package_name) class _ClearDataCommand(_Command): name = 'clear-data' descriptions = 'Clears all app data.' needs_package_name = True all_devices_by_default = True def Run(self): device_utils.DeviceUtils.parallel(self.devices).ClearApplicationState( self.args.package_name) class _ArgvCommand(_Command): name = 'argv' description = 'Display and optionally update command-line flags file.' needs_package_name = True accepts_command_line_flags = True all_devices_by_default = True def Run(self): _ChangeFlags(self.devices, self.args.args, self.args.command_line_flags_file) class _GdbCommand(_Command): name = 'gdb' description = 'Runs //build/android/adb_gdb with apk-specific args.' long_description = description + """ To attach to a process other than the APK's main process, use --pid=1234. To list all PIDs, use the "ps" command. If no apk process is currently running, sends a launch intent. """ needs_package_name = True needs_output_directory = True calls_exec = True supports_multiple_devices = False def Run(self): _RunGdb(self.devices[0], self.args.package_name, self.args.debug_process_name, self.args.pid, self.args.output_directory, self.args.target_cpu, self.args.port, self.args.ide, bool(self.args.verbose_count)) def _RegisterExtraArgs(self, group): pid_group = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() pid_group.add_argument('--debug-process-name', help='Name of the process to attach to. ' 'E.g. "privileged_process0", or "foo.bar:baz"') pid_group.add_argument('--pid', help='The process ID to attach to. Defaults to ' 'the main process for the package.') group.add_argument('--ide', action='store_true', help='Rather than enter a gdb prompt, set up the ' 'gdb connection and wait for an IDE to ' 'connect.') # Same default port that ndk-gdb.py uses. group.add_argument('--port', type=int, default=5039, help='Use the given port for the GDB connection') class _LogcatCommand(_Command): name = 'logcat' description = 'Runs "adb logcat" with filters relevant the current APK.' long_description = description + """ "Relevant filters" means: * Log messages from processes belonging to the apk, * Plus log messages from log tags: ActivityManager|DEBUG, * Plus fatal logs from any process, * Minus spamy dalvikvm logs (for pre-L devices). Colors: * Primary process is white * Other processes (gpu, renderer) are yellow * Non-apk processes are grey * UI thread has a bolded Thread-ID Java stack traces are detected and deobfuscated (for release builds). To disable filtering, (but keep coloring), use --verbose. """ needs_package_name = True supports_multiple_devices = False def Run(self): mapping = self.args.proguard_mapping_path if self.args.no_deobfuscate: mapping = None _RunLogcat(self.devices[0], self.args.package_name, mapping, bool(self.args.verbose_count)) def _RegisterExtraArgs(self, group): if self._from_wrapper_script: group.add_argument('--no-deobfuscate', action='store_true', help='Disables ProGuard deobfuscation of logcat.') else: group.set_defaults(no_deobfuscate=False) group.add_argument('--proguard-mapping-path', help='Path to ProGuard map (enables deobfuscation)') class _PsCommand(_Command): name = 'ps' description = 'Show PIDs of any APK processes currently running.' needs_package_name = True all_devices_by_default = True def Run(self): _RunPs(self.devices, self.args.package_name) class _DiskUsageCommand(_Command): name = 'disk-usage' description = 'Show how much device storage is being consumed by the app.' needs_package_name = True all_devices_by_default = True def Run(self): _RunDiskUsage(self.devices, self.args.package_name) class _MemUsageCommand(_Command): name = 'mem-usage' description = 'Show memory usage of currently running APK processes.' needs_package_name = True all_devices_by_default = True def _RegisterExtraArgs(self, group): group.add_argument('--query-app', action='store_true', help='Do not add --local to "dumpsys meminfo". This will output ' 'additional metrics (e.g. Context count), but also cause memory ' 'to be used in order to gather the metrics.') def Run(self): _RunMemUsage(self.devices, self.args.package_name, query_app=self.args.query_app) class _ShellCommand(_Command): name = 'shell' description = ('Same as "adb shell ", but runs as the apk\'s uid ' '(via run-as). Useful for inspecting the app\'s data ' 'directory.') needs_package_name = True @property def calls_exec(self): return not self.args.cmd @property def supports_multiple_devices(self): return