'use strict' const common = require('../common-tap.js') const getStream = require('get-stream') const mkdirp = require('mkdirp') const mr = require('npm-registry-mock') const npm = require('../../') const path = require('path') const Tacks = require('tacks') const test = require('tap').test const {File} = Tacks const _createEntryStream = require('../../lib/search/all-package-metadata.js')._createEntryStream let server // this test uses a fresh cache for each test block // create them all in common.cache so that we can verify // them for root-owned files in sudotest let CACHE_DIR let cacheCounter = 1 function setup () { CACHE_DIR = common.cache + '/' + cacheCounter++ mkdirp.sync(CACHE_DIR) fixOwner(CACHE_DIR) } const chownr = require('chownr') const fixOwner = ( process.getuid && process.getuid() === 0 && process.env.SUDO_UID && process.env.SUDO_GID ) ? (path) => chownr.sync(path, +process.env.SUDO_UID, +process.env.SUDO_GID) : () => {} test('setup', t => { mr({port: common.port, throwOnUnmatched: true}, (err, s) => { t.ifError(err, 'registry mocked successfully') npm.load({ cache: CACHE_DIR, registry: common.registry }, err => { t.ifError(err, 'npm loaded successfully') server = s t.pass('all set up') t.done() }) }) }) test('createEntryStream full request', t => { setup() const cachePath = path.join(CACHE_DIR, '.cache.json') const dataTime = +(new Date()) server.get('/-/all').once().reply(200, { '_updated': dataTime, 'bar': { name: 'bar', version: '1.0.0' }, 'foo': { name: 'foo', version: '1.0.0' } }, { date: 1234 // should never be used. }) return _createEntryStream(cachePath, 600, { registry: common.registry }).then(({ entryStream: stream, latest, newEntries }) => { t.equals(latest, dataTime, '`latest` correctly extracted') t.ok(newEntries, 'new entries need to be written to cache') t.ok(stream, 'returned a stream') return getStream.array(stream) }).then(results => { t.deepEquals(results, [{ name: 'bar', version: '1.0.0' }, { name: 'foo', version: '1.0.0' }]) server.done() }) }) test('createEntryStream cache only', function (t) { setup() const now = Date.now() const cacheTime = now - 100000 const cachePath = path.join(CACHE_DIR, '.cache.json') const fixture = new Tacks(File({ '_updated': cacheTime, bar: { name: 'bar', version: '1.0.0' }, cool: { name: 'cool', version: '1.0.0' }, foo: { name: 'foo', version: '2.0.0' }, other: { name: 'other', version: '1.0.0' } })) fixture.create(cachePath) fixOwner(cachePath) return _createEntryStream(cachePath, 600, { registry: common.registry }).then(({ entryStream: stream, latest, newEntries }) => { t.equals(latest, cacheTime, '`latest` is cache time') t.ok(stream, 'returned a stream') t.notOk(newEntries, 'cache only means no need to write to cache') return getStream.array(stream) }).then(results => { t.deepEquals( results.map(function (pkg) { return pkg.name }), ['bar', 'cool', 'foo', 'other'], 'packages deduped and sorted' ) server.done() }) }) test('createEntryStream merged stream', function (t) { setup() const now = Date.now() const cacheTime = now - 6000000 server.get('/-/all/since?stale=update_after&startkey=' + cacheTime).once().reply(200, { 'bar': { name: 'bar', version: '2.0.0' }, 'car': { name: 'car', version: '1.0.0' }, 'foo': { name: 'foo', version: '1.0.0' } }, { date: (new Date(now)).toISOString() }) const cachePath = path.join(CACHE_DIR, '.cache.json') const fixture = new Tacks(File({ '_updated': cacheTime, bar: { name: 'bar', version: '1.0.0' }, cool: { name: 'cool', version: '1.0.0' }, foo: { name: 'foo', version: '2.0.0' }, other: { name: 'other', version: '1.0.0' } })) fixture.create(cachePath) fixOwner(cachePath) return _createEntryStream(cachePath, 600, { registry: common.registry }).then(({ entryStream: stream, latest, newEntries }) => { t.equals(latest, now, '`latest` correctly extracted from header') t.ok(stream, 'returned a stream') t.ok(newEntries, 'cache update means entries should be written') return getStream.array(stream) }).then(results => { t.deepEquals( results.map(function (pkg) { return pkg.name }), ['bar', 'car', 'cool', 'foo', 'other'], 'packages deduped and sorted' ) t.deepEquals(results[0], { name: 'bar', version: '2.0.0' }, 'update stream version wins on dedupe') t.deepEquals(results[3], { name: 'foo', version: '1.0.0' }, 'update stream version wins on dedupe even when the newer one has a lower semver.') server.done() }) }) test('createEntryStream no sources', function (t) { setup() const cachePath = path.join(CACHE_DIR, '.cache.json') server.get('/-/all').once().reply(404, {}) return _createEntryStream(cachePath, 600, { registry: common.registry }).then(({ entryStream: stream, latest, newEntries }) => { throw new Error('should not succeed') }, err => { t.ok(err, 'no sources, got an error') t.match(err.message, /No search sources available/, 'useful error message') }).then(() => { server.done() }) }) test('cleanup', function (t) { server.close() t.done() })