# qw Quoted word literals! ```js const qw = require('qw') const myword = qw` this is a long list of words` // equiv of: const myword = [ 'this', 'is', 'a', 'long', 'list', 'of', 'words' ] ``` You can embed vars in the usual way: ```js const mywords = qw`product ${23 * 5} also ${'escaping a string'}` // equiv of: const mywords = [ 'product', 23 * 5, 'also', 'escaping a string' ] ``` You can also embed vars inside strings: ```js const mywords = qw`product=${23 * 5} also "${'escaping a string'}"` // equiv of: const mywords = [ 'product=' + (23 * 5), 'also', '"escaping a string"' ] ``` ## DESCRIPTION This uses template strings to bring over this little common convenience from Perl-land.