not self.args.cmd def _RegisterExtraArgs(self, group): group.add_argument( 'cmd', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help='Command to run.') def Run(self): _RunShell(self.devices, self.args.package_name, self.args.cmd) class _CompileDexCommand(_Command): name = 'compile-dex' description = ('Applicable only for Android N+. Forces .odex files to be ' 'compiled with the given compilation filter. To see existing ' 'filter, use "disk-usage" command.') needs_package_name = True all_devices_by_default = True def _RegisterExtraArgs(self, group): group.add_argument( 'compilation_filter', choices=['verify', 'quicken', 'space-profile', 'space', 'speed-profile', 'speed'], help='For WebView/Monochrome, use "speed". For other apks, use ' '"speed-profile".') def Run(self): _RunCompileDex(self.devices, self.args.package_name, self.args.compilation_filter) class _ProfileCommand(_Command): name = 'profile' description = ('Run the simpleperf sampling CPU profiler on the currently-' 'running APK. If --args is used, the extra arguments will be ' 'passed on to simpleperf; otherwise, the following default ' 'arguments are used: -g -f 1000 -o /data/local/tmp/perf.data') needs_package_name = True needs_output_directory = True supports_multiple_devices = False accepts_args = True def _RegisterExtraArgs(self, group): group.add_argument( '--profile-process', default='browser', help=('Which process to profile. This may be a process name or pid ' 'such as you would get from running `%s ps`; or ' 'it can be one of (browser, renderer, gpu).' % sys.argv[0])) group.add_argument( '--profile-thread', default=None, help=('(Optional) Profile only a single thread. This may be either a ' 'thread ID such as you would get by running `adb shell ps -t` ' '(pre-Oreo) or `adb shell ps -e -T` (Oreo and later); or it may ' 'be one of (io, compositor, main, render), in which case ' '--profile-process is also required. (Note that "render" thread ' 'refers to a thread in the browser process that manages a ' 'renderer; to profile the main thread of the renderer process, ' 'use --profile-thread=main).')) group.add_argument('--profile-output', default='profile.pb', help='Output file for profiling data') def Run(self): extra_args = shlex.split(self.args.args or '') _RunProfile(self.devices[0], self.args.package_name, self.args.output_directory, self.args.profile_output, self.args.profile_process, self.args.profile_thread, extra_args) class _RunCommand(_InstallCommand, _LaunchCommand, _LogcatCommand): name = 'run' description = 'Install, launch, and show logcat (when targeting one device).' all_devices_by_default = False supports_multiple_devices = True def _RegisterExtraArgs(self, group): _InstallCommand._RegisterExtraArgs(self, group) _LaunchCommand._RegisterExtraArgs(self, group) _LogcatCommand._RegisterExtraArgs(self, group) group.add_argument('--no-logcat', action='store_true', help='Install and launch, but do not enter logcat.') def Run(self): logging.warning('Installing...') _InstallCommand.Run(self) logging.warning('Sending launch intent...') _LaunchCommand.Run(self) if len(self.devices) == 1 and not self.args.no_logcat: logging.warning('Entering logcat...') _LogcatCommand.Run(self) class _BuildBundleApks(_Command): name = 'build-bundle-apks' description = ('Build the .apks archive from an Android app bundle, and ' 'optionally copy it to a specific destination.') need_device_args = False def _RegisterExtraArgs(self, group): group.add_argument( '--output-apks', required=True, help='Destination path for .apks file.') group.add_argument( '--minimal', action='store_true', help='Build .apks archive that targets the bundle\'s minSdkVersion and ' 'contains only english splits. It still contains optional splits.') group.add_argument( '--sdk-version', help='Implies --minimal. The sdkVersion to build the .apks for.') group.add_argument( '--build-mode', choices=app_bundle_utils.BUILD_APKS_MODES, help='Specify which type of APKs archive to build. "default" ' 'generates regular splits, "universal" generates an archive with a ' 'single universal APK, "system" generates an archive with a system ' 'image APK, while "system_compressed" generates a compressed system ' 'APK, with an additional stub APK for the system image.') def Run(self): _GenerateBundleApks( self.bundle_generation_info, self.args.output_apks, minimal=self.args.sdk_version is not None or