var test = require('tape') var SafeBuffer = require('./').Buffer test('new SafeBuffer(value) works just like Buffer', function (t) { t.deepEqual(new SafeBuffer('hey'), new Buffer('hey')) t.deepEqual(new SafeBuffer('hey', 'utf8'), new Buffer('hey', 'utf8')) t.deepEqual(new SafeBuffer('686579', 'hex'), new Buffer('686579', 'hex')) t.deepEqual(new SafeBuffer([1, 2, 3]), new Buffer([1, 2, 3])) t.deepEqual(new SafeBuffer(new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3])), new Buffer(new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]))) t.equal(typeof SafeBuffer.isBuffer, 'function') t.equal(SafeBuffer.isBuffer(new SafeBuffer('hey')), true) t.equal(Buffer.isBuffer(new SafeBuffer('hey')), true) t.notOk(SafeBuffer.isBuffer({})) t.end() }) test('SafeBuffer.from(value) converts to a Buffer', function (t) { t.deepEqual(SafeBuffer.from('hey'), new Buffer('hey')) t.deepEqual(SafeBuffer.from('hey', 'utf8'), new Buffer('hey', 'utf8')) t.deepEqual(SafeBuffer.from('686579', 'hex'), new Buffer('686579', 'hex')) t.deepEqual(SafeBuffer.from([1, 2, 3]), new Buffer([1, 2, 3])) t.deepEqual(SafeBuffer.from(new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3])), new Buffer(new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]))) t.end() }) test('SafeBuffer.alloc(number) returns zeroed-out memory', function (t) { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var expected1 = new Buffer(1000) expected1.fill(0) t.deepEqual(SafeBuffer.alloc(1000), expected1) var expected2 = new Buffer(1000 * 1000) expected2.fill(0) t.deepEqual(SafeBuffer.alloc(1000 * 1000), expected2) } t.end() }) test('SafeBuffer.allocUnsafe(number)', function (t) { var buf = SafeBuffer.allocUnsafe(100) // unitialized memory t.equal(buf.length, 100) t.equal(SafeBuffer.isBuffer(buf), true) t.equal(Buffer.isBuffer(buf), true) t.end() }) test('SafeBuffer.from() throws with number types', function (t) { t.plan(5) t.throws(function () { SafeBuffer.from(0) }) t.throws(function () { SafeBuffer.from(-1) }) t.throws(function () { SafeBuffer.from(NaN) }) t.throws(function () { SafeBuffer.from(Infinity) }) t.throws(function () { SafeBuffer.from(99) }) }) test('SafeBuffer.allocUnsafe() throws with non-number types', function (t) { t.plan(4) t.throws(function () { SafeBuffer.allocUnsafe('hey') }) t.throws(function () { SafeBuffer.allocUnsafe('hey', 'utf8') }) t.throws(function () { SafeBuffer.allocUnsafe([1, 2, 3]) }) t.throws(function () { SafeBuffer.allocUnsafe({}) }) }) test('SafeBuffer.alloc() throws with non-number types', function (t) { t.plan(4) t.throws(function () { SafeBuffer.alloc('hey') }) t.throws(function () { SafeBuffer.alloc('hey', 'utf8') }) t.throws(function () { SafeBuffer.alloc([1, 2, 3]) }) t.throws(function () { SafeBuffer.alloc({}) }) })