'use strict' const BB = require('bluebird') const Fetcher = require('../fetch') const fs = require('fs') const pipe = require('mississippi').pipe const through = require('mississippi').through const readFileAsync = BB.promisify(fs.readFile) const statAsync = BB.promisify(fs.stat) const MAX_BULK_SIZE = 2 * 1024 * 1024 // 2MB // `file` packages refer to local tarball files. const fetchFile = module.exports = Object.create(null) Fetcher.impl(fetchFile, { manifest (spec, opts) { // We can't do much here. `finalizeManifest` will take care of // calling `tarball` to fill out all the necessary details. return BB.resolve(null) }, // All the heavy lifting for `file` packages is done here. // They're never cached. We just read straight out of the file. // TODO - maybe they *should* be cached? tarball (spec, opts) { const src = spec._resolved || spec.fetchSpec const stream = through() statAsync(src).then(stat => { if (stat.size <= MAX_BULK_SIZE) { // YAY LET'S DO THING IN BULK return readFileAsync(src).then(data => { stream.write(data, () => { stream.end() }) }) } else { return pipe(fs.createReadStream(src), stream) } }, err => stream.emit('error', err)) return stream }, fromManifest (manifest, spec, opts) { return this.tarball(manifest || spec, opts) } })