self.args.minimal, minimal_sdk_version=self.args.sdk_version, mode=self.args.build_mode) class _ManifestCommand(_Command): name = 'dump-manifest' description = 'Dump the android manifest from this bundle, as XML, to stdout.' need_device_args = False def Run(self): bundletool.RunBundleTool([ 'dump', 'manifest', '--bundle', self.bundle_generation_info.bundle_path ]) # Shared commands for regular APKs and app bundles. _COMMANDS = [ _DevicesCommand, _PackageInfoCommand, _InstallCommand, _UninstallCommand, _SetWebViewProviderCommand, _LaunchCommand, _StopCommand, _ClearDataCommand, _ArgvCommand, _GdbCommand, _LogcatCommand, _PsCommand, _DiskUsageCommand, _MemUsageCommand, _ShellCommand, _CompileDexCommand, _ProfileCommand, _RunCommand, ] # Commands specific to app bundles. _BUNDLE_COMMANDS = [ _BuildBundleApks, _ManifestCommand, ] def _ParseArgs(parser, from_wrapper_script, is_bundle): subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() command_list = _COMMANDS + (_BUNDLE_COMMANDS if is_bundle else []) commands = [clazz(from_wrapper_script, is_bundle) for clazz in command_list] for command in commands: if from_wrapper_script or not command.needs_output_directory: command.RegisterArgs(subparsers) # Show extended help when no command is passed. argv = sys.argv[1:] if not argv: argv = ['--help'] return parser.parse_args(argv) def _RunInternal(parser, output_directory=None, bundle_generation_info=None): colorama.init() parser.set_defaults(output_directory=output_directory) from_wrapper_script = bool(output_directory) args = _ParseArgs(parser, from_wrapper_script, bool(bundle_generation_info)) run_tests_helper.SetLogLevel(args.verbose_count) args.command.ProcessArgs(args) if bundle_generation_info: args.command.RegisterBundleGenerationInfo(bundle_generation_info) args.command.Run() # Incremental install depends on the cache being cleared when uninstalling. if args.command.name != 'uninstall': _SaveDeviceCaches(args.command.devices, output_directory) def Run(output_directory, apk_path, incremental_json, command_line_flags_file, target_cpu, proguard_mapping_path): """Entry point for generated wrapper scripts.""" constants.SetOutputDirectory(output_directory) devil_chromium.Initialize(output_directory=output_directory) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() exists_or_none = lambda p: p if p and os.path.exists(p) else None parser.set_defaults( command_line_flags_file=command_line_flags_file, target_cpu=target_cpu, apk_path=exists_or_none(apk_path), incremental_json=exists_or_none(incremental_json), proguard_mapping_path=proguard_mapping_path) _RunInternal(parser, output_directory=output_directory) def RunForBundle(output_directory, bundle_path, bundle_apks_path, aapt2_path, keystore_path, keystore_password, keystore_alias, package_name, command_line_flags_file, proguard_mapping_path, target_cpu, system_image_locales): """Entry point for generated app bundle wrapper scripts. Args: output_dir: Chromium output directory path. bundle_path: Input bundle path. bundle_apks_path: Output bundle .apks archive path. aapt2_path: Aapt2 tool path. keystore_path: Keystore file path. keystore_password: Keystore password. keystore_alias: Signing key name alias in keystore file. package_name: Application's package name. command_line_flags_file: Optional. Name of an on-device file that will be used to store command-line flags for this bundle. proguard_mapping_path: Input path to the Proguard mapping file, used to deobfuscate Java stack traces. target_cpu: Chromium target CPU name, used by the 'gdb' command. system_image_locales: List of Chromium locales that should be included in system image APKs. """ constants.SetOutputDirectory(output_directory) devil_chromium.Initialize(output_directory=output_directory) bundle_generation_info = BundleGenerationInfo( bundle_path=bundle_path, bundle_apks_path=bundle_apks_path, aapt2_path=aapt2_path, keystore_path=keystore_path, keystore_password=keystore_password, keystore_alias=keystore_alias, system_image_locales=system_image_locales) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.set_defaults( package_name=package_name, command_line_flags_file=command_line_flags_file, proguard_mapping_path=proguard_mapping_path, target_cpu=target_cpu) _RunInternal(parser, output_directory=output_directory, bundle_generation_info=bundle_generation_info) def main(): devil_chromium.Initialize() _RunInternal(argparse.ArgumentParser(), output_directory=None) if __name__ == '__main__': main()