'use strict' const BB = require('bluebird') const test = require('tap').test const common = require('../common-tap') const fs = BB.promisifyAll(require('graceful-fs')) const path = require('path') const rimraf = BB.promisify(require('rimraf')) const Tacks = require('tacks') const Dir = Tacks.Dir const File = Tacks.File const testDir = path.join(__dirname, 'pkg') const tmp = path.join(testDir, 'tmp') const cache = path.join(testDir, 'cache') test('basic pack', (t) => { const fixture = new Tacks(new Dir({ 'package.json': new File({ name: 'generic-package', version: '90000.100001.5' }) })) return rimraf(testDir) .then(() => fixture.create(testDir)) .then(() => common.npm([ 'pack', '--loglevel', 'notice', '--cache', cache, '--tmp', tmp, '--prefix', testDir, '--no-global' ], { cwd: testDir })) .spread((code, stdout, stderr) => { t.equal(code, 0, 'npm pack exited ok') t.match(stderr, /notice\s+\d+[a-z]+\s+package\.json/gi, 'mentions package.json') t.match(stdout, /generic-package-90000\.100001\.5\.tgz/ig, 'found pkg') return fs.statAsync( path.join(testDir, 'generic-package-90000.100001.5.tgz') ) }) .then((stat) => t.ok(stat, 'tarball written to cwd')) .then(() => rimraf(testDir)) }) test('pack with bundled', (t) => { const fixture = new Tacks(new Dir({ 'package.json': new File({ name: 'generic-package', version: '90000.100001.5', dependencies: { '@bundle/dep': '^1.0.0', 'regular-dep': '^1.0.0' }, bundleDependencies: [ '@bundle/dep', 'regular-dep' ] }), 'node_modules': new Dir({ 'regular-dep': new Dir({ 'package.json': new File({ name: 'regular-dep', version: '1.0.0' }) }), '@bundle': new Dir({ 'dep': new Dir({ 'package.json': new File({ name: '@bundle/dep', version: '1.0.0' }) }) }) }) })) return rimraf(testDir) .then(() => fixture.create(testDir)) .then(() => common.npm([ 'pack', '--loglevel', 'notice', '--cache', cache, '--tmp', tmp, '--prefix', testDir, '--no-global' ], { cwd: testDir })) .spread((code, stdout, stderr) => { t.equal(code, 0, 'npm pack exited ok') t.match(stderr, /notice\s+\d+[a-z]+\s+package\.json/gi, 'mentions package.json') t.match(stderr, /notice\s+regular-dep/, 'regular dep mentioned') t.match(stderr, /notice\s+@bundle\/dep/, 'bundled dep mentioned') }) .then(() => rimraf(testDir)) }) test('pack --dry-run', (t) => { const fixture = new Tacks(new Dir({ 'package.json': new File({ name: 'generic-package', version: '90000.100001.5' }) })) return rimraf(testDir) .then(() => fixture.create(testDir)) .then(() => common.npm([ 'pack', '--dry-run', '--loglevel', 'notice', '--cache', cache, '--tmp', tmp, '--prefix', testDir, '--no-global' ], { cwd: testDir })) .spread((code, stdout, stderr) => { t.equal(code, 0, 'npm pack exited ok') t.match(stdout, /generic-package-90000\.100001\.5\.tgz/ig, 'found pkg') return fs.statAsync( path.join(testDir, 'generic-package-90000.100001.5.tgz') ) .then( () => { throw new Error('should have failed') }, (err) => t.equal(err.code, 'ENOENT', 'no tarball written!') ) }) .then(() => rimraf(testDir)) }) test('pack --json', (t) => { const fixture = new Tacks(new Dir({ 'package.json': new File({ name: 'generic-package', version: '90000.100001.5' }) })) return rimraf(testDir) .then(() => fixture.create(testDir)) .then(() => common.npm([ 'pack', '--dry-run', '--json', '--loglevel', 'notice', '--cache', cache, '--tmp', tmp, '--prefix', testDir, '--no-global' ], { cwd: testDir })) .spread((code, stdout, stderr) => { t.equal(code, 0, 'npm pack exited ok') t.equal(stderr.trim(), '', 'no notice output') t.similar(JSON.parse(stdout), [{ filename: 'generic-package-90000.100001.5.tgz', files: [{path: 'package.json'}], entryCount: 1 }], 'pack details output as valid json') }) .then(() => rimraf(testDir)) }) test('postpack', (t) => { const fixture = new Tacks(new Dir({ 'package.json': new File({ name: 'generic-package', version: '90000.100001.5', scripts: { postpack: 'node -e "var fs = require(\'fs\'); fs.openSync(\'postpack-step\', \'w+\'); if (!fs.existsSync(\'generic-package-90000.100001.5.tgz\')) { throw new Error(\'tar archive does not exist on postpack\') }"' } }) })) return rimraf(testDir) .then(() => fixture.create(testDir)) .then(() => common.npm([ 'pack', '--loglevel', 'notice', '--cache', cache, '--tmp', tmp, '--prefix', testDir, '--no-global' ], { cwd: testDir })) .spread((code, stdout, stderr) => { t.equal(code, 0, 'npm pack exited ok') return fs.statAsync( path.join(testDir, 'postpack-step') ) }) .then(() => rimraf(testDir)) })