# FakeRegistry This is a replacement for npm-registry-mock in times where its fixtures are not used. (Adding support for its standard fixtures is TODO, but should be straightforward—tacks-ify them and call `mr.mock…` # Usage The intent is for this to be a drop in replacement for npm-registry-mock (and by extension hock). New scripts will be better served using its native interface, however. # Main Interface ## Logging All requests the mock registry receives are logged at the `http` level. You can see these by running your tests with: ``` npm --loglevel=http run tap test/tap/name-of-test.js ``` Or directly with: ``` npm_config_loglevel=http node test/tap/name-of-test.js ``` ## Construction Ordinarily there's no reason to construct more than one FakeRegistyr object at a time, as it can be entirely reset between tests, so best practice would be to use its singleton. ``` const common = require('../common-tap.js') const mr = common.mockRegistry ``` If you have need of multiple registries at the same time, you can construct them by hand: ``` const common = require('../common-tap.js') const FakeRegistry = common.mockRegistry.FakeRegistry const mr = new FakeRegistry(opts) ``` ## new FakeRegistry(opts) Valid options are: * `opts.port` is the first port to try when looking for an available port. If it is unavialable it will be incremented until one available is found. The default value of `port` is taken from `common.npm`. * `opts.keepNodeAlive` will instruct FakeRegistry to not unref the underlying server. ## mr.reset() → this Reset all mocks to their default values. Further requests ## mr.listen() → Promise(mr) Start listening for connections. The promise resolves when the server is online and ready to accept connections. `mr.port` and `mr.registry` contain the port that was actually selected. To ease compatibility, `common` will also have its `port` and `registry` values updated at this time. Note that this means `common.port` refers to the port of the most recent listening server. Each server will maintain its own `mr.port`. Any errors emitted by the server while it was coming online will result in a promise rejection. ## mr.mock(method, url, respondWith) → this Adds a new route that matches `method` (should be all caps) and `url`. `respondWith` can be: * A function, that takes `(request, response)` as arguments and calls [`response` methods](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_serverresponse) to do what it wants. Does not have a return value. This function may be async (the response isn't complete till its stream completes), typically either because you piped something into it or called `response.end()`. * An array of `[statusCode, responseBody]`. `responseBody` may be a string or an object. Objects are serialized with `JSON.stringify`. ## mr.close() → Promise(mr) Calls `mr.reset()` to clear the mocks. Calls `.close()` on the http server. The promise resolves when the http server completes closing. Any errors while the http server was closing will result in a rejection. If running with `keepNodeAlive` set this call is required for node to exit the event loop. # Events ## mr.on('error', err => { … }) Error events from the http server are forwarded to the associated fake registry instance. The exception to this is while the `mr.listen()` and `mr.close()` promises are waiting to complete. Those promises capture any errors during their duration and turn them into rejections. (Errors during those phases are very rare.) # Compat Interface ## Differences ### Ports You aren't guaranteed to get the port you ask for. If the port you asked for is in use, it will be incremented until an available port is found. `server.port` and `server.registry` contain the port that was actually selected. For compatibility reasons: `common.port` and `common.registry` will contain the port of the most recent instance of FakeRegistry. Usually these there is only one instance and so this has the same value as the per-server attributes. This means that if your fixtures make use of the port or server address they need to be configured _after_ you construct ### Request Bodies Request bodies are NOT matched against. Two routes for the same URL but different request bodies will overwrite one another. ### Call Count Assertions That is, things like `twice()` that assert that the end point will be hit two times are not supported. This library does not provide any assertions, just a barebones http server. ### Default Route Behavior If no route can be found then a `404` response will be provided. ## Construction const common = require('../common-tap.js') const mr = common.mockRegistry.compat ### mr(options[, callback]) → Promise(server) Construct a new mock server. Hybrid, callback/promise constructor. Options are `port` and `keepNodeAlive`. `keepNodeAlive` defaults to `true` for compatibility mode and the default value of port comes from `common.port`. ### done() Resets all of the configured mocks. ### close() Calls `this.reset()` and `this.server.close()`. To reopen this instance use `this.listen()`. ### filteringRequestBody() Does nothing. Bodies are never matched when routing anyway so this is unnecessary. ### get(url) → MockReply ### delete(url) → MockReply ### post(url, body) → MockReply ### put(url, body) → MockReply Begins to add a route for an HTTP method and URL combo. Does not actually add it till `reply()` is called on the returned object. Note that the body argument for post and put is always ignored. ## MockReply methods ### twice() → this Does nothing. Call count assertions are not supported. ### reply(status, responseBody) Actually adds the route, set to reply with the associated status and responseBody. Currently no mime-types are set. If `responseBody` is `typeof === 'object'` then `JSON.stringify()` will be called on it to serialize it, otherwise `String()` will be used.