'use strict' var test = require('tap').test var npm = require('../../lib/npm') test('setup', function (t) { npm.load({}, t.done) }) test('replaceModuleByName', function (t) { var replaceModuleByName = require('../../lib/install/deps')._replaceModuleByName var mods = [] for (var ii = 0; ii < 10; ++ii) { mods.push({package: {name: ii}, path: '/path/to/' + ii}) } var test = {} test.A = mods.slice(0, 4) replaceModuleByName(test, 'A', mods[2]) t.isDeeply(test.A, mods.slice(0, 4), 'replacing an existing module leaves the order alone') replaceModuleByName(test, 'A', mods[7]) t.isDeeply(test.A, mods.slice(0, 4).concat(mods[7]), 'replacing a new module appends') test.B = mods.slice(0, 4) var replacement = {package: {name: 1}, isReplacement: true} replaceModuleByName(test, 'B', replacement) t.isDeeply(test.B, [mods[0], replacement, mods[2], mods[3]], 'replacing existing module swaps out for the new version') replaceModuleByName(test, 'C', mods[7]) t.isDeeply(test.C, [mods[7]], 'replacing when the key does not exist yet, causes its creation') test.D = mods.slice(0, 4) var duplicateByPath = {package: {name: 'dup'}, path: test.D[0].path} replaceModuleByName(test, 'D', duplicateByPath) t.isDeeply(test.D, mods.slice(0, 4).concat(duplicateByPath), 'replacing with a duplicate path but diff names appends') t.end() }) test('replaceModuleByPath', function (t) { var replaceModuleByPath = require('../../lib/install/deps')._replaceModuleByPath var mods = [] for (var ii = 0; ii < 10; ++ii) { mods.push({package: {name: ii}, path: '/path/to/' + ii}) } var test = {} test.A = mods.slice(0, 4) replaceModuleByPath(test, 'A', mods[2]) t.isDeeply(test.A, mods.slice(0, 4), 'replacing an existing module leaves the order alone') replaceModuleByPath(test, 'A', mods[7]) t.isDeeply(test.A, mods.slice(0, 4).concat(mods[7]), 'replacing a new module appends') test.B = mods.slice(0, 4) var replacement = {package: {name: 1}, isReplacement: true, path: '/path/to/1'} replaceModuleByPath(test, 'B', replacement) t.isDeeply(test.B, [mods[0], replacement, mods[2], mods[3]], 'replacing existing module swaps out for the new version') replaceModuleByPath(test, 'C', mods[7]) t.isDeeply(test.C, [mods[7]], 'replacing when the key does not exist yet, causes its creation') test.D = mods.slice(0, 4) var duplicateByPath = {package: {name: 'dup'}, path: test.D[0].path} replaceModuleByPath(test, 'D', duplicateByPath) t.isDeeply(test.D, [duplicateByPath].concat(mods.slice(1, 4)), 'replacing with a duplicate path but diff names replaces') t.end() })