var SmartBuffer = require('../lib/smart-buffer.js'); var assert = require('chai').assert; describe('Constructing a SmartBuffer', function () { describe('Constructing with an existing Buffer', function () { var buff = new Buffer([0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99]); var reader = new SmartBuffer(buff); it('should have the exact same internal Buffer when constructed with a Buffer', function () { assert.strictEqual(reader.buff, buff); }); it('should return a buffer with the same content', function () { assert.deepEqual(reader.toBuffer(), buff); }); }); describe('Constructing with an existing Buffer and setting the encoding', function () { var buff = new Buffer([0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99]); var reader = new SmartBuffer(buff, 'ascii'); it('should have the exact same internal Buffer', function () { assert.strictEqual(reader.buff, buff); }); it('should have the same encoding that was set', function () { assert.strictEqual(reader.encoding, 'ascii'); }); }); describe('Constructing with a specified size', function () { var size = 128; var reader = new SmartBuffer(size); it('should have an internal Buffer with the same length as the size defined in the constructor', function () { assert.strictEqual(reader.buff.length, size); }); }); describe('Constructing with a specified encoding', function () { var encoding = 'utf8'; it('should have an internal encoding with the encoding given to the constructor (1st argument)', function () { var reader = new SmartBuffer(encoding); assert.strictEqual(reader.encoding, encoding); }); it('should have an internal encoding with the encoding given to the constructor (2nd argument)', function () { var reader = new SmartBuffer(1024, encoding); assert.strictEqual(reader.encoding, encoding); }); }); describe('Constructing with invalid parameters', function () { it('should throw an exception when given an invalid number size', function () { assert.throws(function () { var reader = new SmartBuffer(-100); }, Error); }); it('should throw an exception when give a invalid encoding', function () { assert.throws(function () { var reader = new SmartBuffer('invalid'); }, Error); assert.throws(function () { var reader = new SmartBuffer(1024, 'invalid'); }, Error); }); it('should throw and exception when given an object that is not a Buffer', function () { assert.throws(function () { var reader = new SmartBuffer(null); }, TypeError); }); }); }); describe('Reading/Writing To/From SmartBuffer', function () { /** * Technically, if one of these works, they all should. But they're all here anyways. */ describe('Numeric Values', function () { var reader = new SmartBuffer(); reader.writeInt8(0x44); reader.writeUInt8(0xFF); reader.writeInt16BE(0x6699); reader.writeInt16LE(0x6699); reader.writeUInt16BE(0xFFDD); reader.writeUInt16LE(0xFFDD); reader.writeInt32BE(0x77889900); reader.writeInt32LE(0x77889900); reader.writeUInt32BE(0xFFDDCCBB); reader.writeUInt32LE(0xFFDDCCBB); reader.writeFloatBE(1.234); reader.writeFloatLE(1.234); reader.writeDoubleBE(1.234567890); reader.writeDoubleLE(1.234567890); it('should equal the correct values that were written above', function () { assert.strictEqual(reader.readInt8(), 0x44); assert.strictEqual(reader.readUInt8(), 0xFF); assert.strictEqual(reader.readInt16BE(), 0x6699); assert.strictEqual(reader.readInt16LE(), 0x6699); assert.strictEqual(reader.readUInt16BE(), 0xFFDD); assert.strictEqual(reader.readUInt16LE(), 0xFFDD); assert.strictEqual(reader.readInt32BE(), 0x77889900); assert.strictEqual(reader.readInt32LE(), 0x77889900); assert.strictEqual(reader.readUInt32BE(), 0xFFDDCCBB); assert.strictEqual(reader.readUInt32LE(), 0xFFDDCCBB); assert.closeTo(reader.readFloatBE(), 1.234, 0.001); assert.closeTo(reader.readFloatLE(), 1.234, 0.001); assert.closeTo(reader.readDoubleBE(), 1.234567890, 0.001); assert.closeTo(reader.readDoubleLE(), 1.234567890, 0.001); }); }); describe('Basic String Values', function () { var reader = new