var test = require('tap').test var server = require('./lib/server.js') var common = require('./lib/common.js') var client = common.freshClient() function nop () {} var URI = 'http://localhost:1337/rewrite' var TOKEN = 'b00b00feed' var PARAMS = { auth: { token: TOKEN } } test('logout call contract', function (t) { t.throws(function () { client.logout(undefined, PARAMS, nop) }, 'requires a URI') t.throws(function () { client.logout([], PARAMS, nop) }, 'requires URI to be a string') t.throws(function () { client.logout(URI, undefined, nop) }, 'requires params object') t.throws(function () { client.logout(URI, '', nop) }, 'params must be object') t.throws(function () { client.logout(URI, PARAMS, undefined) }, 'requires callback') t.throws(function () { client.logout(URI, PARAMS, 'callback') }, 'callback must be function') t.throws( function () { var params = { auth: {} } client.logout(URI, params, nop) }, { name: 'AssertionError', message: 'can only log out for token auth' }, 'auth must include token' ) t.end() }) test('log out from a token-based registry', function (t) { server.expect('DELETE', '/-/user/token/' + TOKEN, function (req, res) { t.equal(req.method, 'DELETE') t.equal(req.headers.authorization, 'Bearer ' + TOKEN, 'request is authed') res.json({message: 'ok'}) }) client.logout(URI, PARAMS, function (er) { t.ifError(er, 'no errors') t.end() }) }) test('cleanup', function (t) { server.close() t.end() })