# ssri [![npm version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/ssri.svg)](https://npm.im/ssri) [![license](https://img.shields.io/npm/l/ssri.svg)](https://npm.im/ssri) [![Travis](https://img.shields.io/travis/zkat/ssri.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/zkat/ssri) [![AppVeyor](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/zkat/ssri?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/zkat/ssri) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/zkat/ssri/badge.svg?branch=latest)](https://coveralls.io/github/zkat/ssri?branch=latest) [`ssri`](https://github.com/zkat/ssri), short for Standard Subresource Integrity, is a Node.js utility for parsing, manipulating, serializing, generating, and verifying [Subresource Integrity](https://w3c.github.io/webappsec/specs/subresourceintegrity/) hashes. ## Install `$ npm install --save ssri` ## Table of Contents * [Example](#example) * [Features](#features) * [Contributing](#contributing) * [API](#api) * Parsing & Serializing * [`parse`](#parse) * [`stringify`](#stringify) * [`Integrity#concat`](#integrity-concat) * [`Integrity#toString`](#integrity-to-string) * [`Integrity#toJSON`](#integrity-to-json) * [`Integrity#pickAlgorithm`](#integrity-pick-algorithm) * [`Integrity#hexDigest`](#integrity-hex-digest) * Integrity Generation * [`fromHex`](#from-hex) * [`fromData`](#from-data) * [`fromStream`](#from-stream) * [`create`](#create) * Integrity Verification * [`checkData`](#check-data) * [`checkStream`](#check-stream) * [`integrityStream`](#integrity-stream) ### Example ```javascript const ssri = require('ssri') const integrity = 'sha512-9KhgCRIx/AmzC8xqYJTZRrnO8OW2Pxyl2DIMZSBOr0oDvtEFyht3xpp71j/r/pAe1DM+JI/A+line3jUBgzQ7A==?foo' // Parsing and serializing const parsed = ssri.parse(integrity) ssri.stringify(parsed) // === integrity (works on non-Integrity objects) parsed.toString() // === integrity // Async stream functions ssri.checkStream(fs.createReadStream('./my-file'), integrity).then(...) ssri.fromStream(fs.createReadStream('./my-file')).then(sri => { sri.toString() === integrity }) fs.createReadStream('./my-file').pipe(ssri.createCheckerStream(sri)) // Sync data functions ssri.fromData(fs.readFileSync('./my-file')) // === parsed ssri.checkData(fs.readFileSync('./my-file'), integrity) // => 'sha512' ``` ### Features * Parses and stringifies SRI strings. * Generates SRI strings from raw data or Streams. * Strict standard compliance. * `?foo` metadata option support. * Multiple entries for the same algorithm. * Object-based integrity hash manipulation. * Small footprint: no dependencies, concise implementation. * Full test coverage. * Customizable algorithm picker. ### Contributing The ssri team enthusiastically welcomes contributions and project participation! There's a bunch of things you can do if you want to contribute! The [Contributor Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) has all the information you need for everything from reporting bugs to contributing entire new features. Please don't hesitate to jump in if you'd like to, or even ask us questions if something isn't clear. ### API #### `> ssri.parse(sri, [opts]) -> Integrity` Parses `sri` into an `Integrity` data structure. `sri` can be an integrity string, an `Hash`-like with `digest` and `algorithm` fields and an optional `options` field, or an `Integrity`-like object. The resulting object will be an `Integrity` instance that has this shape: ```javascript { 'sha1': [{algorithm: 'sha1', digest: 'deadbeef', options: []}], 'sha512': [ {algorithm: 'sha512', digest: 'c0ffee', options: []}, {algorithm: 'sha512', digest: 'bad1dea', options: ['foo']} ], } ``` If `opts.single` is truthy, a single `Hash` object will be returned. That is, a single object that looks like `{algorithm, digest, options}`, as opposed to a larger object with multiple of these. If `opts.strict` is truthy, the resulting object will be filtered such that it strictly follows the Subresource Integrity spec, throwing away any entries with any invalid components. This also means a restricted set of algorithms will be used -- the spec limits them to `sha256`, `sha384`, and `sha512`. Strict mode is recommended if the integrity strings are intended for use in browsers, or in other situations where strict adherence to the spec is needed. ##### Example ```javascript ssri.parse('sha512-9KhgCRIx/AmzC8xqYJTZRrnO8OW2Pxyl2DIMZSBOr0oDvtEFyht3xpp71j/r/pAe1DM+JI/A+line3jUBgzQ7A==?foo') // -> Integrity object ``` #### `> ssri.stringify(sri, [opts]) -> String` This function is identical to [`Integrity#toString()`](#integrity-to-string), except it can be used on _any_ object that [`parse`](#parse) can handle -- that is, a string, an `Hash`-like, or an `Integrity`-like. The `opts.sep` option defines the string to use when joining multiple entries together. To be spec-compliant, this _must_ be whitespace. The default is a single space (`' '`). If `opts.strict` is true, the integrity string will be created using strict parsing rules. See [`ssri.parse`](#parse). ##### Example ```javascript // Useful for cleaning up input SRI strings: ssri.stringify('\n\rsha512-foo\n\t\tsha384-bar') // -> 'sha512-foo sha384-bar' // Hash-like: only a single entry. ssri.stringify({ algorithm: 'sha512', digest:'9KhgCRIx/AmzC8xqYJTZRrnO8OW2Pxyl2DIMZSBOr0oDvtEFyht3xpp71j/r/pAe1DM+JI/A+line3jUBgzQ7A==', options: ['foo'] }) // -> // 'sha512-9KhgCRIx/AmzC8xqYJTZRrnO8OW2Pxyl2DIMZSBOr0oDvtEFyht3xpp71j/r/pAe1DM+JI/A+line3jUBgzQ7A==?foo' // Integrity-like: full multi-entry syntax. Similar to output of `ssri.parse` ssri.stringify({ 'sha512': [ { algorithm: 'sha512', digest:'9KhgCRIx/AmzC8xqYJTZRrnO8OW2Pxyl2DIMZSBOr0oDvtEFyht3xpp71j/r/pAe1DM+JI/A+line3jUBgzQ7A==', options: ['foo'] } ] }) // -> // 'sha512-9KhgCRIx/AmzC8xqYJTZRrnO8OW2Pxyl2DIMZSBOr0oDvtEFyht3xpp71j/r/pAe1DM+JI/A+line3jUBgzQ7A==?foo' ``` #### `> Integrity#concat(otherIntegrity, [opts]) -> Integrity` Concatenates an `Integrity` object with another IntegrityLike, or an integrity string. This is functionally equivalent to concatenating the string format of both integrity arguments, and calling [`ssri.parse`](#ssri-parse) on the new string. If `opts.strict` is true, the new `Integrity` will be created using strict parsing rules. See [`ssri.parse`](#parse). ##### Example ```javascript // This will combine the integrity checks for two different versions of // your index.js file so you can use a single integrity string and serve // either of these to clients, from a single `