SmartBuffer(); reader.writeStringNT('hello'); reader.writeString('world'); reader.writeStringNT('✎✏✎✏✎✏'); it('should equal the correct strings that were written above', function () { assert.strictEqual(reader.readStringNT(), 'hello'); assert.strictEqual(reader.readString(5), 'world'); assert.strictEqual(reader.readStringNT(), '✎✏✎✏✎✏'); }); }); describe('Mixed Encoding Strings', function () { var reader = new SmartBuffer('ascii'); reader.writeStringNT('some ascii text'); reader.writeStringNT('ѕσмє υтƒ8 тєχт', 'utf8'); it('should equal the correct strings that were written above', function () { assert.strictEqual(reader.readStringNT(), 'some ascii text'); assert.strictEqual(reader.readStringNT('utf8'), 'ѕσмє υтƒ8 тєχт'); }); }); describe('Null/non-null terminating strings', function () { var reader = new SmartBuffer(); reader.writeString('hello\0test\0bleh'); it('should equal hello', function () { assert.strictEqual(reader.readStringNT(), 'hello'); }); it('should equal: test', function () { assert.strictEqual(reader.readString(4), 'test'); }); it('should have a length of zero', function () { assert.strictEqual(reader.readStringNT().length, 0); }); it('should equal: bleh', function () { assert.strictEqual(reader.readStringNT(), 'bleh'); }); }); describe('Reading string without specifying length', function () { var str = 'hello123'; var writer = new SmartBuffer(); writer.writeString(str); var reader = new SmartBuffer(writer.toBuffer()); assert.strictEqual(reader.readString(), str); }); describe('Write string as specific position', function () { var str = 'hello123'; var writer = new SmartBuffer(); writer.writeString(str, 10); var reader = new SmartBuffer(writer.toBuffer()); reader.skipTo(10); it('Should read the correct string from the original position it was written to.', function () { assert.strictEqual(reader.readString(), str); }); }); describe('Buffer Values', function () { describe('Writing buffer to position 0', function () { var buff = new SmartBuffer(); var frontBuff = new Buffer([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); buff.writeStringNT('hello'); buff.writeBuffer(frontBuff, 0); it('should write the buffer to the front of the smart buffer instance', function () { var readBuff = buff.readBuffer(frontBuff.length); assert.deepEqual(readBuff, frontBuff); }); }); describe('Writing null terminated buffer to position 0', function () { var buff = new SmartBuffer(); var frontBuff = new Buffer([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); buff.writeStringNT('hello'); buff.writeBufferNT(frontBuff, 0); console.log(buff); it('should write the buffer to the front of the smart buffer instance', function () { var readBuff = buff.readBufferNT(); console.log(readBuff); assert.deepEqual(readBuff, frontBuff); }); }); describe('Explicit lengths', function () { var buff = new Buffer([0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x16, 0x32, 0x64]); var reader = new SmartBuffer(); reader.writeBuffer(buff); it('should equal the buffer that was written above.', function () { assert.deepEqual(reader.readBuffer(7), buff); }); }); describe('Implicit lengths', function () { var buff = new Buffer([0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x16, 0x32, 0x64]); var reader = new SmartBuffer(); reader.writeBuffer(buff); it('should equal the buffer that was written above.', function () { assert.deepEqual(reader.readBuffer(), buff); }); }); describe('Null Terminated Buffer Reading', function () { var buff = new SmartBuffer(); buff.writeBuffer(new Buffer([0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03])); var read1 = buff.readBufferNT(); var read2 = buff.readBufferNT(); it('Should return a length of 4 for the four bytes before the first null in the buffer.', function () { assert.equal(read1.length, 4); }); it('Should return a length of 3 for the three bytes after the first null in the buffer after reading to end.', function () { assert.equal(read2.length, 3); }); }); describe('Null Terminated Buffer Writing', function () { var buff = new SmartBuffer(); buff.writeBufferNT(new Buffer([0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04])); var read1 = buff.readBufferNT(); it('Should read the correct null terminated buffer data.', function () { assert.equal(read1.length, 4); }); }) }); describe('Inserting values into specific positions', function () { var reader = new SmartBuffer(); reader.writeUInt16LE(0x0060); reader.writeStringNT('something'); reader.writeUInt32LE(8485934); reader.writeUInt16LE(6699); reader.writeStringNT('else'); reader.writeUInt16LE(reader.length - 2, 2); it('should equal the size of the remaining data in the buffer', function () { reader.readUInt16LE(); var size = reader.readUInt16LE(); assert.strictEqual(reader.remaining(), size); }); }); describe('Adding more data to the buffer than the internal buffer currently allows.', function () { it('Should automatically adjust internal buffer size when needed', function () { var writer = new SmartBuffer(); var largeBuff = new Buffer(10000); writer.writeBuffer(largeBuff); assert.strictEqual(writer.length, largeBuff.length); }); }); }); describe('Skipping around data', function () { var writer = new SmartBuffer(); writer.writeStringNT('hello'); writer.writeUInt16LE(6699); writer.writeStringNT('world!'); it('Should equal the UInt16 that was written above', function () { var reader = new SmartBuffer(writer.toBuffer()); reader.skip(6); assert.strictEqual(reader.readUInt16LE(), 6699); reader.skipTo(0); assert.strictEqual(reader.readStringNT(), 'hello'); reader.rewind(6); assert.strictEqual(reader.readStringNT(), 'hello'); }); it('Should throw an error when attempting to skip more bytes than actually exist.', function () { var reader = new SmartBuffer(writer.toBuffer()); assert.throws(function () { reader.skip(10000); }); }); it('Should throw an error when attempting to skip to a position that does not exist.', function () { var reader = new SmartBuffer(writer.toBuffer()); assert.throws(function () { reader.skipTo(10000); }); }); it('Should throw an error when attempting to rewind past the start of the buffer.', function () { var buff = new SmartBuffer(); assert.throws(function () { buff.rewind(10000); }); }); }); describe('Automatic internal buffer resizing', function () { var writer; it('Should not throw an error when adding data that is larger than current buffer size (internal resize algo fails)', function () { var str = 'String larger than one byte'; writer = new SmartBuffer(1); writer.writeString(str); assert.strictEqual(writer.buff.length, str.length); }); it('Should not throw an error when adding data that is larger than current buffer size (internal resize algo succeeds)', function () { writer = new SmartBuffer(100); var buff = new Buffer(105); writer.writeBuffer(buff); // Test internal array growth algo. assert.strictEqual(writer.buff.length, (100 * 3 / 2 + 1)); }); }); describe('Clearing the buffer', function () { var writer = new SmartBuffer(); writer.writeString('somedata'); it('Should contain some data.', function () { assert.notStrictEqual(writer.length, 0); }); it('Should contain zero data after being cleared.', function () { writer.clear(); assert.strictEqual(writer.length, 0); }); }); describe('Displaying the buffer as a string', function () { var buff = new Buffer([1, 2, 3, 4]); var sbuff = new SmartBuffer(buff); var str = buff.toString(); var str64 = buff.toString('base64'); it('Should return a valid string representing the internal buffer', function () { assert.strictEqual(str, sbuff.toString()); }); it('Should return a valid base64 string representing the internal buffer', function () { assert.strictEqual(str64, sbuff.toString('base64')); }); }); describe('Destroying the buffer', function () { var writer = new SmartBuffer(); writer.writeString('hello123'); writer.destroy(); it('Should have a length of zero when buffer is destroyed', function () { assert.strictEqual(0, writer.length); }); it('Should have no internal buff property when buffer is destroyed', function () { assert.notProperty(writer, 'buff'); }); });